System farm space

Chapter 65 Hunting

Chapter 65 Hunting
On the 3th day of the summer month, it is cloudy.

"Knock knock knock" A crisp knock on the door sounded in this quiet early morning.

An Li came out of the kitchen and left the door for Luo, and said hello with a smile: "Good morning, how was your rest last night?"

"Well, after sleeping until now, I feel refreshed and full of strength, what do I need to do?" Luo Li waved his fist to show that he was full of energy.

"I made corn porridge, and I can have breakfast with a few pancakes. If you have nothing to do, help me get some water. The water in the tank is almost used up." An Li told Luo Luo while making egg paste. Li said.

"Okay, no problem." After saying that, Luo Li went out to fetch water with a bucket.

When Luo Li filled the water tank with water, An Li had already made breakfast and greeted Luo Li for dinner.

The light yellow pancakes are mixed with green scallions, and the golden and soft polenta exudes a hint of heat.

An Li suddenly felt that it was good to have a meal with someone, and she was no longer alone.My own life also has a little smoke and fire.

Seeing Luo Li devouring his meal, An Li also felt like she could eat a cow, so she started eating.I thought silently in my heart: the people who accompany me to eat don't care about details, this feeling is so comfortable.

After breakfast, Anli bought another set of hoeing tools from the mall, and went out to harvest wheat and other crops with Luo Li. This time there was help, and Anli's workload was immediately reduced.Moreover, when Luo Li, a young man and a half, was full of strength, he could work with nimble hands and feet, even faster than when she was harvesting alone.

After harvesting the wheat, Anli handed Luo Li a bamboo tube. This was the first bamboo tube she made to hold things in. Later, the equipment became more and more complete and the bamboo tube was left idle.I felt that it would have other uses. I didn't want to throw it away at the time, so it came in handy now.

After Luo Li finished drinking the water, Anli greeted him and prepared to catch a rabbit to eat dried rabbit meat for lunch.Luo Li got excited when he heard that she was going to hunt rabbits. "Take me, take me! Hunting is my hometown skill. I'll go back and get something later." After saying that, he ran away.

After a while, Luo Li came back with an arrow basket and bow and arrows on his back.An Li looked at Luo Li's equipment. She wanted to practice the slingshot at the beginning, but she couldn't spare the time and gave up.

"Why didn't I see you carrying these things yesterday?" An Li was amazed. When she saw Luo Li yesterday, she had nothing in her hands, but she took out all these things today.

"Hey, I put everything in my pocket." Luo Li patted his head and returned with a smirk.

An Li was even more surprised, what kind of pocket is this that can hold things without seeing it.At this time, 22 whispered in her ear that of course the main system has its own effects, and even if you ask him, he can't explain it clearly.An Li nodded suddenly, and then the two walked into the forest together.

There were more rabbits near the lake, so Anli took Luo Li directly to the lake.A few rabbits happened to be eating grass with their ears pricked up, listening to the noise. Luo Li took off his bow and arrow, drew an arrow, put it on the bowstring, drew it to full length, took aim, and shot an arrow right on the target.

An Li was shocked from ear to ear by this series of actions. The moment Luo Li picked up the bow and arrow, it felt like a different person. The original silly boyish demeanor instantly became serious and serious.

Luo Li walked over and picked up the rabbit, which was still twitching slightly, and said dissatisfied: "Originally I aimed at the head, but it hit the body accidentally. I haven't practiced for a long time and I'm so rusty."

An Li also leaned over and exclaimed: "You are so powerful, if I want to catch it, I can only use a stupid way to sit on the sidelines."

At this moment, Luo Li became a sunny boy again. He put the rabbit into An Li's basket and continued to look for the target.

After shooting two arrows in a row, Luo Li may have found the feeling, and they all hit the head, killing him with one blow.Luo Li was very satisfied with his aim this time, and there was no further deviation.

An Li saw that he had hunted three rabbits so casually, she pondered for a moment and asked: "Luo Li, can you hit the rabbits but not let them die? I think it is possible to shoot some living rabbits back In terms of breeding, I only have four rabbits, big and small, and sometimes I am reluctant to eat them if I want to improve the food."

"Well, it's okay. I'll try it with a slingshot. If I use a bow and arrow, I won't die or get injured. If I use it to raise my wounds, it will be too troublesome." Luo Li thought for a while before answering, and then took out a small one from his pocket. slingshot.

This slingshot seems to be made of the same material as bows and arrows. It is tied with the sinews of an unknown animal and is very flexible.

Luo Li pulled it twice casually to test the feeling, then picked up a small stone and aimed at the birds on the branch and shot it, some of them missed, and a few birds were startled by the sudden stone and flew away.

After trying several times to shoot down a few birds, I started hunting rabbits.The rabbits that were still grazing around them all fled because of these two uninvited guests, so the two of them had no choice but to walk deeper into the forest.

The rabbit hole where An Li used to catch rabbits has been abandoned. Maybe after catching those two little rabbits last time, she sensed the danger and moved.Keeping walking inside, Luo Li looked around for traces of prey, while Anli stopped and rummaged through the grass to look for any plants that could be eaten or transplanted.

An Li, who was concentrating on searching, suddenly felt a pain in her ankle, and couldn't help but scream.Luo Li turned around and asked her what was wrong.

"It seems to be bitten by something, and my ankle hurts." An Li squatted down to check her ankle.

Luo Li also turned around and saw that An Li's ankle was slightly swollen, and then a blue shadow flashed past An Li's side.Luo Li's eyes were sharp and he quickly grabbed Qingying, and he saw that it was a small green snake.

Knocking the green snake unconscious with his other hand, Luo Li breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Fortunately, it's just an ordinary vegetable snake, it's not poisonous. Maybe you just pushed away the grass and scared it, so it bit you."

Afterwards, Luo Li got up and looked around, found a green weed, crushed it and applied it to An Li's ankle.

"This is a kind of herbal medicine for reducing swelling and relieving pain. It looks like weeds, but it is very effective. Let's continue walking after the swelling subsides. How about we rest here for a while?" Luo Li asked An Li.

"Well, compared to you, I really don't have any experience in wild survival. I don't even know how I came and went from the forest safely and freely before. It's just so lucky that I didn't encounter anything." An Li looked helpless.

Luo Li cleared an open space around, then picked up some dry branches, took out a flint and lit a fire.His nose twitched and he sniffed, then he walked in one direction with a rabbit he had just beaten.An Li guessed that he was going to deal with the rabbit, and shouted later: "Keep the rabbit skin, don't throw it away."

"22, why are you so quiet today? And I found that Luo Li doesn't seem to be able to see you." An Li kneaded 22 and asked it.

22 Struggling to get out of An Li's clutches, An Li grabbed it back casually, and it gave up struggling after a few times.

[I told you that I am not a formal entity right now, so other than you as the master, no one else can see me for the time being, and I will be able to see it when I have a complete entity. 】

After saying that, he once again broke away from Anli's clutches and flew a little farther away, so that Anli could not catch him. He continued, "You are always accompanied by someone. When I talk to you, I go directly to your brain. You answer my question." If you need to talk, Luo Li will think you are crazy. 】

An Li gave 22 a blank look, indicating that it couldn't speak at all, then glanced at Luo Li's figure approaching from a distance, poked 22 again and stopped talking.

 Update, last night I spent a two-person world with my husband and didn't have time to update it. I will update it today. I will make up for yesterday when I have time tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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