System farm space

Chapter 92 The Mouse Nest in the Wine Cellar

Chapter 92 The Mouse Nest in the Wine Cellar

An Li stared at the closed entrance for a while, and finally decided to go back to the wine cellar. She felt that there must be other entrances and exits.After all, for such a big restaurant, it seems unlikely that this one entrance and exit will be possible.

An Li stepped on the steps. This time, she lost the ease and joy she had when she came here, but her heart sank. She didn't know what she was going to face later.People are always afraid of the unknown.

Back in the wine cellar, An Li looked at the cabinets on the four walls and touched them one by one.I don't know what I touched, there was a click, and then four of the walls were reversed by 90°, and a hole appeared.

An Li put the knife in front of her chest for defense, then walked in step by step.

As soon as she walked into the room, Anli smelled decay mixed with the smell of wine and other unknown smells.All kinds of flavors mixed together, An Li almost made Xun breathless.After holding his nose and inhaling and exhaling for a while, he barely got used to the smell.

"Squeak~" A few mouse squeaks came from the corner of the wall, and then several black shadows flashed past the corner, and a few courageous mice stared at An Li with their green eyes.

Although An Li was not afraid of mice, it was a little nervous to have so many mice scurrying around.After all, people have heard of rat cannibalism.

An Li growled threateningly at the mice staring at her, and the black-haired mice ran away in a flash.

"I haven't entered a rat's nest, right? I saw dozens of rats in a short time. It's so scary." Anli murmured to himself to embolden himself.

The further you go inside, the dimmer the candlelight in the wine cellar outside, and finally the whole room becomes dark on one side, but An Li has no choice but to smear the blackness and continue to move forward because the escape route is blocked.

After his eyes adjusted to the darkness, Anli found that he was walking in a large space, probably a warehouse. Occasionally, he could see tattered linen bags.

Further forward, a faint light could be seen, and An Li walked towards the light source.

Standing at the glowing doorway, An Li couldn't open her eyes because of the sudden stimulation by the light. After she calmed down for a while, her scalp felt numb unconsciously when she looked at the group of rats with a clear division of labor in front of her.

I saw teams of mice transporting different things and stacking them around. In the middle of the open space, there was a fat mouse that was taller than An Li's two heads, lying on a chair with closed eyes and resting like a human.There are a few mice around to feed, pour wine, and patrol.

An Li hides in the shadows, feeling that the world has become mysterious.One rat this big, and so many anthropomorphic rats.

The system prompt sounded at the right time: meet the boss Black Rat King.Killing the boss rewards 50 experience points and 50 gold coins.

"How do you fight such a fat mouse? An Li counted, except for the boss in the middle, two servants at the back, and three patrolling. It means five soldiers and one boss." An Li squatted in the corner Studying the route of patrolling the minions, she must kill the minions before attacking the boss.

After observing almost, An Li trotted all the way to a small soldier on the edge.Fortunately, Xiaobing was not much different from her. An Li knocked Xiaobing down with one kick and then killed him with a single blow.

After she killed the first soldier, the rest of the mice reacted. The mouse boss squeaked angrily, and the remaining two patrolling soldiers ran towards An Li.The servant Xiaobing who served the boss stood in front, watching An Li's movements vigilantly.

The two soldiers held forks and knives as weapons in their hands. Don't look at them, they didn't seem to have any attack power, but An Li looked at the polished and gleaming points, and she didn't dare to try it herself.

A donkey rolled to avoid a blow, and a knife struck a soldier's leg, and after being hit, he stood up to avoid the attack from the other side.

The leg of the soldier hit by her was a little unstable due to the injury, and An Li took advantage of the fact that the other one didn't react and directly killed the crippled one.

In the end, it was easier to solve this, directly hitting hard, the knife was much stronger than the weapon it held in its hand, and it was solved in two strokes.

After the three little soldiers finished fighting, the boss jumped angrily, and then went out to deal with her himself.

First of all, the boss’s momentum is very strong!And because he was very fat and much taller than her, he looked like a hill.

An Li couldn't dodge in time, and was directly slammed into the wall by the boss's dash.An Li felt that her internal organs were about to be displaced!
Reluctantly getting up, the boss rushed again.This time, An Li dodged in time, but was hit on the head by an unknown object, and felt staring.

After the dizziness passed, An Li realized that it was the two servant mice who were throwing things at her. The things thrown hurt her, hindering her movement.

An Li had to avoid both the boss's attack and the servant's attack, and she was a little overwhelmed.An Li saw that this was not going to work, so she had to get rid of the servants first.

After dodging the boss's attack again, An Li took advantage of a servant to take something and ran towards it.

When the servant saw her running, he let out a scream, then turned his head and wanted to run.An Li pressed it to the ground and slashed at the neck.

After confirming that she was dead, An Li followed the same pattern to get rid of the other servant.In this way, only the boss is left as a bare-handed commander.

She has discovered in the past half a day that this boss can only dash and attack, and there is a rest period of nearly 1 minute after the dash, so that she can use this time to attack it.

It slashed at the boss one after another, and it yelled in pain, but because of its size and inflexibility, it always couldn't catch An Li.

After another dash, An Li stabbed it into its neck, and with a "boom", the boss fell to the ground.

The system prompts her to kill successfully, and rewards are issued.

Anli sat slumped on the ground and gasped. Although it didn't require any technical skills, it was still strenuous.She had to run around constantly to avoid attacks, and then attack the boss at the right time. Calculating time and running made her mentally and physically exhausted.

"Gudu Gudu" An Li drank a few sips of water to soothe his sore throat, then got up to look for the dropped things.

A full mouse skin and some gold coins, nothing else.

"It's so poor, I'm so tired... just give me such a little thing!" An Li muttered dissatisfiedly, and then stuffed the dropped things into her backpack.

As soon as the boss died, the group of rats that were still active just now all ran away, leaving only An Li standing in place looking at the bare yard.

"These little things run fast. Where is this in the backyard? It's strange, why did it run to the ground when it was underground?" An Li looked around, pulled off the rusty door lock and walked out go.

After An Li turned the restaurant upside down and found nothing, she continued to move forward unhappy.

 happy New Year! The first update in 2020~
(End of this chapter)

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