System farm space

Chapter 264 A new year begins

Chapter 264 A New Year Begins
When An Li woke up feeling dizzy and clutching her head, it was already bright outside, and the system sent an announcement beeping non-stop.

System: Congratulations for spending a year of game time in "Life" and completing a year of life game achievements. For reward details, go to the achievement interface to view.

"Hmm, the achievement interface...let me take a look." An Li sat up and clicked on the achievements. Behind it was an achievement for spending a year in the game, which awarded 500 experience points and 50 exploration points.

"Oh, I've long forgotten what I can do with this exploration value." An Li scratched her head.

[Jiangjiang, Anli, we have to work harder in the new year.Happy New Year~ Is that what you say? ] 22 suddenly appeared in front of An Li in the shape of a bouquet and said to An Li.

"Morning~ Happy New Year! But there is no lucky money, hahaha. Oh, I have a headache, I drank too much wine yesterday." An Li rubbed her brows and said.

[You missed too much yesterday. At twelve o'clock, there was a rain of fireworks. It was very beautiful. It was also a free drop-in service from the main system. It's a pity that you didn't see it. 】22 said with a look of regret.

"Really? Oh, oh, oh, oh, then I have to ask for compensation from Uncle Jin. It's a big loss for me!" An Li was about to cry without tears. She had already sat up, but fell down on the bed again and refused to get up.

[Okay, okay, there should be such a gift event every year.It's spring today, go out and have a look. 】22 urged An Li to make her act quickly.

"OK OK. Stop wandering around. I already have a terrible headache. I feel sick when you wander around." An Li stopped 22 from flying around, got out of bed and put on burlap clothes for work. out.

The outside world is suddenly different from yesterday. Yesterday it was still white all over the world. When I woke up today, some blue buds emerged from the treetops and the ground.

"It's amazing, it really became like this overnight!" An Li poked at the bitter vegetables that were planted in the yard last year, and this year they sprouted small sprouts again, which is strange.

[What's so strange about this, everything here is according to... emm, Luo Li is here. ] 22 almost said too much again, shut up and change the subject.

An Li is also helpless, she doesn't want to know all kinds of little secrets, but she also finds it difficult to deal with a small system that can't control her mouth!
An Li went to the workshop first. Last year, she saved all kinds of crops. At that time, she planned to use these seeds this year. By the way, she added seeds unique to each season in the grocery store for residents to choose.

After she brought the seeds back, Zhen Laihu and the three of them were already waiting at the door of An Li's house.An Li saw it, and told 22 to go to the grocery store to buy new seeds, and she chatted with the three of them.

After Zhen Laihu and the others saw An Li, they all came up to say hello: "Mayor, Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year to all my brothers. This year, my family's land will be entrusted to you!" An Li also congratulated with a smile on his face.

"Haha, don't worry if you leave it to us. What shall we plant first?" Zhen Laihu laughed and asked.

"I just went to the workshop to get some seeds. Let's plant rice, wheat and corn first. These three are the staple food, and everyone's demand will be greater. I don't have too much rice and noodles at home, so I just planted a batch first. I'll type it out." An Li thought for a while and said.

"Okay, no problem, let's go to the fields now." Zhen Laihu took the seed bag and the three of them went to work in the fields.

After An Li watched a few people leave, she called Luo Li to come over, and the two finally decided how to change the chicken coop and where to place it. After that, she asked Luo Li to lay the foundation first, and then she went to the residential area to see the houses of various houses. Condition.

An Li first went to see the fields of each family. Basically, seeds like rice were reserved before, and they are all working in the fields at the moment.Anli thought that after the busy work of farming had passed, she would continue to organize people to build a house. The house at the other end of the mine, Anli, was going to be completed in spring, and then she was working hard to upgrade to increase the population. Some, so that her town will be more lively.

"Hey, the most important thing is to recruit a few managers to sell the special products in our town. This means that we also need to find some craftsmen. In recent days, Grandpa Zhou has been walking around the town asking if there are any Who has a more special craftsmanship?" An Li said to 22.

【Erina's alchemy products are pretty good. 】

"But the mass production of Alina's alchemy products is not realistic. Besides, doesn't everyone have an alchemy shop?" An Li asked.

[Of course not, except for the few shopping malls that come with the system, all the shops in the town are opened by the indigenous residents recruited by the players themselves.Not every player's store is the same, but such as equipment stores and clothing stores, there are more people who know how to do it, and most people can recruit such residents to settle down and open stores. 】

[Such as Elina's alchemy shop or other shops, the residents of these shops are random, not everyone will save Elina like you, and Elina just happens to settle here, so there are Alchemy shop.As for the types of ores, such as the magic crystal mine, the main system has detected the entry of western alchemists here, so for the future development of the town, magic crystal mines will be generated at the mine, otherwise there will be no alchemy equipment Without the corresponding fuel, it's all useless. 】

22 explained to An Li the knowledge about shops, and An Li understood this.

"So, should I also encourage residents with skills to open shops? In that case, it will not only make the residents of the town more comfortable, but I can also take some of the things they make to the exchange. For sale." An Li said.

【Bingo, that's the truth.Moreover, you can also conduct auctions in the auction house, products that you think are more suitable, or things that may be able to sell for a large price. ] 22 said.

"Auction house? Oh, yes, I have activated the function of the auction house now. I haven't visited it yet. Will it be very expensive?" An Li couldn't be more excited, but she has other things to do now, wait until later Go back and go shopping when you have time.

She found Lao Zhou and mentioned the matter about the statistical craftsmen to Lao Zhou, and Lao Zhou nodded to indicate that he understood.Then An Li thought for a while and said, "If the grain harvested by each family can't be eaten, I will pay 1 gold coin per catty to buy wheat, 2 gold coins per catty, and buy 1 gold coin less than the market price after that. You see, if they are willing Just come to me, if you don't want to keep it by yourself or do whatever you want."

"It's 1 gold coin less than the market price. I guess people don't want to sell it?" Old Zhou said hesitantly.

"Because I have to sell it after I take it back. The town is slowly getting on the right track now and there are many places that need money. The grains I collected will be sold in the end and the funds will be used to continue building the town. That will be the case then. Let the residents live a better life. Just explain it clearly to them directly. If you agree, then sell it. If you don't agree, forget it. I won't force it." An Li said.

"Okay, then I'll tell them." Old Zhou understood what An Li meant, and he thought about how to make the residents willing to take out food, so that the town's construction would be faster.

"By the way, Grandpa Zhou. After you count the craftsmen, by the way, ask them if they would like to open a shop in the small town if you give them a shop. Because I think all kinds of shops in our small town are very good. Sometimes, if you need to buy something, you can only wait for the wandering merchant or my grocery store. But after all, the grocery store only sells groceries, and things like furniture can only wait for the wandering merchant. And I also We plan to set up a kiln in the town this year, and when the time comes, we will burn the kiln and make ceramics by ourselves. As long as there are such craftsmen, I will give priority to admission." The more An Li talked, the more excited she felt that her thoughts It really is too much.

"Hehe, it's good for you to have ideas, and I know you will definitely implement and realize these. I will think about the wording and tell the residents when the time comes." Old Zhou nodded with a smile.

"Okay, Grandpa Zhou, I'll go to school again. I'll check on the students on the first day of school today." After An Li communicated her thoughts with Old Zhou, An Li got up and went to the school head.

When passing by the place she planned as a small park, An Li thought that she still had to find someone to dig out the tree center, and she had to ask those teachers to give her a park plan or something, so that the residents could plant and plan according to the blueprint.

After she came to the school, it happened to be the time for exercises between classes. Zhou Ning was letting the students run around the playground when he saw An Li coming to say hello: "Good morning!"

The other teachers are not in class at the moment and they are moving their bodies. The two sisters Zhang Xueman and Zhang Xueman are chatting about something, of course, the younger sister talks more. Seeing An Li coming, Zhang Xuening called her: "An Li An Li, I think you have vacated a space in front of the school, are you planning to plan a park?"

"Well, yes." An Li was surprised what Zhang Xuening was talking about.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see the drawings I drew. My wife is bored every day, so I drew a few pictures of the park when I had nothing to do that day. You can see if they look good." Zhang Xuening really wanted to use it. As a park worker, she immediately became excited.

An Li also smiled and said: "Okay, if you are really sleepy, someone will hand you a pillow. I came here today to see if you can draw pictures. I want to make the park green."

"Then we really want to go together." Zhang Xuening didn't expect that An Li came for this matter, and she was very happy.She happily took Anli to the office and took out the two park pictures she had drawn for Anli to see.

An Li felt that Zhang Xuening's paintings were very good-looking, with everything that should be there, and the arrangement of heights and so on was acceptable.The only thing that is hard to say is that there are a few small bushes with clever shapes, such as elephants and birds. An Li feels that the people in her town probably cannot cut such beautifully shaped bushes.

"Looks good, I'll go to Tong Yu and Shi Xiaochun, and ask them to find a way to draw a blueprint of the finished product for me, hehe, it happens to be one math and one physics, and it should be okay to draw a picture with spatial thinking. "An Li said with a smile.

"Yeah, you can ask. I also want my creativity to become real, haha, I will go to the park every day." Zhang Xuening is also looking forward to it.

When An Li came out of Zhang Xuening's office, she found Tong Yu and Shi Xiaochun and told them her thoughts. The two exchanged glances and reluctantly agreed.

The two wanted to shirk and asked An Li to find someone else.But the two of them knew exactly what was going on in the town. If there were other suitable candidates, An Li probably wouldn't ask them for help. After all, their classes were very laborious.

"Then please, please~ I will invite you to have dinner at home to thank you when the design is finished! Just when the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, let's go out for an outing or something, and I will give you a holiday to go out and relax." An Li Said.

"Really? Tong Yu, Shi Xiaochun, then you guys get the blueprints done quickly, and we'll go out for an outing." Zhang Xuening also found her just in time to hear An Li's assurance. It is estimated that it is time to go to class when I live.

"Okay, okay, let's go measure it now." Shi Xiaochun reluctantly agreed.

An Li looked at Shi Xiaochun, she could see that Shi Xiaochun seemed to like Zhang Xuening a little bit, but the performance was not particularly obvious, Zhang Xuening kept talking in front of Tong Yu.Tsk tsk, this heart-wrenching love triangle~

This matter was over, An Li said goodbye and went back to help Luo Li get the chicken coop.

Luo Li was knocking on the small chicken coop that was to be placed in the chicken coop with a wooden board he had made at home. An Li saw how vigorously he was knocking and did not bother him, letting him use his imagination.

She came back and walked around the commercial street, and combined the suggestions of Elina and Uncle Jin and his wife, she put the forging shop next to Uncle Jin and them, so that when their masters didn't understand something, they would invite Uncle Jin It is also convenient to help with pointers.

Anli chose the appearance and internal structure of the shop, ordered construction and paid gold coins, and it would take two and a half days to complete.Anli found that the construction time of the subsequent shops would take half a day longer each time.When she first started building the grocery store, she finished it in a day.

"It would be great if the system could also help build the mine." An Li looked at the construction team and began to jingle.

[It’s always possible, it’s because you don’t want to spend money. ] 22 voice channels.

"It costs 100 to build one house, 200 for the second, and so on. I can't afford it, so I might as well build it myself." An Li shook his head and said.

[Hmm, so, this is not a system problem, but your own problem. ] 22 don't take the blame.

"Yes, yes, my question. By the way, how many stores can I open at this level?" An Li asked, remembering this.

[Level 5 is a watershed. You are now level 26, and you can open up to 8 stores. You already have 6 stores, and you can open 2 more. 】22 said.

(End of this chapter)

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