System farm space

Chapter 289 Fire Cloud Beast (2 Chapters in 1)

Chapter 289 Fire Cloud Beast (two chapters in one)

Just like this time, if it wasn't for the wind chime, she would have lost everything.Moreover, there will be times when Fengling can't take care of her, what should she do at that time?The last game over had a system to help her regenerate, who can guarantee that the system will help herself this time.

So, it's up to you!Now it's 4% open, maybe you can get a small reward after walking here, come on!

Feng Ling took An Li to pick all the coconuts around, and she couldn't fit in the back basket, and stuffed them all into the system space. In the system space, the same kind of items can be stacked by 50, and the coconuts only occupy one space. Anyway, coconuts are consumables. , this grid will be vacant soon.

After getting ready, An Li found another direction to move forward, hoping not to encounter the nematodes again.

Their luck was good, no nematodes appeared in the direction Anli chose.It's just that, the further you go this way, the more Anli can feel an invisible pressure, which makes her feel a little uncomfortable.

And Fengling and Xiaoxi's perception is much stronger than Anli's, and they are even more uncomfortable, and they are very cautious when taking a step.

Seeing their uncomfortable feeling, An Li thought for a while and said: "You guys wait for me here, I will go a little further inside, if I encounter danger, I will run back, um..." An Li looked The big-eyed sun said: "When the sun is about to go down, if I haven't appeared yet, you all go first, and don't worry about me."

Feng Ling hesitated and meowed twice, a little bit unwilling.

An Li glanced at it and said nothing, turned around and walked deeper.

[The energy of the fire element here has increased by one level compared to just now, and it is very rich.Perhaps, there are some heavenly and earthly treasures, or high-level magical beasts. 】

"It would be great if it is a Heavenly Spirit and Earthly Treasure. However, it is not always written in novels that there are usually high-level monsters in front of Heavenly Spirit and Earthly Treasures. Maybe both of us can encounter them." An Li said.

【Hmm... If it's your luck, there may be no heavenly spirits and earthly treasures, only high-level monsters...】

"Bah, crow's mouth!"

One person, one system, bickering and walking while walking, An Li didn't feel too tired.Bumping the increasingly light basket, she wondered if the coconuts left for the wind chimes would be enough to drink. Those two should leave before dark, and she didn't need to worry about anything.

As 22 said, An Li felt hotter and hotter, as if being burned by a fire, which made her skin hurt.She lightly touched the tree trunk with her fingertips, she was ready to be scalded, but it turned out that the tree trunk was indeed cold, and Anli suddenly felt refreshed in this scorching hot and suffocating space.

An Li wrapped her body around the tree trunk as if she had found a treasure, so that her body could be tightly attached to the tree trunk, which could cool her whole body.

"This is the so-called extreme sun and extreme yin, so under extreme heat is extreme cold?" An Li thought.

[Well, the so-called harmony of yin and yang means that things must be reversed when they reach their extremes.This kind of tree should be a very precious species. I found that its pattern is different from other trees. If you don't look carefully, you can't find it. 】

After An Li hugged the tree trunk to cool off for a while, she lightly touched the 22 different tree with her fingertips, and as a result, a blister was scalded to death immediately on her fingertips.

"Hiss... It's really different, it hurts!" An Li thought why she had to do the experiment by herself, she could use the flowers and plants around her, she turned into a child, and she behaved more and more like a child, curious very strong.

Just as she was whispering, 22 suddenly reminded [I feel a strong energy fluctuation, you'd better hide for a while. 】

When An Li hadn't finished speaking at 22, she jumped up to the top of the cold big tree, using the leaves to cover her figure.

After a while, two cloud-like monsters, one big and one small, came from a distance.Flames radiated from their bodies, and the closer they got to Anli, the more they felt like they were roasting in a furnace.

An Li moved back quietly with some discomfort, and the bigger monster immediately looked up in her direction, An Li was too frightened to breathe out, her body stiffened and remained motionless.

The big monster watched for about a minute before bowing its head and moving on.Just as An Li wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, 1 issued an alarm.She reacted quickly and jumped down from the tree, then ran fast, running the way she came and went.

Behind her, the big tree she had just hidden in was knocked down by the fireball from the monster's mouth, and it hit the direction An Li was escaping from.An Li didn't have time to react. In order to avoid being killed by the big tree, she could only raise her hand and put the broken tree into the system space at the moment when she was about to be hit.

The monster covered in flames saw the little bug escape from under its nose, let out a roar and ran towards An Li.

An Li really wanted to cry, but she didn't want to confront it head-on.She has already hidden it, and she still treats her like this.The 22 of the crow's mouth was really chased by high-level monsters before he had time to touch the rare treasures.

Another fireball flew from the monster behind him, An Li dodged a little slowly, and the rabbit fur clothes on her body caught fire.An Li took off the burning clothes while running wildly. If there were other people around at this time, they would have noticed this scene.

A topless little girl was running wildly, and behind her was chasing a monster covered in flames, spitting out fireballs frantically.

The not too dense fireballs gave Anli a chance to catch her breath in the gaps between the fireballs. When she couldn't hide, she ran towards the big tree, so that the fireballs would hit the big tree and not hit her.

At this time, she had already deviated from the previous route. When another fireball passed by and ignited her rabbit fur skirt, the monster stopped chasing and turned to leave.

An Li rolled on the ground to extinguish the flames on her body, so she had time to catch her breath.However, she did not dare to relax her vigilance.The reason why the monster named Fire Cloud Beast by An Li stopped chasing it is because this is not its territory, maybe the monster in this territory is about the same level as it.

An Li took a deep breath and glanced at the map.Sure enough, as she expected, she has deviated from the route to nowhere.The surrounding maps are all black, indicating that she has never been here.However, there is a piece of good news that makes her very happy, that is, she has opened 5% of the map and can get rewards.

She looked around, trying to find a relatively safe place, but she didn't dare to go under the tree, because she had a psychological shadow on the nematode.In the end, she chose a big rock with grooves, and half of her body could be hidden in the grooves, An Li thought to herself, it would be relatively safe, right?
After hiding it, An Li clicked on the small treasure chest on the map interface.Well, as luck is really not good for her, she only offered 10 points, 5 gold coins, and some ingredients.

The ingredients were directly and automatically sent to the system space, and Anli hoped that she would finally gain a little points, so she was quite excited in her heart.

She said to 22: "Open the exchange interface, let me see what I can exchange."

[The interface will be opened for you soon, please wait...]

After 22 finished talking for a while, the exchange interface appeared.

There are currently only three redeemable items in the points system:

Level 1 physical fitness, 2 points.

Level 1 mental power, 2 points.

Memory fragments, 10 points.


An Li looked at the only 10 points, suppressed the urge to exchange for memory, and clicked to exchange for physical and mental strength.Although I don't know what mental strength can do for the time being, but being able to put it together with physical strength should also help the body to a certain extent.

[The exchange is complete, do you still have to go to the money system to check? 】

"Let's take a look, seeing the price makes me give up."

22 Open the money system for An Li, and there are all kinds of things in it, only you can't think of anything that is not in the system.And...prices range from high to low.

For example, the price of the spaceship is followed by a series of 0s, so Anli won’t go into details, at least it’s worth [-] million gold coins less.

Cheap ones such as grass seeds cost 100 gold coin for 1 grass seeds.

An Li probably browsed through it. Basically, the prices of things that exist in her world are relatively cheap, and those that are not there will be very expensive.

"Is it to balance the worlds?" An Li asked 22.

[It can be said that as far as spacecraft is concerned, if it is easy to get it, how will you use it?Each host with a system has a different personality. For example, you may be able to travel in space or something, but if you encounter a host with an unstable mind, it may be a disaster for that world. 】

"Well... that's true. But... I looked at it. For this world, the seeds of some vegetables and fruits are not particularly expensive, but they are not very cheap. It stands to reason that there should be seeds in places where humans live. "An Li asked incomprehensibly.

[That means that these seeds are relatively rare or unavailable in human society. 】

"Oh, that's it..." I looked through the categories to see if I could buy a set of clothes to wear.But to her disappointment, the cheapest set of clothes cost 10 gold coins.An Li looked at her only 5 gold coins, which can buy 5 wheat seeds.She thought that when she returned to the tree house, she would try to plant a piece of land at the door, and then keep the seeds and continue planting, so that in a few years, the number of seeds she would get would be relatively considerable.You have to lay a solid foundation before entering the orc tribe, otherwise how can you tell people the source of these seeds.

After exiting the money system, Anli saw that there was an additional option, skills, next to the system space.She clicked on the two options of first-level physical fitness and first-level mental power in the skill. She tried to feel it, but she didn't feel that she was any different from before, so she couldn't help but feel a little frustrated.

Sticking her head out of the groove of the stone, An Li looked around, then clicked on the map to find the location where she and Feng Ling had parted ways before, identified the direction and walked there.

It's just that it was dark after walking for a long time. An Li was afraid that she would go in the wrong direction and climb up a big tree with not very lush branches and leaves that could hide her figure.

When she fell asleep, she "saw" colorful dots appearing one after another around her.These dots emitted soft fluorescence and jumped around her body playfully.Every time Anli wanted to reach out and touch them, they cleverly avoided Anli's hand as if they had eyes, and then continued to play in front of Anli.

When the first ray of sunlight illuminated the earth the next day, An Li opened her eyes.She rubbed her sore and swollen eyes and stretched her waist.She grabbed the colorful dots all night, and thought she would be very tired, but in fact she was full of energy, feeling as energetic as she had never been before.

"For the first time, after a night's dream, I won't be mentally exhausted the next day. I'm ready to go, and I don't know if the wind chimes have returned." An Li said casually to 22.

On the way back, she drank a cup of coconut juice when she was hungry. The main reason was that there was really nothing to eat around here, and even if there was, she didn't dare to pick it up and eat it.

When she was not far from the place where she broke up, she heard the chirping of insects and birds. Anli guessed that they should have left the territory of high-level monsters, so these small animals with a keen sense of danger would squeak. Chirping.

After leaving the danger zone, An Li also let out a long sigh of relief.She saw a few small animals that looked like little squirrels on the branch happily eating a red fruit, thinking that this thing is edible.

An Li found a bush with this small fruit nearby, picked one, wiped it clean and took a bite.Sweet and sour, the taste is quite good.She picked some and was just about to put them in the back basket, when she suddenly remembered that the back basket had been burned by a fire yesterday, so she could only pick a few and eat while walking.

Around noon, An Li finally reached the place where they broke up. An Li looked around but couldn't find Feng Ling and Xiao Xi. They might have already gone a step ahead after hearing An Li's words.

After confirming that Feng Ling and Xiao Xi had left, An Li felt relieved, but she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed in her heart.

[You human beings are so strange, it was obviously you who left them, and you may feel uncomfortable and hypocritical when you leave. 】

"Yes, yes, it's hypocritical! How about it, hum!" An Li retorted with a blushing face, then ignored 22 and strode back to the tree house.

On the way back, Lu Anli was quite familiar with her, and by the way, she caught a fat rabbit for dinner.At night, Anli still slept on the tree branch. After she fell asleep, she had the same dream as yesterday, the only difference was that the red dots became bigger and more numerous.

After getting bigger, the red dots became less flexible, but Anli still couldn't catch them.Another night passed, An Li was very depressed, she thought to herself: She has to figure out a way on the road today, how can she catch these colorful dots.

In this way, she picked some unseen fruits on the way back during the day, and weaved a new basket out of vines, and fought wits with those colorful dots at night.

At noon on the fifth day, she finally returned to the tree house.Also in the open space under the tree house, I saw Feng Ling and Xiaoxi who were a little listless.

An Li blew a little whistle, and said to the two civet cats looking at her, "Hi, I'm back! Did you miss me?"

(End of this chapter)

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