System farm space

Chapter 356 The End Is a New Beginning

Chapter 356 The End Is a New Beginning

After saying goodbye, Anli felt as if the world was spinning.

She felt the fluctuations on the ground, as if something was collapsing little by little...first the ground, then the sky, and finally the whole world.

The space turned into fragments, and Anli wandered around in the fragments.She saw many scenes, some she was familiar with and some she had never seen before.

The partners who had been on an adventure together, the two seemed to be chatting about something.Looking at the rings on their fingers, An Li smiled knowingly, it seems that they are together.

The screen turned, and I saw Hu Mobai from childhood to adulthood again.An Li watched him return to the life of the orc tribe after parting with her.

Although it was just a quick tour, and it was a half-part animation that didn't connect together, An Li could still see Hu Mobai's innocence from the beginning to his reticence later on.It was because of the family, the conspiracy, and all the potential dangers around him that made him put away his smile, put away his innocence, and live a step-by-step life.

Hu Mobai tried to look for Anli under the big tree when he was an adult, but the bookstore on the tree was dilapidated, and it seemed that no one had lived in it for many years.

After that, he fell off the cliff and asked Luo Li to pick it up.He saw the person he longed for day and night, that person grew up, and he grew up too, he knew her, but she didn't know him.

Seeing this, An Li felt that her eyes seemed to be filled with tears, but no tears came out.

Once again, the picture freezes at the scene where she was plotted against by Hu Jiaojiao and drowned.

The system sounded [The host Anli is dead, the game failed. ]
An Li was at a loss, what would happen if the game failed?Will it disappear?
[Yes, you will disappear.But you can rest assured that in the real world, you will have a system to continue to live for you until the right time to leave. ]
An Li smiled bitterly, she just disappeared, and she wondered if her parents would find out that she was no longer her.However, there is no other way, who made her unable to go back.

[Main system, please give her another chance!It was Ward's dereliction of duty that caused her to be plotted to lose her life. 】Anli heard 22's voice, it was asking for help.

[She wasn't good enough to deserve another chance. ]
[Using my points, I know my points can let her live again. 】22 was a little emotional.

The main system did not speak for a long time, 22 waited anxiously, but it had no other choice but to wait.

[You like your host very much? ]
[I think she is very good, except for being a little stupid, everything else is very good. 】

[Are you willing to pay her your own points...and...consciousness? ]
[Well, I am willing. 】

An Li saw 22 turning into an elf and flying in front of her eyes, 22 looked sad, but she still happily said to An Li [I hope next time, don't be so stupid!Otherwise, I will never be able to save you a second time. 】

An Li opened her mouth to say something, but she found that she seemed to have no body and could not speak.

She watched helplessly as 22 turned into a pile of data, which slowly wrapped around her body like a streamer, and finally the streamer turned into a cocoon and wrapped her up.

An Li's last consciousness was that she was in a world full of data. The main system seemed to say something, but she didn't hear clearly, and then fell into a coma.

Is this the end of Anri's journey?No... Maybe, this is just the beginning!
 over, sprinkle flowers
(End of this chapter)

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