System farm space

Chapter 86 Pearl

Chapter 86 Pearl
Standing by the sea, An Li took off her shoes and felt the sea wash against her feet, so she would not admit that she was actually a little excited.

Like a little girl, An Li stepped on the sea water, and then couldn't help running, causing a series of water ripples.

"Ah!" An Li, who was running and jumping excitedly, suddenly felt that her toes were pinched by something and it hurt so much.Sitting down on the ground and lifting her feet, a big crab is clamping An Li's toes with its big pincers.

"Hey, where did you come from? Shouldn't it be under some rock crevice or sand pile? Why are there still crabs in the good sea water?" An Li freed her toes from the crab's claws, and with one hand Carry the crab and throw it into the back basket.

"Such a big crab, just wait to be served on my table. It's just a male crab, and the female crab will have more roe."

After playing enough, An Li started to get serious.While walking on the beach, I picked up shellfish washed up by the sea, and when I saw stones, I would move them away to see if there were crabs in them.

After a while, the big and the small picked up eight or nine crabs and a lot of shells.

"The harvest is okay. I didn't bring the fishing rod. Next time I enter the dungeon, I must be fully equipped, so that I can fish." An Li felt a little regretful that she couldn't catch some sea fish.

Seeing that there were still 10 minutes left for the dungeon to end, Anli decided to hold his breath and go into the shallower water to see if he could find anything good.

Take off your clothes, take a deep breath, and then get into the water and open your eyes to see the world in the ocean.

There is nothing in the shallow water, and occasionally a shell with its mouth open from the bottom mud can be seen.An Li reluctantly came out to take a breath and continued walking to a deeper place.

Suddenly, a flash of light was seen in front of him.An Li instinctively felt that it was a good thing, and then used her immature swimming style to swim to the place where it just shone.

In the middle, she went out to take another breath, and An Li thought about whether she should exercise her lung capacity, which was too bad.

Looking at the light near, there is actually some distance.An Li's toes just reached the bottom in this area, which made An Li feel a little insecure.

After swimming close to the luminous point, An Li found a shell about the size of two palms.The shell opens and closes slightly as if it is breathing, and when it is opened wider, the sunlight will reflect light.

An Li thought to herself that there must be something good in the shell, then she picked up the shell with both hands and walked towards the shore.

The big shell sensed something approaching and immediately closed the two halves of the big shell to protect itself.

Holding the big shell and stepping on the slippery sea mud, Anli felt that walking was a bit troublesome.Try not to get yourself stuck in the mud, but also keep yourself from slipping.

Dragging her wet body ashore, An Li shivered when the wind blew.Although the sun was shining, it was still cold.But it didn't take long for the water on his body to evaporate, and it wasn't so cold under the sun.

An Li looked at the big shell, pried it open with a dagger, and was dazzled by the light inside.

The plump, round and colorful pearls made Anli unable to move her eyes away.

"One, two, three... Fifteen pearls in total, wow, what a great feeling." An Li looked at the glittering pearls under the sunlight. I can't help but look at the color.

There are five white ones, three purple ones, three pink ones, two golden ones, and one light pink one.

"It is said that golden pearls are very expensive, and I don't know if they are worth much here." An Li put all the pearls into her backpack, then closed the big shell, and then threw it far away into the sea.

She has already taken away the pearl that was conceived with great difficulty, and it would be too embarrassing to eat it again.Maybe it will give birth to a lot of pearls next time, hehehe!

Seeing that there were still a few minutes left, An Li picked up some shells on the beach and was sent out.

"Today can be considered a small gain. Use pearl powder to rub your face, whitening and skin care. Tomorrow, I will ask Aunt Lanhua if she can make face cream. Wash it and go to bed~"

An Li put the shells she picked up into the water, and the crabs were thrown into the basket, and they will be cleaned up tomorrow.


On the 9th of Xiayue, it was sunny.

The dawn was getting earlier and earlier, An Li woke up and looked at the bright outside, thinking that it was already eight or nine o'clock, but it was only seven o'clock.

After getting up and washing up, Luo Li was already feeding the chickens and herding the cows.

He warmed up yesterday's leftovers, cooked some porridge for breakfast, and left to work in the field with Luo.

The rice has been dried in the sun, and An Li and Luo Li transported the rice into the workshop for threshing, and then processed it into rice.

Anli put the rice into the machine step by step according to the instructions, and watched it automatically process into rice, thinking that this workshop is doing well, and how much work and money it has saved herself!

After letting them process it by themselves, Anli and the two went to pick up the potatoes and pile them into the workshop. The potato leaves were also piled up next to the sheep pen for feeding the sheep.Momoo looked at the two people carrying the potato leaves and came forward to take two bites curiously. Maybe he felt that the taste did not suit it. After two bites, he wandered back to eat pasture.

"Hey, this guy's mouth is getting more and more tricky. Hey, Luo Li. You found that the milk tastes a lot better without the nearest one." An Li looked at the leisurely Momo, and turned to ask Luo Li.

"No, milk doesn't all taste the same!" Luo Li scratched his head, expressing that it was all right.

An Li also wondered if there was something wrong with her taste buds, no matter what, the next time the wandering businessman comes, she must remember to buy some biscuits to increase intimacy.

Anli went back to the kitchen, tasted it and made yogurt, it was ready, packed the remaining 10 small clay pots, and then contacted Zhenzhi.

An Li: I really know if you are there, the yogurt is ready.Ready to trade at any time, waiting for your call.

After about three to five minutes, Zhenzhi sent a reply.

Zhenzhi: It’s all good so soon, then let’s make a deal.

An Li clicked on the transaction, put 50 yogurts on it, and Zhenzhi also paid 25 gold coins.

Zhenzhi: Alright, don’t forget about 7 days after the next trading time~
Anli: Well, good.I will hurry up and make yogurt in the next few days, so I won't delay things.

Zhenzhi: This clay pot looks much better than the bamboo tube. We are happy to cooperate!

Anli: Happy cooperation~
After finishing speaking, Anli closed the chat interface.She took out a few buckets of previous milk to make yogurt. She always felt that the milk in the past few days tasted much better. It was not cost-effective to use it to make yogurt and sell it to Zhenzhi. She had to use up the previous ones first, hehehe.

After the barrel was sealed, An Li took more than a dozen pearls and went to Miss Lanhua.

"Auntie, are you at home?" An Li called at the door.

"An Li, come in and sit down." Lady Lanhua's voice came from the room.

 Merry Christmas~ I didn’t cook food today, I’m a little unhappy

(End of this chapter)

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