System farm space

Chapter 323 Discussion

Chapter 323 Discussion
Ada finds her husband, Darwin, who is blacksmithing. Darwin is not tall, but his muscles make Darwin exude a different kind of charm.

Ada stood for a while, and waited for Darwin to stop before entering the studio. She handed Darwin a towel and said, "The little girl you rescued woke up. She said she came from the tree house. Come out, I want to follow you back to the tree house tomorrow."

Darwin paused for a moment with his hand wiping sweat, turned his head to look at his wife in surprise, and asked in surprise, "She said she came from the tree house? How is that possible? Normally, no one can enter the tree house. There were no little girls the last time we went."

Ada spread her hands and said: "She said her name was Anli, and she was there when she woke up. She didn't know where her home was and who her parents were. Well... She said she had only been in the tree house for more than half a year, so it should be Late spring or early summer?"

"If it's what she said, then it's normal that we haven't met. Ada, do you think that girl's words are credible? After all, she is a human being, and human beings are always very cunning." Darwin still didn't believe it.

"I think what she said is true. She is very happy to hear that she can go to the tree house. I don't think it should be a problem. With so many of you going together, even if she has some bad intentions, you can't solve it?" Ai Da felt that it didn't matter, there would be many people when they went out, so there was nothing to worry about.

"That's what you said. I'll discuss it with everyone. You can go and send her some food first. By the way, can she walk freely? If not, she may not be able to set off with us tomorrow." Darwin was worried. asked.

"Tomorrow will be fine, don't worry. What you have to do now is how to persuade everyone to bring her with you. This is the most difficult thing." Ada smiled mischievously, turned around and left the studio to prepare dinner for An Li.

"Oh, this is really a headache. Seven will definitely not agree to take a human child in, it's too dangerous." Darwin had a headache.

No matter how headache it is, he has to go to other people to discuss it.This girl can't keep her in the dwarves, after all, the dwarves still don't like humans very much, even if she is just a child.

Darwin notified every clansman who was going to the tree house tomorrow and asked them to gather at the patriarch.After the notification, Darwin went directly to the patriarch's house, and the patriarch saw his preoccupied look and asked, "What's wrong with you? You look worried, what happened?"

"Clan leader...hey, forget it! I'll wait until everyone is here, or I'll have to say it again." Darwin originally wanted to discuss it with the clan leader first, but he thought that everyone would still have to discuss it together later, so he didn't say more. explain.

The patriarch was a little puzzled by his handling, thinking what was wrong with Darwin today, and he was coy.

After a while, everyone arrived one after another.After all the staff arrived, Darwin cleared his throat, gritted his teeth cruelly, and said quickly, "I picked up a little girl's human."

As soon as he said a word, everyone burst into an uproar! "What? Human?" "Little girl?" "Come back? Darwin, what's going on?"

The patriarch lowered his hands and said, "Quiet! Be quiet!! Listen to what Darwin has to say."

Everyone looked at Darwin in unison, waiting for his next words.

Darwin said the first sentence, and the rest was easy to say. "It's like this. On the way back from hunting yesterday, I picked up a little girl who was frozen to death. Just now Ada told me that she woke up. Then, she told her origin, saying that she came from a tree house deep in the forest. , fell into the heavy snow because she was lost. She hopes that we can take her with us when we go to the tree house tomorrow."

Before Darwin finished his sentence, he roared and remembered: "Impossible! Dreaming, why did we go to the tree house? You don't know, how can you bring humans there."

The one who spoke was relatively tall among the dwarves, and his face was now full of anger.This is Darwin's most troublesome tribe, Seven.

"Seven, listen to me..." Darwin tried to reason with Seven.

"I don't want to listen. You don't know that humans are not welcome in the clan, and you still pick up a human. What are you going to do?" Seven asked angrily.

Darwin originally wanted to explain to Seven properly, but Seven's aggressive tone made him a little annoyed. He lowered his face and said, "Do you want me to die? If I don't save her, she will Frozen to death in the forest. She's only a child!"

"What about the child? There is no good thing in human beings. I'm going to kill her now!" After Saiwen was about to go out, he was scolded by the clan leader.

"Seven, what are you going to do? Do you think that I, the patriarch, doesn't exist?" The patriarch of the dwarves is about the same height as Seven, and is also very strong.Moreover, he is also the number one warrior of the dwarves, and Seven dare not do anything wrong.

"Patriarch, no... I..." Seven's voice was much lower.

"I know you don't like humans, but there is a saying among humans that everyone who comes is a guest! No matter what the reason is, since she is here, she is a guest. If you rush over and teach her a lesson, what will happen to her? Looking at us dwarves, you will think that we dwarves are unreasonable!" the clan leader severely criticized.

"What's more, Darwin did the right thing, he saved a life! If it was you, would you turn a blind eye? If so, then you have let me down." The patriarch looked straight at Seven, hoping can get his answer.

"I...I'm not..." Seven said awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

After solving the most violent Seven, the patriarch said again: "Darwin called you here because he respected you. Let's discuss the feasibility of this matter together, rather than asking you to come here to show off."

A slightly thinner dwarf said: "Is this human kid's words believable? We all know that people can't enter the tree house at all, and they can only enter in this season. Moreover, there will definitely be dangers along the way. Will having a child make a difference?"

"I also talked about this issue with Ada. Ada said how could so many of us not be able to subdue a child. Moreover, Ada told me that the girl said she was a third-line magician, but she was only a first-level magician. ’” Darwin picked out the parts of his conversation with Ida that could be said.

"Oh? Three-line magician? As someone who has the potential of three lines, generally he would not choose to practice three-line magic, but only the most friendly one?" A rare magician among the dwarves said. Said.

"For this, I need you, Mr. Eric, to investigate it yourself. After all, we don't know magic." Darwin said respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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