System farm space

Chapter 345 Trial passed

Chapter 345 Trial passed
An Li stretched out her hands pitifully, crying to Hu Mobai with tears and snot all over her face: "I'm injured, and it's very serious, it hurts so much!"

Hu Mobai looked at An Li's hands, and it really hurt to look at them.But looking at An Li's face... Although it was a serious moment, he couldn't help but let out a "puchi" laugh.It's rare to see An Li in such a mess, and she was in a mess when we met for the first time, and it never happened again after she recovered.

Now An Li has a lot of snot and tears, and her face is blurred. It's really funny.

An Li stared at Hu Mobai with condemning eyes, Hu Mobai coughed twice and handed the corner of his clothes to An Li, saying: "Wipe your nose, it's a bit ugly."

An Li was angry, she grabbed the corner of Hu Mobai's clothes with her hands that had recovered from the healing technique, and blew her nose vigorously until the corners of Hu Mobai's clothes were covered with big snot.

It's just that to relieve the qi is to relieve the qi, but it's a bit too disgusting.She washed Hu Mobai's clothes with a water polo, and then poured Hu Mobai from head to tail after the clothes were irritated.Seeing that the fox's white hair was in a mess due to the wet water, she burst out laughing again.

Seeing that she was happy, Hu Mobai felt relieved.Anyway, getting her wet, An Li, would still clean him up, so it was time to take a bath.

Indeed, just as Hu Mobai thought, An Li also evaporated the water from Hu Mobai's body after venting her anger, and turned into a charming little fox again.

"Okay, stop making trouble, let's go." An Li stood up and patted the debris of the water curtain on her body.Debris from the water curtain?

"Hey, Hu Mobai! What's the matter with the debris on the water curtain?" An Li asked, picking up a piece of crystal debris on the ground.

Hu Mobai also picked up a piece and observed it carefully, and said with some uncertainty: "This looks a bit like a crystal stone."

"Crystal stone? Is it worth money?" An Li felt that it was a good thing when she heard the crystal stone.

"Water-type magicians or water-type warriors will use this as a weapon to enhance the attack of the water-type. It can also be made into alchemy equipment to seal some water-type magic." Fox Mobai said here and continued, "But I'm not sure about this. Is it a crystal stone, because it looks like it, but it doesn't look like the ones I've seen in the illustrated book."

"Whether it's real or not, it's just a spar anyway. Maybe you can exchange some gold coins when you go out, and maybe the dwarves will need them very much. Pick them up quickly, and take them all back." An Li squatted on the He struggled to pick up the debris on the ground.

Hu Mobai also picked up the debris following An Li's footsteps.It's just that the larger pieces are easy to pick up, but the small pieces are more troublesome.Some are so small that you can't see them at all.

At this moment, An Li thought of another way, she said to Hu Mobai: "Come on, use a small dragon roll to sweep around here. The small dragon roll will close things on the ground together, so that we can pick them up Just put it in space."

Hu Mobai also thought this method was good, he used the small tornado to bring the whole space, but the other two were surprised, in addition to the spar fragments, there were also the metal stone, the magnet and the few magic arrows just now.

The magnet is not as huge as it was when An Li and the others saw it. Now it is only as big as Hu Mobai's palm, and the weight is not very heavy.

The metal stone is still the same size, but the weight has also been reduced a lot, at least Anli can hold it by herself.

Fox Mobai picked up a few magic arrows and checked them, "The magic sealed inside has been used up, but this is an alchemy product. After taking it back, place a crystal engraved with magic in this groove and it can continue to be used as magic." Arrow use."

"Then, is this also a treasure?" An Li took one and looked around.

"I've never seen this kind of alchemy pattern, but it's recorded in the ancient books I've read. But I can't remember what kind of pattern it is for a while. Anyway, it's an ancient alchemy product." Hu Mobai was sure. Said.

"Then... are we going to get rich? Are ancient utensils very scarce here?" An Li felt that her voice was trembling.

"Let's divide it. Reusable items like this are still very valuable, while disposable items may be of lower value." Hu Mobai nodded.

"Wow, little fox! We are going to make a fortune!! I believe everyone in the dwarves will be interested in these ancient magic arrows, and we will be able to sell them by then!" An Li was excited.

"But..." Hu Mobai said hesitantly: "But we found these things in their territory."

"So what, at most I don't ask them for a little bit. They treat this altar as a forbidden area, and they don't dare to come in at all. We ventured in and got something through trials. It can't be regarded as Theirs." An Li felt that the dwarves would not be so unreasonable.

"Oh, those are all things after we go out. Let's put things away first and then go out." Because there were too many things, Anli endured the pain and opened ten spaces, and saw that there were no gold coins left. I kept saying to myself in my heart: After I go out, I will have everything, it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter.

After picking up all the dropped objects, An Li and the two passed through the door covered by the water curtain and walked out of the door with light outside.

An Li thought she would go out straight away, but she didn't realize that this was a small independent room.There is a small doll in the small room, and under the little doll is a big treasure box.

After the two stood still, the little puppet began to speak: "Congratulations to both of you for passing the trial, here is your reward. This altar is the most basic trial altar. Passing the trial means that you are qualified to challenge other altars. You need to find it yourself, the more difficult the altar you pass, the richer the rewards, young people, keep working hard."

After the little puppet finished speaking, the light in the eyes disappeared.An Li and the two waited for a long while without any movement, and then An Li bravely picked up the little doll.A piece of paper was pressed under the doll, but An Li couldn't understand the words on it.

After reading the note, Hu Mobai said: "This is an ancient text, and it roughly means that we can take this little puppet away. Also, every little puppet in the altar has a mutual induction. You can use this little doll to find other altars."

An Li looked at the ordinary wooden doll, and handed it to Hu Mobai: "Take it, go back and study it."

Handing the doll to Hu Mo, Bai Anli opened the big treasure box below, and a line of glittering golden characters appeared inside, which was also an ancient character.

Hu Mobai translated: "Everyone can enter the treasure box and catch it twice. Whatever you catch is random. I wish you good luck."

(End of this chapter)

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