Chapter 15 The Stalker

After safely arriving near the parking lot, Qi Tian took military binoculars to investigate the number of zombies around him and the tactics he could use to deal with them.

Finally, under his calm analysis, Qi Tian also knew that there were too many zombies around, and it was impossible to go around, unless he rushed over, otherwise, it was impossible to go around a place where there were few zombies .

"The situation is very bad, we need to rush over, you must be careful. The most dangerous moment is coming soon."

After confirming their situation, Qi Tian gave them serious instructions, turned around and picked up the rifle, making final preparations.

Naturally, Li Zhe and Jiang Hao didn't say much, they just looked at Qi Tian's position, ready to cooperate with him to reach the parking lot at any time.

Then, Qi Tian glanced at the people behind him, and suddenly appeared from his hidden position, raised the rifle in his hand and pressed the trigger.

"Da da da!"

There was only a muffled sound of the assault rifle, and a dozen or so zombies were dealt with in a single round of bullets. Fortunately, the rifle was equipped with a silencer, otherwise the zombies would have been attracted.


After emptying all the bullets, Qi Tian immediately changed a magazine, and ran towards the parking lot without hesitation.

As if it was an order, when Qi Tian started to act, the three girls, Jiang Hao and Li Zhe followed closely behind Qi Tian, ​​and entered near the parking lot where a large number of zombies gathered.


As expected, Qi Tian hadn't run a few steps when the five zombies in front of him roared at him and bit him.

However, Qi Tian is not easy to provoke. When the zombies rushed over, he did not retreat but advanced. With a move of his mind, several superalloy throwing knives appeared suddenly and pierced through the heads of these zombies.

At the same time, the rifles in Qi Tian's hands continued to burst into flames, and even Jiang Hao and Li Zhe fired without hesitation. Relying on their superior firepower, it was like cutting wheat, tearing a hole in the area that was about to form an encirclement. .


Under the continuous running, everyone's physical strength was exhausted quite seriously, except for Qi Tian, ​​especially Jiang Hao and the three girls were panting violently, like a bellows.

However, they still persevered. No one had any plans to stop. At least they understood that if they stopped, they would die. So they tried their best to stay alive and started running.

With Qi Tian leading the way, they entered the parking lot smoothly. Li Zhe took out a bunch of keys the first time he arrived at the parking lot, opened the door of a gray van, and sat in the driver's seat. position.

The moment the car door opened, the three girls entered the back seat of the van first, while Jiang Hao and Qi Tian guarded the side, using the guns in their hands to block the attack of the zombies.

Of course, there were too many zombies, even if they were shooting, it only slightly blocked the zombies' progress.

Seeing that the zombies were getting closer, Li Zhe also started to reverse the car and drive the car in front of Qi Tian and Jiang Hao.

Suddenly, in front of a teaching building in the parking lot, the door on the first floor was suddenly opened. Five men and two women took advantage of the zombies being attracted by Qi Tian and the others, and got into two cars along the corner.

"Hehe, I didn't expect people to fish in troubled waters, there are always people!"

Looking at the few survivors who took the opportunity to run over, Qi Tian smashed a zombie flying with a rifle in his hand, and used telekinesis to create a barrier to prevent the zombies from coming.

"Huh! There is no way to do this, who made us so strong. If it weren't for this opportunity, staying here might be a dead end!"

Jiang Hao on the side, seeing that the zombies could not rush over, also panted heavily, and said with emotion.

"Yes, then don't worry about them."

Speaking of this, Qi Tian and Jiang Hao also took advantage of the gap when the zombies could not rush over, entered the van, and closed the door.

"Li Zhe, drive and leave from the front gate of the school!"

Beside the driver's seat, Qi Tian turned his head and ordered to Li Zhe, this is also their planned course of action.

"Hahaha, okay, long live we finally survived!"

After feeling that they could survive, Li Zhe yelled and his face was full of extreme excitement.

And the three girls, after hearing Li Zhe's words, also showed excited expressions on their faces, as if they agreed with this sentence.

With a sound of "hum!", the van dragged a long exhaust and headed towards the gate at the fastest speed.

Within 2 minutes, they appeared not far from the gate.

"Oops, the door is locked, what should we do?"

Li Zhe was driving the car, and when he found that the front was blocked, his expression changed and he asked Qi Tian.

"give it to me!"

Qi Tian nodded slightly to Li Zhe, signaling him to be calm.

Next, Qi Tian took out a shoulder-fired bazooka from the storage space without saying a word, rolled down the window, and faced the gate was a technological crystallization of Stark Industries!
Under the shining of the sun, the words "Stark Industries" on the bazooka were particularly dazzling.

After the gate was attacked by a rocket with a long tail flame, the entire gate was blown away by a distance of tens of meters, and the concrete floor was smashed into patterns like spider webs.

At this moment, seeing Qi Tian using the bazooka, everyone didn't feel strange. Anyway, in their view, Qi Tian is Doraemon, and it's not too strange to turn into a bazooka heavy machine gun or something.

Afterwards, when the gate was opened with a bazooka, the van fled aimlessly along the path near the school.

However, what made Qi Tian feel strange was that behind him a DaBenz and a BMW followed closely behind them, as if they didn't want to get out of their sight.

"Hey, Brother Tian, ​​those survivors who ran out just now seem to be following us."

Li Zhe drove for a while, and through the rear mirror, he found these two sneaky cars following them.

"Oh, leave them alone and drive your car. We don't need to take care of the rest for now."

Hearing Li Zhe's words, Qi Tian waved his hands and said expressionlessly.

"Okay, Brother Tian."

Li Zhe responded respectfully, obviously he already recognized Qi Tian as his boss in his heart.

In comparison, Qi Tian didn't object to Li Zhe's change of attitude. Anyway, in his opinion, it's better to be obedient, so as to save time and become the first person he abandons.

In fact, the survivors here, after being rescued by Qi Tian, ​​are vaguely headed by him. You must know that after the doomsday, they also want to find a strong existence in their hearts as their sustenance.

PS: The cataclysmic world plot is coming to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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