System farm space

Chapter 302 Xiaoxi Injured

Chapter 302 Xiaoxi Injured
After dinner, Anli cleaned up the pots and pans and put them back in their place. She went back to the tree house, lit candles and began to sew her fur quilt.

The Pengpenghua bloomed once in the past few days, and Anli picked all the flowers and kept them. The Pengpenghua usually blooms once a week or so, but he doesn't know if it will bloom again in winter.

"With enough fluffy flowers, you can make a soft quilt. If you sew fluffy flowers into the fur, I'm not afraid they will break."

【Well, it's good that you're happy. 】

"I'm not happy at all, obviously I can buy ready-made ones. Hey, forget it, it's useless, the money is spent. Well, let's do this today, candles are also very expensive." An Li bit I cut off the threads and blew out the candles, covered myself with the half-finished quilt, lay down on the hay bed, and fell asleep.

When he woke up the next day, Feng Ling still hadn't come back, and Xiao Xi wasn't there either. An Li wiped his face casually, used a little brown rice to cook brown rice porridge for one person, then heated up the barbecue left for Feng Ling yesterday, finished it, and started her The great cause of the cellar.

With the fine iron shovel, digging holes is much faster.Anli estimated that it might be completed a few days earlier than expected.Use a backpack to transport the excavated soil up. After several trips back and forth, you can finish transporting the soil and start digging again.

"Phew, we don't know how we made the cellar when we were young, but we must not have been digging so hard by ourselves. We were exhausted." An Li was sweating in the autumn wind.Wiping the sweat from the forehead, I picked up the shovel and started again.

That night, not only the wind chimes, but even Xiao Xi did not come back.An Li roasted the fire and waited for the two cats to come back, until the light of the moon filled the earth, but they did not come back.

"Hey, where did these two go? What are you going to eat if you don't come back for a day? It's really a day-to-day thing, which makes people worry." An Li muttered, lying down and tossing and falling asleep. .

I didn't feel it before, but without the two of them, I suddenly felt empty around me.After all, after living together for so long, they are used to following the civet cats wherever they go, and they suddenly disappeared, which made An Li very uncomfortable.

I don't know when, Anli seemed to be asleep and not asleep in a daze.In the silence of the night, the sound of a tree branch being trampled was infinitely amplified in the silence.

An Li, who hadn't slept soundly in the first place, was awakened by the sound. She sat up and hid her breath with wood magic, secretly looking down from the hole in the tree house.

Today's moonlight is very bright, An Li can clearly see a black figure limping towards the tree in the distance.

An Li was startled, she knew that ordinary monsters would not dare to approach this place, and only Xiao Xi and Feng Ling could come in.Seeing the shadow limping, he must be injured.

She slipped out of the tree house and down the tree, walking quickly towards the shadow.As expected, it was Xiaoxi who came back.Although the moonlight couldn't shine on Xiaoxi clearly, An Li knew that Xiaoxi was injured, and the injury was not clear. She could smell a strong smell of blood.

She first used the healing technique on Xiao Xi. Xiao Xi raised her head with some difficulty and meowed softly, then tilted her head and fainted.

An Li used several healing techniques in a row, put her hand in front of Xiao Xi's nose and felt her gradually calming breath, and then An Li breathed a sigh of relief.She stood up and was about to fill some firewood and let the fire burn hot water to wash Xiao Xi's wound and apply medicine. When she turned around, a corpse of a monster on the ground scared An Li enough.

An Li patted his frightened little heart, which was pounding wildly. When he looked carefully, it turned out to be the cub of a powerful wild boar.Even if it is a cub, it is about the same size as Xiao Xi, and the powerful wild boar has its huge strength since childhood. It is not easy to deal with this cub wind chime. How did Xiao Xi beat it to death and bring it back.

When the fire was burning, under the light of the fire, An Li saw clearly that Xiao Xi's body was covered with wounds. It can be said that almost no piece of skin was good, there were many large and small cuts.Some of the wounds were so deep that the bones were visible. This guy didn't know what happened to him. It was lucky that he could come back in such a miserable condition.

While scrubbing its wound with distress, An Li muttered: "Tell me about you. After running for a day, you ran back to me with injuries. You scared me to death in the middle of the night!"

After wrapping the wound with anti-bleeding and anti-inflammatory herbal medicine, Xiaoxi was already wrapped in leaves. If you didn't look carefully, you would find that it was a civet cat, and you might think it was a pile of leaves.

It was already dawning now, and Anli wasn't feeling sleepy. She looked at the herbs she had in stock and might not have enough. She put food and magic cores in front of Xiao Xi so that Xiao Xi could wake up. Eat.

She put on the pannier, took the tools and set off.

Not long after she left, the wind chime came back dragging a larger and powerful wild boar.It looked around but couldn't find Anli. It sniffed and found its child under a pile of leaves.She went over and probed with her nose. After knowing that Xiao Xi's life was not in danger, she sat down and licked the wounds on her body.

The golden civet cat also came back with the wind chime, but it just stood in a place where it felt safe and licked its wounds.And beside it was the dead body of a powerful wild boar. It was not known what happened to these three, and why each of them came back with a wild boar.

Before leaving, An Li was afraid that Fengling would have nothing to eat when she came back, so she had already prepared the food and put it aside, and could eat directly when Fengling came back.

Fengling was biting two skewers of barbecued meat, and walked to the golden civet cat to put it down, indicating that it could eat.After that, I didn't invite it in, but I just walked back and started to eat voraciously.

After being hungry for a whole day, Feng Ling felt that the meat that was usually good enough was just a pad for the stomach, but without An Li, it could only curl up and rest beside Xiao Xi.

The golden civet cat on the other end also found a relatively comfortable position to sleep after eating barbecue.

If it weren't for the distance between the three, to be honest, it would be like a family of three.


On this side, An Li picked some herbs that needed to be used nearby.Fortunately, because it is the deepest part of the forest, no one will come to pick herbs, so An Li picked a lot.

She stuffed the pannier full, swayed on her back and went back.These medicines have to be dried in the sun, and the dried herbal medicine will be more effective.Anli tried to use water magic to evaporate the water vapor, but the effect was not as good as drying in the sun. We don't know why, so let's use the conventional method.

When she returned to the tree house, she was surprised by the two powerful wild boars that caught her eye. Then she looked at the golden civet cat resting aside. She blinked, "What's going on?"
(End of this chapter)

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