System farm space

Chapter 26 Finding Earthworms

Chapter 26 Finding Earthworms

Spring January 1, sunny.

Daily watering and feeding of small animals, but today there is a small surprise.

When Anli was feeding the chickens, he found something white in the chicken coop. Anli opened the grass and looked, hey, an egg!
"Ouch, I raised you for nothing. I laid eggs. I can eat fresh eggs every day from now on. When will the other chick be able to lay eggs? Then I can have two eggs a day." Because of the eggs, An Li is in a great mood and feels motivated to work.

Boil eggs early and add pimple soup.

"Well, I always think today's eggs are particularly delicious. Homemade eggs are more fragrant than wild eggs."

[You are psychological, aren't they all the same? 】

"That's different, oops, you don't understand human psychology~ I think I should sneak some chicks back to raise them, and when they grow up, they can lay eggs and eat them, maybe they can even hatch chicks, I think It's beautiful to think about."

After breakfast, start mixing mud.After the mud is mixed, you can start the house building game.

The first time he built a house, Anli was a little cautious. Recalling the houses he had seen before, cement was put on the bricks first. The same should be done for the adobe bricks. Mud was applied first and then placed on the foundation.

One piece after another, layer after layer.

It’s easy to say, but it’s not easy at all.It needs to be placed neatly one by one, and if it is not neatly placed, it has to be taken down and restarted again. The progress is very slow.

After the whole morning, An Li was exhausted, her nerves were tense, and there were only a few layers of bricks where the door needed to be opened.

"Hey, slow work produces meticulous work! Slow work produces meticulous work! It's really not easy to do anything. It feels easy to watch high-rise buildings whizzing up, but it's actually not easy at all."

An Li calculated it. At this rate, if he could finish it in ten days, he would be considered fast.After the building is finished, we still need to lay out bamboo mats. The bamboo mats have not been woven yet, and the bamboo is gone and we still have to cut it. There is still a lot of work!
An Li wished she could eat three meals a day and save two meals, eat one meal at night, and work hard during the day, but this is not realistic at all, and she will be exhausted in two days.

For Chinese food, I grilled a piece of fish casually, and made some noodles and put them in front of the stove to heat and ferment.

"Steam some steamed buns or something. If you're hungry, just stuff two steamed buns and you'll be full."

Take a nap at noon and continue building the house in the afternoon.


The sun is coming off work for another day. Anli's construction project is not going very smoothly, and the progress in the afternoon is the same as that in the morning.

Anli stretches her body, let's continue to work hard tomorrow.

Boiled mushroom fish soup at night to supplement myself, and then the heart of smuggling some chicks in the daytime was about to move.

[I need to remind you that you need to fight wits and courage with a large group of pheasants, are you ready? 】

"Then catch them all!" An Li said passionately.However, after finishing speaking, I felt a dull pain in my buttocks.Last time Hayes came to make scrambled eggs for him, the pain of being pecked for stealing eggs was still fresh in An Li's memory.

"Sleep and sleep, I won't take a shower today, I'm too tired. Anyway, it will be dirty tomorrow, let's save it and wash it together."

An Li no longer cares about her image, what a terrible adaptability!
... two days later ...

In two days, the last third of the kitchen is ready to be roofed. After two days of high-intensity work, the body is a bit overwhelmed.An Li decided to take a vacation for herself, and went out to the forest to look around and find some ingredients.

An Li took an inventory of her current belongings:

There are more than 5 barrels of milk and what I drank. It feels wasteful and easy to spoil if I can’t drink it. It can’t be stored in the backpack all the time, so Anli decided to sell it.

"22, sell 5 barrels of milk. Let me see, 5 more mushrooms have grown. Can the mushrooms be sold?"

[Yes, a mushroom costs 3 gold coins. 】

"It's so cheap, it's hard to grow it."

【……hehe. 】

"Oh what, sell 5! There are still a lot of dried ones. Recently, it's either mushroom soup or fried mushrooms every day. What I eat is almost like a mushroom. Sell it and sell it."

【Okay, sold. 15 gold coins have arrived. 】

"I've finished eating the apples, and I still want to eat them. Natural apples are so sweet, so I'll pick some more. I saved up 2 eggs, which is too slow. 22. Can chickens and rabbits increase happiness?"

[Yes, the happiness of the pheasant will increase, and the output of eggs will increase.For rabbits, the hair will be better and the meat will be more delicious. 】

"Oh, the rabbits are so pitiful. The purpose of increasing happiness is to eat them. That's according to their preferences~ Then, what do chickens and rabbits like to eat? Chickens eat bugs? How about catching earthworms? Rabbits... rabbits. I really don't know, carrot? Cabbage?
The happiness of rabbits is too difficult. I'd better study the happiness of chickens first. After all, earthworms are much easier to find than carrots and cabbages. "

"It seems that there are almost all the necessities in the kitchen except for the pots. There are also small wooden tables and everything. The wooden boards are ready and the house can be repaired today. It is agreed to rest. Why are there so many things? !"

An Li doesn't want to figure out what needs to be done, otherwise she will feel tired.Today is a holiday, go out for a wild trip, don't think about other things at all!


"Hey, 22! There are a lot of shrimps this time! Why are they so stupid, they will sneak in when there is nothing, hehehe."

An Li picked up the shrimp trap filled with shrimp, and watched seven or eight prawns jumping around inside.After checking my harvest, I put the shrimp trap into the lake again. I just came out and went in to find the ingredients, and took it away after I came out.

An Li first went into the bamboo forest to find some damp places to dig, to see if she could find earthworms.After digging for a long time without finding it, I got up and went into the forest to look for it.

At the place where the fungus was found before, she spread the digging centered on the fungus, and she really let her dig out the earthworms.

But, An Li is very afraid of bugs, especially caterpillars that are ugly and squishy!

"Hey~ I have goosebumps, what should I do 22, I dare not scratch them, they look so disgusting and disgusting."

An Li looked at the earthworm crawling back and forth in the soil, wriggling limply, every cell in her body was clamoring for fear.

[No way, why don't you find some bigger leaves, grab them with soil and earthworms and stuff them into the basket? ] 22 suggested.

"I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid at all. How can there be no bugs in the forest? Am I so lucky that I haven't encountered bugs in the forest several times?" An Li was about to cry, but for the sake of happiness, the pheasant could only be caught. .

An Li closed her eyes and told herself that they were all dried mealworms that were once fed to hamsters. They were not scary at all. The mealworms were fed with bare hands, and then mustered up the courage to put a large piece of soil with earthworms into the basket with her hands. inside.

The feeling of getting started is really indescribable.Not too much description here, so as not to cause discomfort.

An Li took a long breath, and rubbed her hands on her clothes again and again, to get rid of the soft feeling.By the way, I picked some fungus, and I can go back and stir-fry vegetables.The fungus I picked last time were all dried, and they were almost eaten, so I will take some back and dry them in the sun.

This time, An Li cut off the bigger ones, thinking that mushrooms can be cultivated, maybe even fungus, so she cut off a large piece with the flora, put it gently in the back basket and walked inside Pick apples.

(End of this chapter)

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