System farm space

Chapter 295 Find the Difference

Chapter 295 Find the Difference
An Li walked along the wide road with Feng Ling and Xiaoxi, the fragrance of nature on both sides of the road made An Li unable to ignore this smell.

To divert her attention, she observed the people on the road.On the way from Shiyun's house to the market, she didn't see a single human being, all of them were orcs.

And it's not as rare as the female orcs she imagined, but there are more female orcs than male orcs.

[Beastmen have part of their genes derived from beasts, and the status of females in some beasts is obviously higher than that of males.Moreover, I have come to a less authoritative conclusion based on the discussion of the orcs around me. Among the orcs, there are far fewer female orcs than male orcs.Therefore, there are many suitors of female orcs. If a male orc treats his partner badly, it is very likely that other suitors of women will fight him. 】

"Wow, the world is amazing. Then wouldn't there be orcs who treat their partners badly?" An Li said.

[Not necessarily, there will still be.And female orcs think that you are not a good match for a lifetime and will re-select among other suitors. Of course, this is based on the fact that male orcs treat them badly first. 】

While listening to 22's popular science, An Li looked around as if visiting a scenic spot.An Li regrets that she doesn't have a camera, otherwise she can come here for a souvenir.

When An Li was immersed in her own world, the orcs around her were also pointing fingers at An Li.It is very unreasonable for a child to look around in the territory of the orcs with two monsters that are not much bigger than the size.

Of course, the orcs didn't foolishly go over to stop An Li, after all, there must be something amazing about her being able to walk freely on the street.Of course, there will also be people who don't have eyes and come to make trouble.

"Hey, where did the scumbag come from, and she is still wandering around the orc territory with a monster, catch her!" A high-spirited voice came from above An Li's head.

An Li regained her senses and looked at the orc standing in front of her. From his appearance, he should be a lion, but he didn't look too old.

Well, it should be the Lion Clan who dare to speak nonsense in the royal city.Oh, maybe the descendants of the ten elders would dare too.

Feng Ling looked at the orcs blocking the way in front of him with an unkind expression on his face, and let out a low, threatening "chi" sound.An Li touched the wind chime soothingly, then looked at the orc on the opposite side and asked innocently, "What is a scumbag?"

"Pfft! Hahaha! Listen to what she asked me, what is a scumbag? Hahaha! The scumbag is talking about you!" The orc who found the fault laughed and stared at An Li fiercely and said: "You cunning Humans should all get out of Griffon City. Humans don’t have any good things, they just steal our orc cubs to sell for money, and maliciously lower the price of what we exchanged!”

An Li felt that the orc's words were quite to the point, and she also admitted that there would always be some people in the human race who would do sneaky things, and such people would usually be superior.However, she very much dislikes being called a motley kid.What an asshole kid, she looks so cute like a little princess, yet dare to call her an asshole!

Hmm... If Anli had a mirror now, she might go crazy.She has been on the road, her clothes are not so satisfactory.The hair is messy, and it really looks like messy hair.

"I'm so cute, how can you call me miscellaneous hair, this uncle, you are too much. Besides, there is no rule that children and monsters are not allowed to enter Griffin City. Say it again, uncle, who are you? They're all blocking my way, please let me go?" An Li said angrily, rolling her eyes.

"Heh, the tone is not too young at such a young age. If I say no, then I can't. Come here, let them take them away!" No matter what An Li said, the young orc commanded the guards behind him to catch An Li .

Now An Li will quit. She has worked hard even if she doesn't say credit, but she is still arrested after rescuing their warriors.Although she knew that this guy was probably a dude, she was also very upset.

She glanced at the surrounding guards and ignored them, and walked forward with the wind chimes.Although the guards were not afraid of mere second-level monsters, they were afraid that these two monsters would hurt their master and did not dare to force them.

Just like that, An Li passed through the guards and disappeared on the street.The lion blocking the way cursed angrily: "It's useless, why don't you catch her if I tell you to catch her?"

The leading guard said: "Master Nineteen, we are only responsible for keeping you safe, and we cannot leave you for half a step. Besides, the adults also told us that we are not allowed to conflict with humans. Today is the day of the market, for the winter. No matter how full the reserve is, we must endure it.”

This orc known as the Eighteenth Young Master hated his teeth, but the guards were not his guards, they belonged to his father. Even if he got angry, he had no choice but to endure it.He looked in the direction where An Li disappeared, and thought: This human brat, don't let me touch you again, or the next time I see you will be your death!

This little episode didn't affect An Li's mood, she wandered to the location of the market that Yang Wuying told her.As soon as she entered the market, An Li felt that she had returned to the original world if most of the people buying and selling around her were not beastmen!
There were cries of hawking inside, but a large force of orcs still surrounded the human caravan in exchange for the supplies they needed.

The arrival of An Li slightly attracted everyone's attention, after all, it is rare for a child to bring two monsters together.However, he only paid a little attention before continuing with his own business. His own business is the most important thing.

An Li saw that the other end of the caravan was overcrowded, so she didn't go to squeeze with them, but just walked around the orc stalls one by one.An Li went through them one by one, and roughly understood that orcs generally barter and seldom require gold coins.Unless the orc needs gold coins very urgently, he will only mark the transaction with gold coins.

An Li thinks that these orcs are really not as easy to use as compared to humans. If they say that they want to exchange for gold coins, then it is clear that they are lacking.Since there is a shortage, then humans who want to buy things from his booth will definitely lower the price, because you need me to lower the price and you will sell it, right?

Not to mention bartering, some things are quite precious to An Li.For example, the gem the size of a pigeon egg, we don't know how the orcs came here.But human merchants only need to use 500 catties of coarse grains to exchange for a gem.

After seeing these coarse grains, An Li guessed that she would not eat them on the human side, just to trade with the orcs.Moreover, the purchase price of these things is definitely very cheap, and the purchase price of 500 catties is worth three to five hundred gold coins at most.But gemstones are popular in the human kingdom. I don't know how much a pigeon egg costs here, but in modern times, it costs more than ten or hundreds of thousands of soft sister coins, which is very expensive.

(End of this chapter)

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