System farm space

Chapter 308 Little Orc

Chapter 308 Little Orc

He found the fine cotton cloth that An Li was reluctant to use, tore off a piece, and got out of the tree house.

The water was already warm at this moment, he wetted the cotton cloth, brought it to Anli's mouth, and squeezed it hard.An Li's mouth moved unconsciously, drinking the water flowing from her mouth.After three or four times like this, the little orc stopped drinking water for An Li. He used magic to condense a small wind blade, closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths, opened his eyes and scraped An Li's back with the small wind blade carrion on.

An Li's body trembled unconsciously because of the pain, the little orc tried to ignore An Li's trembling, and helped An Li clean up the carrion with his hands that trembled more than An Li.

When everything was cleaned up, Anli's back was covered with bones.The little orc breathed a long sigh of relief, found the medicinal materials that Anli had dried, found some medicinal materials that were anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and good for healing wounds, mashed them up, and sprinkled them evenly on Anli's back.Then tie it up with a muslin cloth to prevent rubbing against dirty things and waste all previous efforts.

Tired of doing these little orcs well, he wiped the sweat from his head.Glancing at the scattered wild boar that had been gnawed by Feng Ling and Xiaoxi on the ground, this big boar was already faintly stinking, and it probably couldn't be eaten anymore.

"This can't be eaten. If you eat too much, it will spoil... right? I don't know if you will spoil it." The little orc glanced at the wind chimes halfway through speaking, probably monsters should not be afraid of getting sick.

Hearing that it can't be eaten, Fengling didn't say anything, just rubbed against Xiaoxi, and then dragged the rest of the wild boar away.

The little orc glanced at Xiaoxi, hesitated for a while and followed the wind chime, maybe this civet cat could find something to eat.

When they arrived under the pitcher plant tree, the little orcs were stunned.Lots and lots of pigpens, big and big pitcher plants.He heard from the elders in the clan that the pitcher plant is rare, and its cage is even rarer.But what did he see, a huge pitcher plant and a lot of pig cages!
The wind chime buried the powerful wild boar and stared at the little orc for a long time. The little orc felt the pressing gaze from the wind chime, and then he came back to his senses and hurriedly picked up a few pig cages and packed them up and followed the wind chime.After that, Fengling took him to catch fish, and then took the little orc back to the tree house.

The little orc has good eyesight, he is very active in grilling the fish, and handing the fish to Fengling when it is finished.The wind chime was given to Xiaoxi first, and it continued to wait for the next one.The two civet cats have been very sad these two days, An Li is unconscious, they can only eat wild boar meat.With the mouth that An Li raised, the raw meat that they once thought was delicious was tasteless.

Now, it can be regarded as someone cooking cooked food.Although the taste is much worse than that made by Anli, it is still warm cooked food.

The little orc man finished roasting the fish that the civet cats ate, and prepared a meal for An Li.He heard people say that the injured seem to be unable to eat fish, so... what should they eat?
He rummaged around the treehouse and found a burrow in what looked like a garden.He went down the steps to the hole, and there were several bags in it.

The little orc opened the bag, and it contained grains such as brown rice.He whispered, "This little girl is amazing, she can get so much food."

After digging some out, he poured it into the pot for An Li's rice soup.I heard from my grandfather that human beings will let patients drink rice soup, which is very nutritious.He didn't know if it was true, because they seldom get sick, and when they get hurt, there will be shamans to help heal them, and they can eat whatever they want.

After all, human beings are relatively weak, so I still listen to my grandfather and don't feed her blindly, not to mention that she can't swallow meat even with the current situation of this little girl.

After the rice soup was boiled and Anli was fed, the little orc took a few bites of food and continued to use warm water to cool down Anli.If you eat someone else's food, you have to give it back.Grandpa said that you must know how to repay kindness and not take advantage of others casually.

In this way, the little orc stayed here.He is responsible for finding firewood every day, cooking for An Li, changing her medicine, feeding her medicine, etc...

After Xiaoxi's injury is completely healed, Fengchi will take Xiaoxi out hunting.In addition to the food that was brought back for the day, the rest of the little orcs were made into strips of meat, dried, and stored in the cellar as food reserves.

On the eighth day after the little orc took over An Li's care, An Li, who had been in a coma, finally opened her eyes.She blinked weakly, then closed it again.In a trance, she saw a figure that was exactly the same as in the dream, except that the height seemed to be a little lower.

She closed her eyes for a while, and when she opened them again, she blurted out her first words recently, a very thin voice: I'm hungry.

The little orc was busy making medicine for An Li, but he didn't realize that An Li had woken up.When he came over with the bowl, An Li half-closed her eyes weakly, as if she was about to close them at any time.

"Then, um, you, you're awake. I... um, you drink the medicine first, and I'll feed you. Are you hungry? Do you want to eat? What do you want to eat?" the little orc asked like he was pouring beans. Lots of questions.

An Li, who was already weak, became a little annoyed when she heard this guy talking non-stop like pouring beans. The first thing she said to the little orc was: "Shut up!"

Many years later, An Li felt a little embarrassed when he recalled this scene, and this was one of the ways he always used this as an excuse to gain benefits.

The little orc shut his mouth in embarrassment, a little aggrieved.He was just a little excited to see her wake up... The little orc didn't speak any more, just gently fed An Li and drank the medicine.

An Li thought the little orc was giving her water, and she almost spit it out after taking the first sip. What the hell is this?There was a sour smell, and the liquid in her mouth was viscous. If she hadn't been bored, she felt like she was going to spit out the overnight meal.

When taking the second sip, An Li was desperately unwilling to drink it, but more and more poured in, the liquid did not accumulate in her mouth and choked in the trachea, and An Li was forced to cough again.

The little orc was in panic and helped Anli carry it on his back. When Anli calmed down a little, he said apologetically: "I forgot to tell you that this is medicine to treat your wound. You will get better faster if you drink it. That's it." …It doesn’t taste good. Are you okay?”

An Li: I'm not well at all, it hurts like hell!Sore throat, pain all over the body!
An Li, who was already weak, exhausted her strength after a severe cough, and then just passed out again.

"Hey... What should I do if I suddenly feel that she is not easy to get along with?" The little orc looked at An Li who had fallen asleep again, and sighed a little, his delicate bun face wrinkled into a ball.

22 After An Li woke up, she also breathed a sigh of relief, she didn't want her host to be game over again.My previous data has not been restored, and it will directly become a piece of data again.

(End of this chapter)

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