Chapter 41
There was still boiled corn last night, An Li peeled off all the corn kernels, and made scrambled eggs with corn kernels later.Yesterday's fermented noodles were also good, and Anli steamed another pot of steamed buns, the staple food is indispensable.

After turning on the recipe making mode, beat two eggs, add salt and stir well, heat a pan with cold oil, and add egg liquid.

Stir fry while putting in the pan, break into small pieces, and then set aside.

Then pour the corn kernels into the pot and stir-fry, then add the eggs that have just been scrambled, mix and stir-fry, and serve on a plate.

Wash a green onion, sprinkle the chopped green onion leaves on top, and the scrambled eggs with corn kernels are complete.

"Well, the taste is not bad, just add some carrots and add some color, it will be better."

【Congratulations on unlocking your homemade recipe: Scrambled Eggs with Corn Kernels.Reward 10 gold coins and 10 experience points. 】

"Hey, can you add more ingredients to the later recipes?"

[Yes, if you succeed in modifying the recipe, it will increase the deliciousness. If it fails, it will be a mysterious food. 】

An Li nodded, and the steamed buns were already steamed after the meal.Put the steamed buns into the food backpack, and take it out again, it is still in the same state as it was put in.An Li is going to try it in another hour to see if the steamed buns are still hot. If they are still hot, then the step of reheating the steamed buns will be saved.

After resting for a while to digest, An Li went to the rice field to study how to dig a small ditch, how wide and deep it should be.

"Well, if it is for the large water flow, it must be wider, but is it not easy to intercept the flow?" An Li and 22 discussed how to do it.

In the end, 22 gave Anli a suggestion, digging it to the width of one person and about 30cm deep, which is almost enough.

After the one-person-one-system plan was completed, An Li began to dig trenches.

Digging from the side of the rice field to the side of the creek, both beautiful and practical, cost An Li a lot of brain cells.

Finally, a ditch was dug near the ground, and then an opening was opened in the direction of entering the ground, so that if the land behind needs to be irrigated, this ditch can also be used.

The soil of the last creek and ditch was dug through, and the water in the creek slowly flowed into the ditch.

"Huh, it's done." An Li wiped off her sweat, and continued to look for tools to make water gates.

I found a relatively thick wooden stake and stuck it at the water inlet of the ditch and the creek, and then dug a depression on both sides of the wooden stake, and stuck two thick branches in the depression.

Then use twigs that are much higher than the ditch and tie them together to make them as wide as the ditch, tie them tightly and put them in the finished frame. When the water flow is needed, pull up the gate, and then tie the rope to the stake to fix it.

The size of the flow is controlled by the height of the gate. An Li tried it and it was quite good, and the interception effect was also good.

In the same way, the gap between the ditch and the rice field was also made into a gate.

After finishing the two gates, half of the afternoon time has passed, An Li waved her arms to relax her muscles and bones.

Looking at his self-made sluice, he was very proud and said to 22: "How is it, is it okay? Knowledge can change fate! I finally have a glimmer of hope in these miserable days, so that I don't have to carry a kettle to water every day. up.

However, this is still far away from other places, and it will be convenient for me to dig the ditches after they can be connected together. "

【Well, I have to say that your method is very good. 】

"When I was young, I always played with my brother and others in the village. I also saw some sluices, which more or less had that outline. I didn't expect to make it really work."

I took the tools and went to the side of the creek to wash my face and cool down. Then I have to open the land for planting flowers. I will try to get the land done today and start planting tomorrow.

After planning the area for planting flowers and opening the ground, the sun can only see the top of one head, and the sky has also darkened. An Li saw that the wheat in the field next to him hadn't been harvested yet. The wheat harvest is complete.

This time, Anli collected 110 catties of wheat, and Anli continued to sell all of them for 220 gold coins before calling it a day and going home.

I washed my hands and ate a few bites. After taking a hot bath, I threw myself on the bed and lay down.

"Ah~ It's so comfortable to lie down. I'm really exhausted today. I kept digging and digging, but my arms are not sore. It seems that I have exercised."

An Li buried her head in the soft quilt while talking to 22, and after a while her voice gradually died down, and a small snoring sounded.

It turned out that An Li fell asleep unknowingly. It seemed that she was really exhausted. She went to play chess with Duke Zhou while she was talking.


Spring January 1, sunny.

"This month still ends in four days, has it already been almost a month before you know it? I can't imagine it!"

An Li was surprised that she had lived here for nearly a month, and it didn't seem so difficult to start from scratch.

I cut down the corn stalks in the remaining field, stacked the cut stalks neatly beside the woodpile, and went to look at the sun-dried corn. In a few days, the corn was basically sun-dried, only a few It's not too dry, and the dried ones can be threshed.

"Hey, today is another busy day." Thinking of a day's work, An Li wanted to get under the covers and stay still, but the reality did not allow her to be so willful.

After a long sigh, An Li went to sow flower seeds.

Water the plowed ground first until it is slightly moist, then sprinkle the seeds on the soil and cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil until the seeds germinate.

"In this difficult environment, I hope you can all sprout."

After planting the flowers, Anli went back to the yard and started threshing the corn.Threshing corn kernels is even more boring, and An Li, who is threshing and rubbing the corn kernels with bare hands, has both thumbs that are swollen.

"It's too tiring, is there anything to hurry up." While blowing on her red and swollen hands, An Li almost wanted to cry.

"I should make a glove, buy some wool and knit a glove. Or is there a ready-made work glove, the thick corn rubbing hands won't be so painful."

An Li, whose hands were really sore, gave up and continued rubbing the corn, and put the peeled corn kernels into the clay pot she just bought.

Such corn can also be ground to produce cornmeal, which can be used as chicken feed, and can also be eaten by steaming steamed buns.

An Li took out the steamed buns from her backpack, it was already a little cold.An Li's attempt to save the steamed buns probably won't work, but it's much slower than putting them outside to cool them down.

Stuffed three steamed buns and drank a lot of water.An Li, who was full after eating, decided to go out in the afternoon to find abandoned beehives and make beeswax.

But before that, Anli clicked on the four blueprints she bought:
Materials needed for simple small stone bricks: one stone can make a pair of small stone bricks. (There is no production cost, only stone is consumed.)
Materials required for simple small stone brick I-shaped road: 5 stones are needed for a road. (There is no production cost, only stone is consumed.)
Materials required for wooden wallpaper: 5 wooden boards/one wall. (No crafting cost, only planks are consumed.)
Materials needed for wooden floor: 10 planks/1 square meter area. (No crafting cost, only planks are consumed.)
 I'm so sleepy, I'm going out to have a dinner with my baby's father, the update is late, sorry

  Ps. If a bug is found, the wheat will be confiscated!Modified harvesting wheat
(End of this chapter)

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