System farm space

Chapter 7 Let's go!Find ingredients!

Chapter 7 Let's go!Find ingredients!
Spring January 1th, sunny

An Li was awakened by a scent of hunger.

A burst of fragrance wafted in from outside the room, and her stomach was rumbling uncontrollably. An Li, who wanted to continue sleeping with her head covered, couldn't get up, so she straightened her messy hair and went outside the room.

The sky outside the house was only dimly lit. Looking at the time, it was only a little past five o'clock.

"It's so early, ah, no wonder I still want to sleep." Rubbing her sleepy eyes, An Li walked towards the source of the fragrance.

Standing in the stone pot fat, the fish soup that has not been filled yesterday is half less than yesterday.The fish soup is more intense and white in color.

An Li lightly touched the soup with her finger, the temperature was just right, not hot.Take the bowl, use the bowl to scoop it into the pot, and a bowl of soup is ready.

An Li picked up the bowl and took a sip. It tasted very fresh, that kind of pure fish flavor without any other seasoning.It is delicious because it is pure.

Anli drank two bowls and drank up all the soup.The feeling of being hungry when I woke up early in the morning also dissipated due to the heat in my stomach.

After eating and drinking enough, I washed all the pots and bowls, and added another pot of water to boil for later use.

Plan what to do today. First, repair the house, then water the wheat field, and then explore the forest.

"OK, today's itinerary is finalized!"

First, go into the hut and take out the plank from the system backpack.

22 said that 10 planks are needed to repair the floor. Lay the planks neatly along the grain of other intact floors, and then use stones to knock out the raised parts, so that the floor is repaired.

Gradually, a red glow appeared in the east, and then the area of ​​the red glow became larger and redder.

It means another sunny day today.

Looking at the morning glow in the sky, An Li thought of a line of poetry: Sunrise Fusang is ten feet high, and everything in the world is as fine as a hair.

It's another busy day~
In order to get to level 50 as soon as possible and return to the real world, An Li is very motivated.

Stuffing some more firewood into the stove, An Li hoeed a small piece of land near the fence that he had marked out, and planted bitter vegetables with roots into the ground.

At this time, the sky was already bright, and sunlight penetrated through the leaves in the forest, and a ray of light was faintly visible in the forest.

If it weren't for the dark forest, Anli's psychological pressure would be gone. She took the kettle to the stream to fetch water, and then watered the wheat field again.

Looking at the germinated wheat, An Li asked 22: "22, how long did it take for the wheat to mature?"

"3 days to mature."

Today is the second day, it has already sprouted, and it will be ready to harvest tomorrow?
Well, this is a game after all, and the crops in the game may be different from reality.

After An Li finished pouring the water, she went to the creek to fill up the kettle, and wiped off the sweat from watering back and forth, fetching water, pouring water, fetching water again.

It's not an option to run around like this all the time. I have to find a way to build a reservoir, and running back and forth like this is too tiring.

The only tool in my hand now is a hoe, not a shovel. Digging is a problem. I won't consider it for now, pass.

After pouring the water, the water in the pot has already boiled.Blanch the leaves of bitter cabbage in water and put them on the platform outside the hut to dry.

It is easy to store after drying, and then soak it in water when you want to eat it, and you can eat it after soaking, which is the same as dried mushrooms.

After tidying up the hut, Anli started to pack the tools.Put the hoe and sickle beside the woodpile, you won't need them to find things.

Then put the small box of salt on the bedside table in the hut, which is an important item.

Take the hatchet, kettle and stone bowl and put them in your backpack, then set off along the creek and continue to go deep!Hope to get something out of it today!
"I was walking alone on the small road in the suburbs, and I brought the pastries to my grandma~"

An Li hummed to herself along the way, seeing the bitter vegetables poached away.After walking for about ten minutes, I saw a mulberry tree with purple and black mulberries on it.

An Li picked one and tasted it, it was so sweet~
An Li couldn't help being overjoyed when she found a new fruit, she picked a lot and put it in her backpack.

22's system prompt sounded at the right time: "Find the wild mulberry tree, reward 5 points of experience, 5 points of exploration points"

"Why is this experience so high?"

"Mulberry is a tree, and its future use value is much higher than that of wild vegetables."

"Is this based on value? That makes sense."

An Li said she understood, and started looking for silkworms everywhere. Don’t silkworms eat mulberry leaves? There might be one. After searching for a long time, they couldn’t find any silkworms. They found a damaged beehive. I don’t know if there would be honey in it.

An Li leaned over, poked it with a branch, and after making sure that no bees came out, she took off the hive and opened it to see that there was still honey in it, but not much.

As soon as An Li happily put it into the backpack, the notification sound came: "Find the wild and incomplete beehive, reward 3 points of experience, and 3 points of exploration points."

Today is really a lucky day. First I found mulberries, and now I picked up honey, and then I walked in. Will there be bamboo or red willow that I need?


Behind a small bush, Anli came out of it in a disheveled manner.The deeper you go, the narrower you walk, and there is no road at the end.An Li could only walk and figure out a way by herself.

"Bah bah..." An Li slapped the leaves and dust off her body, while thinking about the broken forest.

After sorting myself out, I began to look at the vacuum that appeared——

This is a small lake with a small area. Some small animals drink and play by the lake.

There is a bamboo forest on the opposite side of the lake. The bamboo leaves sway slowly under the breeze, making the sound of "thirty".

Give me a pillow when I'm sleepy, whatever you want.An Li felt that today was really her lucky day, and she found it when she needed it most.

"Discover the bamboo forest, reward experience 10 points, explore points 10 points."

An Li didn't care what the system prompted, and ran to the bamboo forest excitedly, and the small animals around were scared and fled.

An Li equipped the hatchet and worked hard to chop the bamboo.Today it is obvious that I have better physical strength than yesterday, and my strength is also greater. I am chopping bamboo and swinging the hatchet with great power.

The role of bamboo is too great, and it can be programmed into bamboo baskets and bamboo baskets by splitting into thin strips.Each section of bamboo can be directly used as a water cup.When I have rice in the future, I can also steam it. One year I traveled to Yun Province, and the rice in bamboo tubes was especially delicious.

I cut a dozen or so bamboos, which should be enough for the time being.Putting everything into the backpack, watching the small animals gradually coming back by the lake, An Li wondered if she should make a bow and arrow or a slingshot or something for hunting?Occasionally, you can change the taste, but this skill does not get, and the accuracy may be mediocre.

Ignoring the greedy little animals, An Li looked for fungi in the woods around the lake.The air around the lake is very humid. Generally, mushrooms like this environment. In addition, the tall trees in the forest will cover most of the sunlight, which is suitable for the growth of fungi.

Walking inside, I can clearly feel the increase in humidity in the air, and the humidity is obvious.An Li, who grew up in the north, is more sensitive to moisture.

There are some rotting woods next to the bushes, and mushrooms like the humus layer, so there is a high possibility of mushrooms.

An Li approached and found a large piece of mushrooms.The dewdrops on the mushrooms emit a crystal-like brilliance under the refraction of the sun.

"Find the growth point of wild mushrooms, reward 3 points of experience, and 3 points of exploration points."

(End of this chapter)

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