System farm space

Chapter 75 Mineral Dungeon

Chapter 75 Mineral Dungeon
An Li took out the iron ax and began to chop down the tree. She went down with all her strength, and only cut a not too deep mark.

"What kind of tree is this? It's so hard." An Li shook his numb hand, then continued to pick up the ax and start chopping down the tree.

It took twice as long to cut down this tree than ordinary trees. An Li put her hand on the tree to check the tree's information

Iron tree, a kind of hard tree.Because of the unique texture, furniture made of cycads is very popular.

"Very popular means valuable, but although this tree is not easy to cut, it is also very common. Why?" An Li was curious.

[The copy time is only 1 hour in total. The tools of low-level players will not be too high-level. They are basically iron axes like you. You can also see the tree-cutting speed. It takes about ten minutes to cut a tree and four trees are up. , and high-level players have their own high-level dungeons to enter, but iron trees only appear in the primary collection dungeons, so unless they are professional materials sellers, generally few people will have to work so hard to chop trees. 】

After listening to the analysis of 22, An Li expressed her understanding. This is a kind of tasteless material that everyone likes, but it is useless except for making furniture. Although the market is huge, no one is willing to waste time cutting trees. After all, time is precious. With this Time has its own more advanced materials to start with.

After cutting down a tree, Anli began to seize the time to collect other just-needed ingredients and materials.The more you walk in, the more desolate, Anli is a little puzzled, why is the middle of a forest that looks quite big is bare.

[Wow, An Li, you earned it!This is a minecraft copy!Entered this copy for the first time, good luck.The occurrence rate of mineral dungeons is very low, and many people may have only brushed a mineral dungeon once at a very high level. 】

"Because it can be mined?"

[Yes and no, the benefits of low-level mining here before the mine is opened, I don’t need to tell you, the main reason is that some ores have extremely low production rates in small town mines, and some ores can only be obtained in dungeons. You dug it, so you earned it. 】

"In this case, let's go, let's dig for the rest of the time! Anyway, we can collect other things at any time." An Li took out the pickaxe, found a place, and began to dig. up.

Most of what was dug out was stone, followed by iron ore and copper ore.In the middle, because the backpack was full, Anli couldn't bear to throw any of them away, and finally opened the three-compartment backpack, feeling very distressed.

[Anli Anli, come here quickly. ] 22 called An Li not far away.

"What are you doing? I'm digging hard. Go and play by yourself, don't make trouble." An Li took a break and said to 22.

【No, come quickly.I see some yellow stones here, maybe I can dig out gold. 】

"Gold is so easy to dig, it won't be so valuable. Alright, alright, here we come." An Li put the pickaxe in her backpack and climbed in the direction of 22.

"Does it need to be so high? How can I get down after a while?" An Li said unhappily when she climbed up.

[It will be sent out automatically when the time is up, what are you doing down there.There are still a few minutes, hurry up and see if there is anything good. 】22 flapped his little wings and said anxiously.

An Li gave 22 a health ball back and began digging resignedly. It was difficult for her to meet such a noisy and capricious system.

A burst of "dang, clang, clang" sound stopped abruptly when the system reminded that the backpack was full.

"Didn't I just buy three grids just now? Why are they full again?" An Li clicked to take a look, oh, there were a dozen silver mines, and a few gold mines were actually dug.There was also a black thing on the ground that An Li tried to fit into the backpack but couldn't fit it, it should be another kind of mine.

Enduring the bleeding heart, An Li opened another backpack, put the black bumps into the backpack, and opened it to see that it was coal.

An Li was a little dumbfounded, what is this.In the place where gold and silver mines were dug, coal was dug?An Li felt that the world was more magical.

[Why are you in a daze, time...] Before the 22nd chapter was finished, a white light flashed and the two came out of the dungeon.

22 The one who hated iron but could not make steel was talking non-stop, An Li pinched it in her hand and shook it to keep it quiet.

22, who was so dizzy, finally shut up, and then An Li said: "You have to be content, you have already dug up a lot of good things, maybe if I'm lucky, I can get into the mine dungeon. But today's harvest is quite good! "

With so many stones, An Li is going to make stone materials and pave the yard, and then pave a road between her house and Luo Li's house.I was thinking of buying some other blueprints, but when I ordered clay pots, I became poor and had to buy it next time.

Click on the stone production and see the stone and wood that have been made. I remember that her workshop has not been built yet. Take out the finished stone and wood, then continue to make 20 stones, and go out to find a suitable place to build a workshop.

The main function of the workshop is to process rice and noodles, so it should be closer to the field, so that it is more convenient to pull wheat and other things to the workshop.

At this moment, Luo Li came out of the house with a fishing rod to go fishing, and saw An Li walking up and down the field path as if observing something.

"Sister An Li, what are you doing?" Luo Li approached curiously and asked.

"Ah, I want to build a workshop, and I'm investigating where to build the workshop." An Li replied.

"Oh, it can be built on the edge of the forest, and it won't affect the land or the beauty. Isn't it interesting to see a small house when you come out of the forest?" Luo Li came up with an idea.

"Well... what you said makes sense. Let's keep it here. When it doesn't look good, we can just move it to another place, but it will cost gold coins." An Li finally decided on the place, clicked on the construction workshop and started construction.

It will take two days to complete the construction. I wanted to dig out all the potatoes today, but the sun is already westward, so I can only do it tomorrow.

"What do you want to eat tonight?" An Li turned her head and asked Luo Li.

"Sister Anli, I'll do it, teach me what you want to eat, and I'll do it! You haven't healed yet, so don't work too hard." Luo Li looked over worriedly.

"It's okay, you sister An Li, I'm strong enough to kill a cow now! I'm not so delicate, just tell me what you want to eat, and I'll make something delicious for you while I'm happy."

"Whatever, I can eat anything." Luo Li saw An Li waving her small fists, expressing that she was strong, and finished speaking in embarrassment, greeted An Li and went fishing.

22 laughed at the side for a long time, saying that she is so painful that she is dying, but she is so strong that she can kill a cow.

"This is called a white lie, you don't understand. What should I eat for dinner? Let's stew chicken with mushrooms. The meat of the chicken is tender, nourishing and delicious." I grabbed a half-sized chicken from the chicken ring. The pheasant came out, cleaned up the chicken feathers, and went back to the kitchen to prepare the stew.

 It is so difficult to save manuscripts, it is too difficult to save manuscripts!

(End of this chapter)

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