System farm space

Chapter 36 Untitled

Chapter 36 Untitled
Spring January 1, light rain.

An Li was woken up by a gust of cold wind, rubbing her sleepy eyes, looking at the gloomy sky outside.

"What time did I wake up, and it's dark outside." Looking at the time, it was past seven o'clock, An Li leaned on the window and looked out, and it was raining lightly.

"It's raining! No wonder it feels a little cold, I can only move around in the house today."

Anli was a little worried about the situation of the animals, and whether there was any leak in the kitchen.

The raindrops were a little cold on her body, and the spring rain was still a little cold, so An Li covered the rain with one hand and went to the chicken coop and the rabbit cage to take a look.

The chickens and rabbits huddled together to keep warm, and Anli was prepared to prevent the rain when she built it before, so only bits and pieces of rain could leak in.

An Li cut some pasture and carried it into the cowshed, Momo walked around in the cowshed, when she saw An Li come in, she came over to rub her affectionately.

An Li patted it on the head, milked it, cleaned up the cow dung in the cowshed, and then went back to the yard to take the sundries that were placed in the yard to avoid rain into the kitchen.

"The dried mushrooms and fungus were all wet. Fortunately, I left the seasoning bottles at home, otherwise there would be no place to cry."

After they all moved into the kitchen, Anli began to check the kitchen roof for rain leaks.After looking around, I didn't find it. It seems that my house is not too tofu.

Filling two fires into the stove, An Li was once again thankful that she brought some firewood in first, otherwise where would she go to find dry firewood on a rainy day?

After the fire got bigger, An Li took off her wet pajamas, wrung them out and put them aside, waiting for the fire to dry.I boiled some water in the pot, and boiled some milk in the iron pot next to it. I drank some milk later and wiped my body with hot water to prevent colds.

An Li shivered slightly from the cold and leaned towards the stove.

"22, when can I buy clothes? And how to make raincoats? I remember that people used coir raincoats in ancient times, but they were made of palm leaves. What kind of leaves are palm leaves? Can reed leaves work? Or braided from wheat stalks? Is it possible?"

[I don’t know, you can try it yourself.Clothing store, unlocked at level 6. 】

An Li filled a bowl of hot milk, curled up on the edge of the stove, drank some milk while keeping warm, and her body became much warmer after drinking a bowl of milk.

It is estimated that it will rain for a long time today, and seeing the flickering fireflies, Guang Anli realizes that fireflies should be afraid of the rain.Run out and take off all the firefly lights in the yard and take them back to the kitchen.

The sackcloth wrapping the fireflies was completely wet, and the fireflies were all huddled together.After thinking about it, An Li took the sackcloth apart, and the fireflies flew around because of the water droplets on their wings, and some of them fell back to the ground directly.

An Li took apart all the sacks, released all the fireflies inside, and let them move freely.

Because of the stove fire in the kitchen, the room will be warmer than the outside, and the wings of the little ones will dry faster.

Because of the light of fireflies, the kitchen is obviously much brighter.An Li sighed helplessly as she looked at the wet clothes on her body that were drenched because she went out to find fireflies.

Looking at the main house from the kitchen window, fortunately the main house has eaves, otherwise the rain would have blown in through the window.

This rain disrupted all of Anli's plans, and what's embarrassing now is that there is a quilt to cover when I go back to the house, but I still have to come to the kitchen to make meals, so the clothes will inevitably get wet.

"Hey, forget it. Just squat in the kitchen and go back to sleep after eating."

Since he had nothing to do, Anli took out the bamboo and sewed the curtains on the windows of the house.After weaving the curtain, Tianyin didn't know the time. Anli looked at the time and it was just about eleven o'clock.

"Let's eat, and then go back to sleep. At this time, I especially need a kang. It's perfect to put firewood in it, eat and sleep at the same time. Or, build another room from the next door and open it from the middle, so that When it’s cold, just burn the kang directly.”

[The weather will get hotter and hotter, but it's okay to make plans early. 】

"Let's talk about it after finishing what should be done. The main task now is to upgrade."

An Li made noodles in clear soup, and after eating, she carried the drying clothes and rushed back to the cabin like a gust of wind, then hung up the wet underwear to dry, and got into bed to sleep.


The gloomy weather always makes people unable to wake up, An Li wakes up in a daze, and when she wakes up completely, it is already five o'clock in the afternoon.

He patted his sleepy head and saw that the rain outside had stopped.The yard is wet, and water has accumulated in some pits.

Put on your clothes and walk out, stepping on a shallow mud footprint appeared.An Li rolled up her trouser legs and walked gently to the kitchen.

"So, it's really dirty without hardening. When it rains, it becomes a mud puddle. Today's rain is a little lighter, and I don't think I need to go out if it is heavy."

[I can't help it either. Decoration blueprints are only sold by Yunyou merchants, and the system mall doesn't have them. I can't let you pre-order them. 】

"Yunyou Merchant, as soon as you hear it, you know it will appear randomly. Who knows when it will appear."

When the rain stopped, An Li went to the stream to catch fish. When it rains, the fish are more active and easy to catch.After catching three fish, I slaughtered one for grilling, one for making fish soup, and the remaining one hung on the stove, and dried it with fire to make smoked fish. I don’t know what it would taste like.

The wings of the fireflies have dried up and they are flying around the house.However, they all avoided the vicinity of the stove, probably not liking the light and heat from the stove.There were more than a dozen corpses of fireflies on the ground, but they didn't make it through and died.

After boiling the fish soup to clean up the corpses on the ground, An Li went out to look at the earthworms in the corner.Because of the rain, the earthworms got out of the soil and wriggled on the surface. Maybe there is too much water vapor in the soil.

I grabbed a few and put them in the garlic field. It is said that earthworms can loosen the soil and are good for crops. Anli wants to try it.

The pepper seedlings moved back from the forest are also alive, and there are water droplets on the leaves, which look very energetic.An Li flicked the leaves, looking forward to it blooming and bearing fruit, and then saving the seeds to continue planting.She is too greedy for all kinds of spicy food.

Back in the kitchen, the fish soup has already emitted a burst of aroma, and then I started grilling the fish.After the fish is baked, take out two steamed bun slices and bake the steamed bun slices.

Brush the steamed buns with oil first, and then brush them with a layer of honey after the baked skin is a little dry.Anli's favorite thing to eat when going to barbecue is toast. It's soft and sweet, and it's especially delicious with a layer of coconut on top.

"Hmm~ Grilled steamed bun slices are my favorite." Anli grilled the steamed bun slices and took a bite of grilled fish. It was obviously in a simple kitchen, but it made people feel like she was eating a high-end meal.

Take a bite of the mantou slices, although they are not as soft as those baked by other barbecue masters, but they are still good.This honey is really good, and the product from the system mall is still very conscientious.

After eating, drinking and tidying up, An Li didn't feel like going to sleep. There were no entertainment tools every day, and she slept very regularly every day, which was too healthy.

The sky after the rain was particularly clear, and the sky was covered with stars, twinkling and twinkling.

"22, is there a galaxy here too?"

[Of course, it is similar to the earth, but it is not the same. 】

Anli clicked on the newly unlocked camera function, and took a picture of the glittering galaxy under the bright moonlight.

After filming and uploading, it depends on how many people give her likes, anyway, how much hope is there for her.

An Li, who had nothing to do, crawled to sleep, tomorrow will be a sunny day.

 Sorry, no update yesterday!The baby vomited suddenly and went to the hospital for an injection.I wasn’t in the mood to code all day yesterday, and today I’m going to accompany my baby~
(End of this chapter)

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