System farm space

Chapter 335 The First Attack

Chapter 335 The Third Attack

An Li relies on taking drugs to ensure that she will not be bitten or attacked. She can't spare time to see the situation on Hu Mobai's side. She has the medicine to support herself until now. I don't know how Hu Mobai will support it. .

In fact, Hu Mobai was much better than An Li imagined.The whole room in the kitchen is considered sealed. If he wants to get a snake through the chimney, he will either get dizzy from the smoke and be easily killed by Hu Mobai, or he will fall directly into the stove and be roasted into a dried snake.

Other snakes will also attack from the window with no glass and only a layer of paper, but the window is small, and the number will not be too many. Compared with Anli's big wave of snakes, Hu Mobai is considered a little witch here up.

Hu Mobai glanced at An Li through the window. The tree house was already covered by dense snakes. He could only see water blade magic bullets one after another, but An Li could not be seen.

Hu Mobai was really worried to death, he suddenly felt annoyed why he was so angry with An Li and lived in the kitchen, if he was also in the tree house, he could share some of the pain with An Li.

But no matter how upset he was, it would be useless for him to go out now. Instead of helping An Li, it would distract her.

Xiaoxi is also very anxious on the side. Although she really wants to go out and fight with her mother, but if she wants to go out, she needs to open the door, which will cause a lot of snakes to come in. In a dangerous environment, if something happens to Hu Mobai, Anli will definitely blame herself.


An Li is really supporting herself with her thoughts at the moment, she really wants to stop, but she can't.There are at least four hours before dawn, and she needs to work hard for another four hours, then she will win.

An Li wanted to blink her sour eyes, but just as she closed her eyes on the wooden shield, she was smashed by a group of snakes because she was a little distracted.

And because she had just opened her eyes and hadn't had time to reattach the wooden shield, the snakes rushed straight at her like crazy, and their sharp snake teeth bit An Li's arm, causing her to gasp in pain.The anger that An Li finally condensed was disrupted.

She quickly scattered the snakes with magic bullets, and then chopped off all the snakes biting her arm with a water blade.He set up the wooden shield first, and then endured the pain to pull off the head of the snake that was still biting him, and blood flowed out from the wound.

Afterwards, use the healing technique to scab the wound, and then continue the attack over and over again.Fortunately, the venom of the little snake that bit her only paralyzed her nerves, and it was relieved after the treatment, otherwise she would have been lying there by now.

Once again, she clenched her teeth and persisted, because being bitten by a snake made her much more energetic than before, and she felt that she could still persevere.

Finally, when it was dawn, the snakes receded like a tide, leaving only a mess everywhere.Only then did An Li have the time to breathe a sigh of relief. She sat on the ground staring at the stars, and then lay back and knew nothing.

Hu Mobai saw that the snakes retreated three steps and climbed up the tree house in two steps, and saw An Li lying on the ground, not knowing who was there.Hu Mobai was terrified, he stepped forward to support An Li and shouted loudly: "An Li, An Li, wake up."

An Li felt countless flies buzzing around her ears, she slapped them away with her hands in disgust, muttered something, walked away, turned over and continued to sleep.

Hu Mobai was hit on the forehead by An Li with a wave of his hand, and he was relieved knowing that An Li was fine.Carefully picked An Li up and put her on the bed, and then went to clean up another layer of densely packed snake corpses on the ground.

There are not many people in the tree house, most of them are blocked by Anli, and only a small part is inside the house.Hu Mobai dug out the magic core, cleaned it up and went down to pick up the snake corpse outside.

The non-toxic ones can be eaten, and the poisonous ones are gathered together and thrown to the periphery some distance from the tree house.In the process of cleaning up, Hu Mobai also found a strange piece of paper and a large piece of white crystal.

Hu Mobai was surprised where these snakes got the crystals, and then turned over and over to read the words on the paper. After reading it for a long time, he couldn't understand it, so he put it away, maybe An Li would know what it was.

Feng Ling was also slightly injured while fighting the snake outside. Hu Mobai cleaned the wound, applied herbal medicine, and then asked the two to take the basket with the snake carcass away and throw the contents far away.In this way, the surrounding monsters can eat enough and will not stare at their rations.

He picked out another snake, removed the skin and cut the snake meat into pieces, imitating An Li's method, put the snake meat into the water and added seasonings to make soup for drinking.I heard from An Li that snake soup is a great tonic. She must be exhausted after staying alone all night, so let's give her a tonic.

An Li woke up from hunger, and she had to get up from the bed to get food because she desperately needed food.When she got out of the tree house, she could smell a burst of fragrance. Hu Mobai was busy in the kitchen and didn't know what she was doing.

An Li walked over and patted Hu Mobai on the shoulder and asked, "What are you doing?"

Hu Mobai was concentrating on cooking and didn't notice An Li approaching at all. An Li almost threw the shovel in her face when he was slapped by An Li.

Hu Mobai turned his head and said angrily: "Can you make some noise next time? I'm going to be scared to death by you."

An Li was inexplicably said, "I'm making a lot of noise! ​​What are you doing? You can smell the fragrance from a long way away."

"How about making snake soup for the first time?" Hu Mobai asked An Li to taste it.

"Well, it's not bad! All right, you're going to be a teacher soon, and then I'll leave the cooking to you, little fox?" An Li said with a wink at Hu Mobai.

"Not good!" He categorically rejected An Li's request, Hu Mobai ignored An Li and poured snake soup into the bowl.It's just that the slightly raised corners of his mouth still betrayed him.

An Li ate a third of the snake soup by herself to replenish her strength.After eating, Hu Mobai handed the two things he picked up to An Li, and An Li picked up the crystal first.

"Hey, such a big piece of white crystal, it's much bigger than the one I picked up! Think about it, what can be made." An Li turned it over and over again, and the transparency was the same as the one she picked up. On par.The crystal is about the size of her palm, not too small.

"It can be used as the crystal core on the wand." Hu Mobai suggested to An Li.

"Wand? Where are we going to find someone who makes the wand!" An Li said while playing with the crystal in her hand.

"Dwarves, those dwarves are the best at this."

"However, I was dizzy when I went, and I was blindfolded when I came out. Although I can find the way to the dwarves, they don't know that I know, will they think I have some intentions?" Ann Li was a little troubled by this question.

(End of this chapter)

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