Chapter 280

An Li looked at the swollen little dumpling, and squeezed it in the palm of her hand.It doesn't feel like cotton at hand, but like squeezing a ball of water.

An Li thought it was fun, and pulled another petal off.Seeing it turned into a small ball again, Anli thought it was really amazing. She put the two balls together, and the two small balls slowly merged into one ball.

An Li's eyes widened in surprise, she picked it up and looked at it carefully without finding any cracks.She pulled off the remaining three petals and put them together, and they all fused together, turning into a ball that was bigger than Anli's little palm.

Then a miraculous scene happened, the dumpling that was beyond the palm slowly wrapped around Anli's hand as if it had melted.An Li felt that it was miraculous, she picked up the other hand and put it together, but the dumpling squirmed and wrapped both hands, and after a while, it stopped still.

An Li picked up her hands, and found that the ball turned into a thin layer of gauze after wrapping her hands.An Li moved her fingers, but she didn't feel anything at all. If she didn't look at her hands, she wouldn't find that her hands were covered with something.

An Li used his fingers to pinch up the gauze layer again. It was easy to pinch, but taking it off took a lot of effort from An Li.When they turn into yarn, it's like squeezing water, making it difficult to grasp.

After taking it off, Anli found that their activity was gone, and they would no longer become fluffy. Even if they wanted to wear them on their hands again, they would not be able to use them because they would not form after taking them off.

An Li looked at the wound on her palm, but it was not affected in the slightest. "Isn't this just a glove? It's very suitable for me now, so that I won't be afraid of wound infection." An Li discovered the magical effect of this plant flower.

She once grabbed a flower and turned it into a glove, no matter how she looked at it, she was satisfied.Looking at the remaining plant with three flowers, An Li asked 22: "Can I temporarily store it in the system?"

[Of course, you have a 10-slot system backpack to put some urgently needed things. 】

An Li stared and said, "Then why didn't you say it earlier?"

【You didn't ask me...】

"It's not smart at all, and I will only say it if I ask a question, bad review." An Li chanted while slowly digging out the roots of the plant she named Peng Penghua, and put it into the system backpack.

An Li found five or six fluffy flowers nearby. She didn't think about what to do for a while, but she always felt that such a magical flower should be useful.

She got out of the bushes where she came from and patted the dead leaves stuck to her body, shook her hands wrapped in fluffy flowers, and ran to the lake excitedly.

When An Li arrived at the lake, she threw the bananas aside and put her hands in the water. She wanted to see if the fluffy flowers would melt or break when exposed to water.She was very satisfied with the test results, and there was no sign of damage after entering the water.

An Li took out her hand to shake off the water droplets, found a large and flat stone, moved it to the lake with all her strength and washed it with water, and picked up a slightly larger pebble from the lake beach that could be used as a pestle, put the plantain on the It was crushed into mud on the boulder, grabbed a handful and sprinkled in the lake water.

Whether or not the fish can be numb is only Anli's guess. She squatted some distance away from the lake and secretly observed the fish's actions.

Seeing that the plantain mud gradually melted and floated down to the bottom of the lake after being soaked in water, but there were still no fish to eat them, An Li squatted aside, feeling anxious.It wasn't until all the mashed plantains were gone that An Li sighed and stood up and rubbed her sore legs, which failed for the first time.

She stood by the stone and looked at the plantains that had been crushed into mud, and she had an idea. Could it be that fish don't like to eat mud?She broke the plantains into small pieces and threw them into the lake one by one to continue observing.

This time, An Li didn't wait long, and saw a few fish swam to the banana block with their tails swung twice, and after confirming that there was no danger, they opened their mouths and ate the banana block.

One fish started to eat, and after confirming that there was no abnormality in the companion's eating, the other fish also began to feast on it one after another.

After the four or five fish finished eating half of a piece of plantain, they turned around and found no other food, so they flicked their tails and swam away again.

An Li watched them swim away after eating, without any symptoms of numbness at all, not to mention how depressed she was.Could it be that this plantain only has an effect on her?Disappointed, she stood up and approached the lake to prepare for the third experiment.

Just as she was about to throw a banana and a half into the lake, 22 reminded her [An Li, a fish has turned its belly, but it still has the strength to struggle.That fish was the one that ate the most, with a reaction time of 1 minute, your guess is correct, but the dosage needs to be readjusted. 】

As soon as An Li heard this, his short legs moved swishingly, he stepped into the water, fished out the unruly fish, and threw it to the shore to prevent it from regaining its strength and running away again.

"Phew, I can finally eat meat today. Is it because of the ratio? Let's try with a plantain this time..." An Li first dug a small pool by the lake, and then threw the fish that came up. Into the pool, and continue her catching fish and experiment work.

I used up all the bananas I picked back and forth, and came to the conclusion that one banana can paralyze three fish for 1-2 minutes, and two bananas can paralyze three fish for 5-6 minutes. The size of the fish determines the length of time.The more servings, the more it's not a simple 1+1. Specifically, she doesn't have so many plantains to experiment with.

After working for a long time, the sun has gone west a little.An Li estimated that the time was around two or three o'clock in the afternoon, and she had to pack up quickly and go back.

She used vines to string the six fish she had caught through the gills and carried them slung over her body. With the other hand, she picked some edible fruits on the way back.Whenever this time, Anli dislikes her small body very much, she can't carry too many small things everywhere, so she can make a backpack to hold some things when she has time.

In the evening, An Li returned to her residence. When she came back, she spared some way, so that she could step on the map and come back.

Putting everything under the big tree, An Li picked up some dry branches, and then imitated the ancients who used two stones to strike to generate flames and then ignite the branches.However, she overestimated her own strength too much, and she didn't succeed even though her fingers were numb.

Later, she tried to make fire by drilling wood.Seeing the sparks coming out, she felt the slightest pain in her palm.He picked up his hand and looked, well, Peng Penghua's gloves had been worn out while drilling wood.Therefore, this puffy flower is not as strong as imagined, at least not as strong as a hemp glove.

An Li sighed, gritted her teeth and continued turning before the temperature of the drilled wood dropped.The hard work paid off, and after the scab was worn away again, An Li finally lit the fire.

(End of this chapter)

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