Chapter 29 Iron Man's Gift
"Oh, this is the end, our dark life is finally coming to an end."

After cleaning up the organization thoroughly, Ethan also came out with a look of surprise, looking at his friend Tony Stark.

Although the battlefield-like scene here made Ethan a little sick, but after he was freed, he could barely endure this environment.

"Hahaha, yes! We survived, and after staying here in the dark for so long, we are finally going to be free."

Tony Stark responded with a smile, he no longer had the arrogance he used to, and spoke briskly.

After finishing speaking, Tony Stark looked at Qi Tian again, looking at his spotless appearance, he also showed a hint of envy.

Because after the battle just now, Tony Stark also knew that Qi Tian had special abilities, and being able to come here from a long distance also made him feel very moved.

"Tony, what's the matter, your eyes make me shudder. Don't tell me, you fell in love with a man during this time!"

Qi Tian looked at Tony Stark's eyes, and said to him jokingly.

"Fuck off, I fucking like women. And just now I was thinking, what should I give you? After all, you came all the way to save me."

Hearing Qi Tian's words, Tony Stark laughed and scolded with a tingling scalp, officially acknowledging him as a friend.

Send a Gift?
After understanding Tony Stark's words, Qi Tian's smile became more intense, and his eyes lit up even more. At the same time, he looked at the steel armor that he had taken off, and the meaning was self-evident.

"What, Qi, do you want this thing? If it's this, I can give it to you for free, as a souvenir of this operation, and I'm giving you another 3000 million US dollars."

Tony Stark seemed to have noticed Qi Tian's gaze, so he said indifferently, maybe in his opinion, this set of battle armor can only be regarded as a semi-successful product.

"Mr. Stark, wouldn't this be too good? The things you gave are too precious, and it might not be safe to hand over such valuable things to him."

Suddenly, just when Qi Tian was about to say yes, Hawkeye interrupted him.

After all, Hawkeye is not a fool, and he has seen the performance of the steel armor. If it is handed over to Qi Tian, ​​he is really afraid that it will be unsafe, so he still wants to try to persuade Tony Stark.

However, when he finished speaking, Tony Stark's face became ugly, and Qi Tian on one side also looked at him with some displeasure.

Speaking of which, Qi Tian came to Afghanistan not to find excitement, but to obtain valuable benefits. He was ready to accept Tony Stark's kindness, but he didn't expect to kill Cheng Yaojin halfway.

On the other hand, Rogers and Ethan, watching the atmosphere become solemn, also became a little strange. They didn't understand at all why Hawkeye stopped Tony Stark from giving things to Qi Tian.

"Sir over there, first of all, thank you for coming to rescue me. When I go back, I will naturally give it to you, and this Mr. Rogers will give you 2000 million dollars each."

"But don't worry about my affairs, I have the final say on whether they are precious or not."

Tony Stark looked at Hawkeye, and said with a blank expression, even a little dissatisfied in his eyes.

"All right!"

Hawkeye heard Tony Stark's words, and nodded with a sigh, not daring to say anything more. Since this playboy has already made up his mind, what he said seems to be useless.

"Thank you, Mr. Stark. Your gift is truly wonderful."

While Qi Tian was talking, he quickly disappeared the steel armor, and said to Stark with a look of surprise.

This time in Afghanistan, Qi Tian can be said to have gained a lot. Not only did he get the technology of the steel armor, but he also became good friends with Tony Stark, which can be said to be worth the money.

However, seeing Iron Man's armor, he thought that Osborne Industries seemed to be locked up as a super villain, no, or it would be more appropriate to call Rhino.

In addition, there is such technology as the green goblin suit, so in the future, Qi Tian doesn't mind upgrading his steel armor.

"Haha, as long as you like it. By the way, do you have a satellite phone, I want to contact Rhodes."

Tony Stark nodded with a smile, thought for a while, and asked him.

And Qi Tian's actions didn't disappoint him. When he finished speaking, a satellite phone suddenly appeared in his hand, and he handed it directly to Tony Stark.

After that, Tony didn't hesitate anymore, and called Colonel Rhodes' number.

"Hello, are you?"

After Colonel Rhodes connected the phone, he looked at the unfamiliar number, thinking that the person who kidnapped Tony was asking for a ransom, so he asked in a stiff tone.

"It's me, Tony, and I'm free. We've slaughtered the organization and you can send someone for us right away."

After hearing his good brother's voice again, Tony laughed and said with a relaxed tone.

"What? God, Tony, are you kidding me? How did you do it, I'm locking your location now, and I'll come to you right away."

Colonel Rhodes was stunned by Tony's words, and immediately ordered his subordinates to start to determine the location of Tony's satellite phone.

"Ok, I will wait for you."

Tony hung up the phone, and Qi Tian and Rogers smiled.

And Hawkeye looked at Tony's expression, and he was also relieved. Although Tony's attitude towards him was not very good, at least he had completed the task assigned to him by S.H.I.E.L.D.

In fact, Hawkeye was completely unexpected about being able to come to Afghanistan this time. He also knew that Captain America Rogers was brought back from the Arctic Ocean and woke up.

Afterwards, after confirming the mission this time, for the sake of safety, Nick Fury also sent Hawkeye to carry out the mission together. At least he also knew that Hawkeye did not hesitate to take action when facing the damned enemy, but it sure Compared with Rogers, it is a little worse.

"So when you get back to New York City, what are you going to do? Don't you think that when you come to Afghanistan to demonstrate new weapons this time, someone will leak it, otherwise how could it be such a coincidence."

When they were waiting to leave, Qi Tian looked at Tony meaningfully and said inducingly.

"You mean to say that someone leaked my information, and it was the top management of Stark Industries?"

After understanding what Qi Tian wanted to express, Tony also said with a big change on his face.

"Well, that's probably the case."

Qi Tian thought for a while, and said affirmatively.

(End of this chapter)

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