System farm space

Chapter 285 Drip Chapter 266 Take Meat

Chapter 285 Drip Chapter 266 Take Meat
An Li walked to the big civet cat first, and picked up the big civet cat lying on the ground.Even though the big civet cat had lost its strength and passed out, it still tensed up when An Li hugged it.

Anli patted it on the head reassuringly and said, "It's me, you sleep in your bed, and I'll take you to find your child."

Maybe it heard An Li's voice, or maybe it heard An Li talking about the child. Anyway, after An Li finished speaking, the big civet cat softened and stopped resisting.

When An Li hugged it, she thought to herself: It's quite heavy, and I can't hold it.

Panting, An Li put the big civet cat who was not a few circles younger than her next to the little civet cat. Looking at the blood-stained fur of the little civet cat, she moved closer and touched, and found several wounds bitten by pythons. It was smeared with a hemostatic concoction.She stretched out her hand to sniff again, her breathing was very weak, and she felt that her life was in danger at any moment.

An Li was a little troubled, she didn't have any medicine here to restore the monster.Turning around and seeing the body of the boa constrictor, she had an idea. The reason why the boa constrictor eats the civet cat is because it is useful to it. Then it is the same, the civet cat can also eat snake meat, right?

An Li trotted up to the python and tried to cut the python's skin with a stone knife, but it was self-evident that only a white scratch was left.

She was sitting next to the boa constrictor, looking at the boa constrictor with its mouth open, she was very confused about whether to go in and cut the meat from the boa constrictor's mouth.When An Li thought of this scene, she felt that she was rejecting her whole body, but she didn't do it, and glanced at the two civet cats not far away.An Li sighed and sent the Buddha to the west.

She opened the python's mouth, and a stench came over her face, making An Li dizzy and almost vomited out the overnight meal.She let go of her hands and turned her head to take a few breaths of fresh air. Then she held her breath and opened the snake's mouth. She got in with her upper body and took a stone knife to cut the snake's flesh from the inside.

The touch in the snake's mouth is not pleasant at all, there is sticky mucus everywhere, An Li's hand will be stained with mucus after putting it on and picking it up.

In order to get rid of the snake meat before she couldn't hold her breath, she could only ignore the mucus all over her body, quickly cut a few large pieces of snake meat, and then dragged them out one by one.

Every time a piece was dragged out, Anli had to take a deep breath of fresh air, and then hold her breath and go in to carry the piece of meat.After a few times, she took out all the cut pieces of meat, stuffed them into a slightly deformed pannier, and carried them to the two civet cats and threw them on the ground. Wash it again.

The cold water of the creek slid across An Li's skin, and she shivered from the cold.But in order to wash off all the mucus, An Li was shivering while washing the mucus off her body.

After rinsing the mucus, she took off her clothes that were too torn to see and tried to rub them and wash them, but...

An Li looked at the completely unwearable clothes after washing, and angrily threw them aside.She curled up and rubbed her hands together, trying to warm herself up.

She got on the bank and squatted on the bank watching the little fishes swimming around in a daze. She couldn't just be fruitless without her clothes.Coming from a modern civilized society, she couldn't stand doing this, even if she was the only one here, she was still just a child, but the shame of being an adult made her feel very, very uncomfortable.

There is no other good way for An Li to squat until her legs are numb. She can only learn from the primitive people and find a few large leaves for herself to cover the important parts.Then, even though the trousers were almost like rags, she put them on, which was more comfortable than nothing.

After tidying itself up, the exhausted big civet cat had already woken up and was biting the snake with small bites.An Li took a closer look, and the big civet cat bared its teeth at her.An Li curled her lips, thinking that this civet cat really has no conscience, anyway, she carried it here by herself, and for it and its cubs got into the snake's mouth and cut its flesh, and now it's still baring her teeth.

The big civet cat saw that An Li was sitting not far from it, so it felt relieved to continue eating.After eating two bites to regain its strength, the big civet cat tore a smaller piece of meat and gave it to the little civet cat to hold in front of its mouth. It nuzzled the little civet cat with its nose, trying to make it wake up and eat something.

But the little civet cat couldn't wake up because of too much blood loss. An Li couldn't bear to watch it for a while, and ignored the big civet cat's bared teeth. She walked in front of the little civet cat and cut the snake meat into small pieces so that the little civet cat could swallow it directly. Big or small, opened the civet cat's mouth and stuffed the snake meat near its throat, and the civet cat instinctively swallowed the meat.

Originally, the big civet cat almost got its claws on seeing An Li treat his child so rudely, until the little civet cat successfully swallowed a small piece of snake meat, and retracted its sharp claws.

An Li turned her head and glanced at it, then continued to move her hands, and said: "Don't worry, you saved my life, so the previous grievances are wiped out! Your child can no longer eat by himself Only in this way can it eat things and make it recover quickly."

The big civet cat didn't know whether it understood or felt An Li's kindness. It squatted quietly behind An Li and watched An Li feed the little civet cat piece by piece of meat.

After eating a large piece of snake meat, the big civet cat pressed An Li's hand, An Li turned to look at it, and realized that it meant that he had eaten enough, so he stopped.Picking up a relatively small piece of meat by herself, the other Anli said to the big civet cat: "It's all yours. If you want to eat it, you have to come by yourself. My tools can't cut the python's skin."

After finishing speaking, she soaked the meat in the stream to clean it, picked a clean leaf and put some seasoned peppercorns on it, wrapped the meat in the leaves and wrapped it with a layer of mud.After doing these things, she started the most primitive way of drilling wood to make fire. With the first experience, An Li quickly got out of the flame this time.

After she made the fire bigger, she put the pieces of mud into the fire and let it cook. Anli also moved closer to the fire to keep warm.The big civet cat and her cubs lay down not too far away but not too close to the fire, so they could feel the warmth even if they were not near the fire source.

An Li looked at it, all beasts are afraid of fire, and guessed that Warcraft is also a kind of beast, and it is normal to be afraid of fire.In this way, one person and two cats did not speak, and they roasted the fire silently.

"Crackling..." The sound of burning branches woke An Li up from her sleep.It turned out that An Li fell asleep lying on the ground at some point, she sat up and rubbed her eyes, and glanced at the lying civet cat.The civet cat moved its ears, but it didn't move and still curled up, wrapping her child in its arms.

An Li raised her eyebrows, did she relax her vigilance?She used a branch to pull out the dried and even cracked mud, hoping that her beggar meat would not be mushy.

(End of this chapter)

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