System farm space

Chapter 9 Do it yourself

Chapter 9 Do it yourself

An Li looked at the golden fish grilled in her hand, and the smell of honey mixed with the smell of fish came out of her nostrils.

I love grilled wings in honey sauce the most, but now there are no chicken wings, and the honey sauce is not a prepared honey sauce.But the ingredients are strong, and 80.00% of the taste is still made.

The honey becomes sticky under the fire. When you bite a piece of fish meat, the honey pulls a long strand. After chewing a few mouthfuls, the sweet aroma instantly fills the whole taste buds, and then the umami taste of the fish slowly follows the sweetness. spread out.

An Li was pleasantly surprised that her first attempt was so successful.Then the wind swept away and all the fish were done~
It's delicious. I feel a little tired after eating it. I took a sip of the egg and mushroom soup that was poured out to cool down.

The mushroom soup perfectly brought out the umami flavor of the mushrooms. The mushroom soup without any extra condiments brought out the unique freshness of the mushrooms, and with the garnish of egg drop, it was just right.

An Li drank the soup in small sips, filling all the gaps in her stomach, and put down the bamboo tube in satisfaction.

It was a hearty lunch.

An Li licked her lips, reminiscing about the deliciousness just now~ she was in a good mood to clean up the mess.

After eating and drinking enough, it was already afternoon, and it was too late to take a nap, An Li thought about chopping bamboo and weaving bamboo baskets.

Take out all the chopped bamboo, use a hatchet to split the bamboo into thin bamboo strips little by little, and then split the skin of the bamboo and keep it. This will make it softer and easier to weave bamboo baskets.

An Li placed the bamboo strips neatly on the ground, thinking of the bamboo baskets she had seen in her mind, pressing one by one, first weaving the bottom of the frame to fix it, and then weaving it up bit by bit.

For the first time, An Li weaved a slightly shallower bamboo basket.Looking at the formed bamboo basket in my hand, I tried it and it is still very strong, so there is a place to put some sundries.

But An Li's first thought was to catch birds!When I was young, my brothers went back to the countryside, made a bamboo basket, sprinkled a handful of millet, tied a rope to the stick, and set up the bamboo basket. When the sparrows went in to peck the rice, the sparrows would be trapped in the bamboo basket when they pulled the stick. basket.

"Maybe, I can also try. When the wheat is mature, I will harvest the wheat, separate the grains, and try to see if I can catch them."

The first one was compiled, and Anli felt it.Continue to weave bamboo baskets, big ones, small ones, tall ones and short ones.Practice makes perfect and the speed of weaving gradually increased. I wove several bamboo baskets in one afternoon, and the bamboo baskets came out.

Then put the vines through the bamboo baskets and bamboo baskets, and use them as straps and handles, and you're done.

An Li cut down the remaining bamboos section by section and made several bamboo cups.

In order to carry water conveniently, An Li thinned one end of the bamboo, then tore the vine in half from the middle, and tied the thinned end with the thin vine as a plug.I poured it into the water and tried it, it didn't leak at all, it was perfect!
Then tie vines on the bamboo tube and hang it on the shoulder, so you can drink water at any time.

After these things were done, the sun had already set.

"Another day has passed!" An Li sighed that a busy life would make time pass quickly.

Clean up the residues on the ground, put away the split bamboo pieces, maybe they will be used sometime, throw the remaining residues to the firewood pile, and use them as firewood in the future.Roasted duck with fruit wood has a special flavor, so will the food made of bamboo also have the fragrance of bamboo?

After drinking the leftover mushroom soup at noon and eating some sweet and sour mulberries, I didn't feel full.An Li boiled the eggs she picked up at noon again, and after eating two eggs, she felt completely full.

I smelled the smell of sweat from sweating on my body, and my clothes were dirty from hoeing and drilling into the woods.

"22, I don't have a change of clothes, can the system buy clothes?"

"The equipment and fashion system has not been opened yet."

Doesn't open yet mean no?An Li couldn't stand wearing dirty clothes like this, so let's go to the stream to take a bath and clothes.

The creek in the evening still has a little warmth from the sun, but the water in early spring is also very cold.An Li scrubbed the clothes clean first. There were no cleaning products such as washing powder. Scrubbing alone could only wash away some dirty things that were easy to clean. Things like grass juice were not easy to wash.

After washing, it looks like a painted face cat, one piece on the left and one piece on the right.Forget it, some clothes are fine, but no one looks at them here.

Put the washed clothes on the big rock that has been wiped aside, and then An Li jumped into the water to make do with scrubbing her body and didn't dare to stay for too long, it would be bad if she caught a cold.

After taking a cold shower, An Li's spirit improved a lot, and she walked home quickly with her washed clothes in her arms.

After returning home, I hung my clothes on the railing outside the house, then sat on the bed wrapped in a quilt and clicked on the information to view the information:

Farm: Anli Town

Farmer: Anli
Level: 2

Experience: 37 points

Exploration points: 37 points

Gold coins: 154


After reading the information, An Li rolled up the quilt and looked out from the window without glass. The starry sky here is beautiful and bright.In reality, it is rare to see such a starry scene.

"Hey, 22. Why did you choose me? Enter this game. As you said, I was chosen because my wish is more sincere.

But I think that this kind of thinking should not be limited to me. There are more than one billion people in the world, and your system number is only more than 2000 million. "

"Probably because you are lucky, so you were chosen."

"Ah~ I have been an African chieftain for a long time, and one day he suddenly told me that it was because I was lucky enough to be chosen to enter the game and become a farmer. Should I be happy? I don't think this is luck, it is like a disaster. Sleep When I wake up, I am in an unknown space, and I have to do everything by myself. It feels like survival on a deserted island!!" An Li replied a little irritable.

"There is nothing I can do about this. After all, I am just a newborn system, born for you. All of this is destined. Instead of complaining like this, you should think about how to make yourself live a better life, right?"

Well, An Li felt that she was convinced by 22.

"The bright moonlight in front of the bed is suspected to be frost on the ground. Look up at the bright moon and look down at your hometown. I think I now understand Li Bai's mood when he wrote this poem."

"The wheat will be harvested tomorrow. There will be new tasks after the tasks are completed... The novice tasks will not be too difficult, and there will be rewards after completing all the novice tasks."

"What reward?"

An Li perked up when he heard the reward.

"I can't say it for the time being. It's the limit of my authority to be able to say these things. You will know when the time comes."

"Okay, for the sake of your heart, I won't make things difficult for you. Go to sleep!"

An Li felt that this might be God giving her a chance to exercise.My personality is always because of relying on, so I don't have perseverance in many things, and I spend three days fishing and two days drying the net in everything I do.

Here, there is no shortcut other than relying on your own efforts, so come on, Sao Nian!

 Anli is about to start changing~
(End of this chapter)

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