Chapter 189 Loki's Actions

In SHIELD headquarters, after the establishment of the Avengers, everyone basically recognized the identity of a superhero. Even Qi Tian reluctantly accepted it no matter how he didn't want to admit it.

However, he was just a name, and he didn't really want to join S.H.I.E.L.D. He just told Nick Fury that if it was dangerous, he could come and find him.

"Mr. Qi Tian, ​​Mr. Stark is doing an important research during this time, are you interested in going to see it?"

In the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, Coulson asked Qi Tian thoughtfully, apparently thinking about something else.

"Really? What is he doing? Can you tell me?"

Qi Tian glanced at Coulson in surprise, and asked thoughtfully.

"According to our investigation, Mr. Stark is finding out a legion of steel. Relying on his steel armor technology, he has revealed a large-scale troop. That is the legion of steel."

As Coulson spoke, he took out a tablet, adjusted it a few times, and then a picture of the Iron Legion appeared in front of them.

"My God, when did this happen? How did Tony think of this? Can you tell me why Tony? I think since you said that, you will definitely investigate. What's the reason?"

Qi Tian looked at Coulson, with deep doubts in his eyes. He felt that under normal circumstances, Iron Man would not make such preparations.

The only possibility is that he encountered some troubles, which made Iron Man learn from the pain and decided to create so many troops, otherwise he would not need so many Iron Armor troops.

In fact, Qi Tian guessed half right, because the Hydra organized an attack last time, Iron Man deeply realized that the strength of his weapon was still not enough.

After all, he can only deal with a few enemies alone at most, and he can't deal with a particularly large number of enemies. It is because of this consideration that Iron Man began to use his own technology to create his own troops.

"Tony, he has a premonition that something big will happen, so he is making active preparations. Even if our S.H.I.E.L.D. There is no way to stop it."

Coulson shook his head and said helplessly.

In the current situation, it is impossible for S.H.I.E.L.D. to manage everything, even Iron Man, a big businessman, he cannot manage, so even if the other party knows how to make weapons, as long as the purpose is to protect the earth, then they can open their eyes. Close one eye.

"Then it doesn't matter, as long as the starting point is good. By the way, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is handed over to you. How are you protecting it?"

Qi Tian looked at Coulson, thinking of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube he had given to S.H.I.E.L.D., and he didn't know whether it was good or bad to teach them.

Anyway, in his mind, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube should be controlled in his own hands and not handed over to others. As for whether S.H.I.E.L.D. can protect it well, he is not sure here.

Taking the earth as an example, SHIELD should be considered powerful, but it is not worth mentioning in the entire cosmic environment, and it is not even comparable to ordinary interstellar forces.

"It's okay, hand it over to S.H.I.E.L.D., you can rest assured that S.H.I.E.L.D. will be able to protect the Rubik's Cube."

Coulson said confidently, he didn't know that when he said this, Loki had transformed into an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and appeared directly in the storage area of ​​the Rubik's Cube.

At the same time, Loki disguised himself as an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. in a suit, experienced his own magic, but still made it impossible for others to notice anything, even if it was an iris, and any high-tech verification was completely useless.

"Finally I'm going to get the Rubik's Cube, just wait, my brother, you will be amazed by my efforts, I will make this world stick to my power of Loki."

Loki's eyes were full of excitement and he said that maybe in some respects, taking revenge on the earth is what he wants to do now, besides that.He didn't want to do anything else either.

At this time, he had already appeared outside the edge of the Rubik's Cube. Perhaps ordinary people could not detect the Rubik's Cube isolated by the technology of the earth. The isolation is completely useless.

Immediately afterwards, Loki opened the device without hesitation, and took out a Cosmic Rubik's Cube exuding blue energy fluctuations in a short while. At the moment when the Cosmic Rubik's Cube was used, there was also a feeling of nostalgia.

Because when he was young, he often used the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube to play with. With the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube, he can reach almost any place, and it does not rely on the help of the Rainbow Bridge. It is a very convenient tool. Now it is different. Thanos makes deals.

"Drip drip!"

At the moment when the Cosmic Rubik's Cube burst into light, the secret base of SHIELD also erupted with a violent siren. It may be that the detected energy level has exceeded the normal value.

"It seems that I have to leave, stupid people on earth, just wait, as long as my goal is achieved, I will definitely trample all of you under my feet and make you king."

Thinking of how many times he had been humiliated, Loki's face became extremely ugly. He felt that he would be the one who should live in such a state. If he hadn't helped his brother, he wouldn't have been able to become like that.

So after completely controlling the earth, she will definitely let Qi Tian guess under her feet and let him see what will happen to her if she offends her. This is also Loki's idea.

The next time, Loki didn't stop there, and planned to send out the power of the Rubik's Cube directly where it disappeared, which can be regarded as achieving his goal.

Of course, when the people from S.H.I.E.L.D. rushed over, they found the stolen Cosmic Rubik's Cube. They didn't know what to say. They said it was good and could protect the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, but they didn't expect it to be taken away by others. up.

Three hours after the theft of the Rubik's Cube, Qi Tian, ​​who heard the news, had an extremely wonderful expression on his face, but Coulson's face became extremely embarrassed.

After all, he was the one who swore just now that the people from S.H.I.E.L.D. One wish.

Compared with this, Qi Tian also felt a sense of crisis, because only Loki can do this kind of ability. Since he dares to do this, it must be something to look forward to. If there is contact, it may not be long. , the earth may cause a huge crisis.

(End of this chapter)

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