Chapter 72

An Li took a few deep breaths to calm down, then stood up and adjusted to the pain on his body. Then he stood arrogantly on the edge of the cave, but he was still a long way away and shouted: "You damn thing." Big snake, I provoked you again. When I saw you, I was about to turn around and leave. You still attacked me, which is simply unforgivable."

The big snake tilted its head and seemed to be judging what An Li was talking about, and then An Li started yelling to confuse the big snake. After talking for a long time, it was obvious that the big snake was a little impatient with what she, a little bug, was doing, and then Threatening Anli with bared teeth.

An Li smiled disdainfully: "I know you don't dare to come in. Why are you showing your teeth to me? If you can, come in and bite me!"

The big snake was a little annoyed for a moment after hearing this, and then rushed towards Anli.Seeing the effect, An Li tightened the knife a little nervously. The space in the cave is much smaller than the outside, and the big snake will be restricted in its movement, and she may pierce the knife seven inches while it is inconvenient. Just kill it.

Seeing that the big snake was about to rush over, An Li rolled sideways to avoid the attack, and then stood up quickly.Taking advantage of the moment the big snake turned around, its body exploded with unprecedented speed, and stabbed the knife into the snake's seven inches marked by 22.

The handle of the small knife sank directly, only to hear the big snake's screaming, and then kept shaking its body.Due to the collision of the big snake, some small pieces of the surrounding luminous stones fell off.

An Li hid in a position away from the big snake, watching the big snake struggle non-stop, then the movement became slower and slower, and finally stopped slowly and remained motionless.

An Li waited patiently for five or six minutes, and after making sure that the snake would not move again, she breathed a sigh of relief, and limped towards the big snake.

An Li first pulled out her knife from seven inches away, and a stream of smelly blood spurted out all over her body.An Li shook her hand in disgust, put away the knife, and then began to look at the snake that had caused her so much suffering.

The snake was black all over, and its scales shone in the glowing stone.An Li touched the scales with her hands, and they felt quite hard. She scratched them with gravel, leaving only a light white mark.

"The scales are very strong. It seems that the knife is very sharp. I just used all my strength to stab the knife in." An Li took out the knife again and tried it on the snake.

With ordinary hand strength, it is just a slight scratch on the scales, and it is not easy to penetrate.

"It seems that I have used all my breastfeeding energy." An Li sighed, there must be good luck in surviving a catastrophe, and maybe there will be some benefits this time.

An Li touched the big snake to see if he could see what kind of snake it was. He didn't even show his name when he saw it.

Black Wind Snake: Level 12, a mini-boss in Black Wind Forest.Living in a deep cave, I like fluorescent stone the most, it has a great tonic effect.

"Boss? Is this a dungeon?" An Li was a little confused.

Then pick up the luminous stone that fell from the ground due to the collision of the big snake,

Fluorescent Stone: Exuding white light, it is a kind of ore needed to make weapons. It can only be encountered in the deep mountains. It is one of the favorite ores of the Black Wind Snake, which can increase the strength of the Black Wind Snake.

"So, I killed a boss in a wrong way, and got a small fluorescent stone mine?" An Li muttered.

Then An Li thought, since it was a dungeon and the boss was beaten, there must be items falling.

An Li searched the Black Wind Snake for a long time but couldn't find anything, but 22 sharp eyes said there was something under the snake.

An Li thought for a while, and put the boss' body into the backpack first.After putting it into the backpack, the snake corpse was automatically replaced with various parts, such as snake skin, snake gall, snake meat and so on.

When the despised corpse on the ground was gone, An Li saw the fallen objects lying underneath.

An Li picked them up one by one to check:
Snake Bracelet: Black Wind Snake boss drop, copper quality, increase 3 points of stamina, 3 points of stamina.

Snake Boots: Black Wind Snake boss drop, copper quality, increase physical strength by 3 points, stamina by 3 points, and movement speed by 1 point.

Snake Tooth Dagger: Black Wind Snake boss drop, copper quality, increase attack by 3 points, has a 1% chance of triggering poison damage.

"Huh? It's actually a set? But it's copper quality. I already have a silver quality knife, and this dagger is useless." An Li was a little unhappy, these things didn't appeal to her at all.

Look at the rest, an egg, and some messy materials.What made An Li the happiest was that there were still 100 gold coins, so she didn't almost die anyway.

After looking at all the dropped items, Anli started to pick up the fluorescent stones on the ground. These are all good things. Judging from this introduction, the drop rate may not be very high.

There were more than 20 fluorescent stones on the ground. Anli looked at the other fluorescent stones in the cave and knocked them with a knife, but nothing came off. It seemed that he needed a pickaxe.

An Li stared at these fluorescent stones greedily, she was almost sad to death.Because the mine can only be opened at level 24, Anli feels that it is useless to make a stone pickaxe, so after finishing the task every day, she puts the pickaxe in the corner where tools are placed, because it takes up too much space, Anli usually does not carry it with.As a result, looking at these fluorescent stones is now dumbfounded.

"Hey, I don't know if there will be more coming in in the future." An Li glanced at it reluctantly, and then walked towards the exit.

When I came in, I was terrified, and when I went out, I was bruised all over, and the joy of getting something good just now was overwhelmed by pain.

"It's really a disaster without any preparation. I got me into the dungeon without any preparation. 22, I'm going to strongly criticize the main system. What's the situation? I have encountered such a bad thing every two days." An Li Said fiercely.

[Ah~ I have uploaded this situation to the main system, waiting for feedback. 】

"Waiting for feedback again. Last time I was waiting for feedback, I was almost beaten to death by a bear. This time, I was almost bitten to death by a snake. What kind of fate do I have!" An Li cried hypocritically.

It took a lot less time to go out than to come in. An Li stood at the entrance of the cave and looked at the dim light outside. An Li let out a long breath and came out alive.

There was a teleportation formation at the position where she stood when she came in. An Li was a little nervous when she saw the teleportation formation, afraid of being teleported to some strange place again.

[Oh, if bugs appear so easily, then you are really... too memorized. 】

An Li rolled her eyes, she felt that she was in a state of depravity now, more than just turning her back.

Standing on the teleportation array, after a burst of dizziness, An Li stood silently in front of the wishing well.So, what went wrong?
 I'm not very good at fighting or something, just wait and see
(End of this chapter)

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