Chapter 121 Iron Man Arrives

The aviation battleship gradually rose into the sky, Captain America and Baron Zemo also launched a fierce contest, and almost no one wanted to admit defeat.

On Qi Tian's side, he also fought with the Winter Soldier, and he didn't have time to destroy the chip. Fortunately, his men were there, and holding his super soldiers, he still entered a battleship and destroyed all of them. a chip.

"Look, Captain America Rogers, you may fail in the end, there is no possibility of success! Now that the aviation battleship has been launched, no one can stop us, and the rise of Hydra is inevitable."

Baron Zemo showed madness after beating for a while, and said to Captain America with a sneer.

"Impossible, even if this is the case. The superheroes will definitely act, and there is still a chance now. It is impossible for me to obey your wishes and resist."

Captain America's expression didn't change at all, as if it had nothing to do with him.

You must know that Captain America is a powerful super soldier. If he doesn't have a righteous thought, he can't become Captain America, so the enemy's words can't resolve his fighting will at all.

"Really? Then it's really a pity. Soon you won't see the sun the next day."

Baron Zemo said with a crazy expression, maybe that's the case, the Captain America who doesn't know how to adapt has caused such a situation, so he hates Captain America quite a lot in his heart.

At the same time, when Captain America was in trouble, after Qi Tian had been fighting for a while, Iron Man also landed from the sky and rushed towards his position.

The two people who were fighting were also startled when they saw a figure falling down. They temporarily stopped their hands and retreated to the back, waiting for someone to come.

However, after discovering that it belonged to Iron Man, the smile on Qi Tian's face became more and more intense, and he looked at the Winter Soldier with a look full of complacency.

After waiting for so long, the helpers on their side finally came. It can be said that there are more superheroes on their side now.Trying to solve them is not without problems.

"It's terrible now, it seems that you have taken advantage of it."

The Winter Soldier frowned, and said dissatisfiedly, he didn't expect that even God was helping the superhero.

Qi Tian watched the Winter Soldier turn his head with a sneer, and introduced Iron Man.

"There is no Iron Man, you just came here, hurry up and teach this kid a lesson, he caused me a lot of trouble just now, he is also Hydra, an important figure in the organization, and is a friend of Captain America, catch him He will definitely be able to get a lot of information."

"Okay, no problem. I was very annoyed to avoid the missiles given to me by the Hydra organization just now. Now that I have an enemy, I really can't wait."

Iron Man thought for a while, and said very seriously, with a sign of anger appearing on his face.

"Very well, he is a suitable enemy. Don't worry, as long as you don't kill him, you can fight anyway? It doesn't matter if you use missiles or lasers."

Looking at the Iron Man in front of him, Qi Tian also encouraged and said, he doesn't mind Iron Man beating him into a pig's head, anyway, in his opinion, the Winter Soldier is worthy of this title.

"Then I'll help Captain America first, and I'll leave it to you. No matter what it looks like, just do what you should do. You don't have to worry about other things. If you have something to do, you can do it." There is the S.H.I.E.L.D. organization to carry it."

Qi Tian turned his head to take a look at Iron Man for the last time, and then used the power of teleportation to directly appear on the side of Captain America, participating in the battle.

And Iron Man stopped talking nonsense, the speed of the power armor on the manipulator was twice as fast as before, and he punched the Winter Soldier in front of him.

At this moment, the Winter Soldier did not flinch. With his amazing combat experience, he fought Iron Man, and his right arm is a metal arm, which can face Iron Man head-on.

Just like that, the two metal fists collided, and Iron Man took a step back, but none of the Winter Soldier did not back up, as if bearing such pressure was nothing.

"Sure enough, Winter Soldier. You are talented. No wonder Mr. Qi Tian pays so much attention to you. You really have strength."

After feeling the difficulty of the Winter Soldier, Iron Man said jokingly, not too surprised, anyway, he has seen Qi Tian's strength before.

"You too, Iron Man, I didn't expect your mass hair to be so good. I didn't hit you with a single punch, but I still have a chance. There is always a chance to beat your Iron Man."

The Winter Soldier looked at Iron Man with a cold face, and was stopped by the enemy again and again. This made the Winter Soldier quite annoyed, but now is not the time for him to think about this problem, only fighting is what he wants to do. What should be done now.

The next time, Iron Man didn't make sense anymore, he directly took the palm cannon in the palm of his hand, and bombarded the Winter Soldier wildly. For him, it was impossible not to attack, he didn't have so many concern.

After all, kindness to the enemy is cruelty to people on his side, so Iron Man knows this truth, so he will teach the Winter Soldier a hard lesson.

After a while, the vicinity of the Winter Soldier was bombed by missiles and turned into a potholed area. What was even more thrilling was that Iron Man directly used a high-energy laser to cut towards Winter Day, but only hit a few of his Just hair.

Faced with such a surprise scene, the Winter Soldier became more vigilant, so he just fought Iron Man carefully, not daring to go too far.

And after crushing and beating the Winter Soldier, Iron Man also took advantage of the victory to pursue, keeping the Winter Soldier from contact with other people, and keeping him firmly in the blue here.

Although, during this period, the fighters of the Hydra organization came here to help the Winter Soldier, but Iron Man will not show any hospitality. Anyone who gets close to them will be directly hit by Iron Man's palm cannon. flew elsewhere.

And when he teleported to the control room, he saw the battle between Captain America and Baron Zemo, so he didn't hesitate, but directly manipulated the high-voltage electricity and launched an attack on the enemy.

"Crack!" When he felt a bolt of lightning was about to fall, Baron Zemo avoided it in a thrilling manner. When he looked up, he saw Qi Tiansi looking at him with a half-smile and a playful expression.

(End of this chapter)

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