System farm space

Chapter 81 Corn Leaf Artifacts

Chapter 81 Corn Leaf Artifacts

An Li soaked her whole body in the hot spring water, the tingling pain from the wounds on her arms and shoulders hit instantly, and the other small wounds did not feel pain anymore.

An Li gritted her teeth and took a deep breath, ignoring the pain of the wound being soaked in water, and passed it silently.After a while, after getting used to the tingling sensation, I don't feel much pain anymore.

An Li relaxed her body and allowed her whole body to float freely on the water. Of course, her hands were still holding onto the rocks on the shore, otherwise if she fell into it, she would have no place to cry as she was half a landlubber.

She felt the water flow gently brushing her body, and there was a slight itching sensation from the small scratches, which was the spring water repairing her wounds.

After running for more than half an hour, An Li crawled out of the water to wipe off the water stains on her body, looking at the herbal medicine that had been washed away because of being wet, it was a bit difficult to deal with.

"22, what should I do? What should I say if Luo Li asks me tomorrow?"

【 just say that you changed the medicine yourself, and you don't need him to change it for you. 】

"Are you kidding? How can I change it myself?" An Li stared at it speechlessly, not agreeing with its idea at all.

【if not?Did he find out that your injury has healed a lot?And then tell him about the hot spring? ] 22 rolled his eyes.

An Li was so blocked that she was speechless, as if that was the only way she could do it.

Getting under the covers, An Li turned over on the hard plank bed, thinking in her heart: I'm going to have to use the whole mattress underneath, it's too hard.

Open the information casually, check her experience, and wonder if she will soon be able to level up.

Farm: Anli Town

Farmer: Anli
Level: 11

Experience: 1375/3000 points

Exploration points: 80 points

Gold coins: 693

Pajamas set, without any bonus, just for viewing.Durability: ∞


"Ha~" An Li yawned lazily, "It's still too early to upgrade. Go to sleep, good night 22."

【Good night! 】

On the 8th of Xiayue, it was sunny.

An Li, who woke up refreshed, stretched her waist and started a bright day.

Because I wanted the whole mattress yesterday, I suddenly wondered if it is possible to use dried corn leaves to make a mattress. She vaguely remembered seeing a video somewhere, using corn leaves to weave them bit by bit like braids and then sew them Together, she wanted to try to see if she could succeed.

After getting up, I made breakfast first, and then called Luo Li to come over for dinner.It took a long time for Luo Li to come over slowly, yawning as he walked.

"Just woke up? Then I shouldn't have called you, let you sleep for a while, I was exhausted yesterday." An Li served breakfast and looked at Luo Li's sleepy eyes, "Go back to sleep after eating Let's go, there's nothing to do today."

"Don't sleep, Sister An Li, are you feeling better? I'll change your medicine later." Luo Li said vaguely while drinking the porridge from the bowl.After finishing speaking, I remembered something and put down the bowl and said excitedly: "By the way, Sister An Li, I just woke up and found that my wounds are almost healed. You say it's miraculous. It usually takes a day or two to heal."

"Uh, it's quite amazing." An Li rolled her eyes around with some guilty conscience, and then said, "Mine has also improved a lot, hehe, maybe, the water and soil here are fine. Hahaha~" With a dry smile Then he urged Luo Li to eat quickly.

Seeing that Luo Li obediently began to eat, An Li breathed a sigh of relief.Fortunately, this silly boy is easy to fool, otherwise he would break the casserole and ask her what to do.

An Li pushed Luo away to rest, but the boy was stubborn and refused to go.No way, An Li asked him to clean up the pots and pans. She went out and took back the dry corn leaves that had been piled up by the sheep pen for feeding, and picked out the ones that were still intact and ready to braid, oh no, make a mattress .

An Li took a handful of corn leaves, and after smoothing them out one by one, she made up a beginning, and then filled in the other corn leaves bit by bit.After Luo Li finished packing, he saw that An Li had to straighten the corn leaves when weaving the leaves, so he came over to help arrange the corn leaves so that An Li could concentrate on weaving.

After making up a long, long bed, An Li gestured at the size of the bed and folded it back and forth and found that it was not long enough. The corn leaves she brought back had been used up, so Luo Li volunteered to go out and bring back the corn leaves.Together with him, An Li carried all the leaves back and continued the weaving project.

An Li's hands were sore when she made it up, and she made another gesture and found that a little more was almost enough.It's almost noon now, so let's prepare lunch first.Luo Li squatted down and watched for a long time that he had learned almost everything, and then said, "Sister Anli, let me make it up. I figured it out after looking at it, and it's not difficult. I'll do it when you cook. Yes, hee hee."

"Well, then what shall we have for lunch?" Seeing that he was eager to get started, An Li didn't stop her, so she stood up and patted the dregs off her body and asked him.

"Anything is fine, Sister An Li, just watch and do it." Then she happily sat on the ground and started weaving leaves.

An Li shook her head, then went into the kitchen to look at the ingredients on hand.I picked fruits and some seasonings in the collection copy yesterday, and I didn’t pick any more after digging the rest of the time.The green leafy vegetables are only spinach and celery, stir-fry shrimp and celery, and then cool the spinach.

The problem is that one stir-fried dish is not enough to eat. An Li looked at the pig's head that she bought last time, and there are still some pork heads that can be eaten as pork chicken.It just so happened that the pheasant that Luoli had hunted a few days ago had already been packed, so he could just chop it into pieces and make it.

Just do it when you think of it, An Li told 22 to start the recipe making, and then prepared things.

Chop the chicken into pieces first, then blanch it with hot water to skim off the foam.Cut the pork into half-sized pieces and put them in the pan with the chicken.

After the meat is fried until it turns yellow, put the chopped green onion, ginger and garlic into the pot. If you don’t have star anise, you can ignore this, add peppercorns and small peppers, then pour in an appropriate amount of soy sauce and salt and stir fry evenly.

Finally, pour hot water to cover the meat. After the water is boiled, taste the sweetness and saltiness of the soup.The Pork Hook Chicken needs to be slightly stronger to be delicious.

When the water boiled, An Li removed some firewood and turned it to a low fire to simmer slowly.

At this time, I suddenly remembered that I forgot to put potatoes in. In fact, it would be more delicious with dried beans.However, there is no sign of beans now, so don't think about dried beans.

I went out to pick up two potatoes and came back, peeled off the skin and cut them into pieces and put them in the pot.After the water in the pot is dry, it can be out of the pot.

After the meat was stewed, An Li started to steam the steamed cakes.

Take out the noodles that have been fermented a few days ago, knead them and roll them into big cakes, and then roll them into small cakes with oil.Then uncover the pot cover and stick it on the pot wall, so you don't need to worry about it.

An Li clapped her hands, then went out to watch Luo Li making corn leaf mats.Originally, I thought about frying shrimp and celery again, but looking at the pot of meat, it was almost enough for two people, so I didn't do it again.

 The inspiration for making cushions from corn leaves comes from Ms. Li Ziqi.

  Her handwork is really good, I want to watch more of her videos, ahahaha~
(End of this chapter)

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