System farm space

Chapter 255 "Old" Anli

Chapter 255 "Old" Anli
An Li arrived at the lake. The ice on the lake was still very thick this time.An Li tried his best to get out of the ice cave.I originally thought about fishing with a fishing rod, but it turned out that the fish seemed to be hungry, and they all rushed towards the hole when they saw it.

An Li found many fish species that she had never seen before, which was a surprise.She bought a fishing net for a dozen gold coins from the exchange. After the net was tied, An Li sprinkled her self-made high-grade bait into the ice hole, and watched the fish scrambling over to eat the bait.

An Li sat on the bank and watched as a wall, and learned through 22's scan that there were many red scale fish inside.An Li thought that she had promised Luo Li to make him a bow with red scales, but she hadn't fulfilled her promise because there were not too many scales, and there happened to be a lot of fish for her to pull out the scales.

Now that she needs scales, she guesses that she will have to eat fish for a long time recently, it seems that she can hang the packed fish in the grocery store for sale.Anyway, if the residents of the town want to eat fish, they have to hunt it themselves. Isn't it more convenient to buy ready-made fish.

Think east, look west.When 22 reminded her that the net might not hold any more fish, she got up to pull the net.As a result, due to the many fish and the resistance of the water, she almost fell into the water without being pulled. After trying many times, Anli felt that she might not be able to do it alone, so she hurriedly asked 22 to go back to rescue the soldiers.

About ten minutes later, Luo Li came over with a few men.The few people dragging the fishing net out were exhausted one by one.

An Li looked at the fish jumping around on the ice and smiled like an aunt.She divided some common ones, such as carp and grass carp, among the men who came to help, and kept all the red scale fish for herself.There are also some rare fish that 22 has never seen before, and they are all put into buckets and ready to be poured into her fish pond to add more varieties to the fish pond.

There were also some small fish and shrimps, An Li threw them into the lake again.These are too small to fit between the teeth, so it is better to keep them when they grow up.

The men didn't expect that the mayor would give them so many fish when they came to help them.An Li waved her hand and said: "Come to my help, how dare I let you go home empty-handed. Seeing that the end of the year is approaching, you can keep some good food at home. I still have this here. Where can I keep it?" Can eat it all."

There are one or two residents who came here on the first day of winter, and they don't know much about An Li.After this close contact, they found that their mayor did not seem to be difficult to get along with, but was easy to talk to.

An Li didn't know that she had gained another wave of goodwill from the residents invisibly, skipping this, and after everyone left, An Li and Luo Li transported the fish back to the pond bit by bit .

An Li thought that Luo Li would say something after seeing these red scale fish, but they didn't mention anything at all, so that An Li didn't know whether Luo Li had forgotten what she promised him before, or whether she remembered it or not. Feel free to bring it up.

By the time the two of them finished their fuss, it was already completely dark.The two returned home in the dark in the light snow, and Xiao Hong had already finished her homework and was waiting eagerly for them to come back with a hungry stomach.

An Li saw that Xiaohong hadn't eaten so late, she couldn't help but said distressedly: "You silly boy, if you are hungry, you can go to Aunt Lanhua's house to eat first, just wait for us to come back."

"Hee hee, I'm not very hungry. My brothers and sisters haven't eaten yet, so how could I run away and not be with you?" Xiaohong said with a smile.

An Li rolled her eyes, "Your idiom is extremely inappropriate here. Eating first by yourself has nothing to do with running away. I'll heat up our steamed buns last night first. Fortunately, most of the steamed buns were frozen outside yesterday, otherwise you I'm probably going to be hungry until midnight."

Xiaohong stuck out her tongue and helped Anli boil water.Luo Li was in the house picking up the fish that he had caught.The more common fish, An Li, brought back and prepared to pack and make frozen fish before selling. She felt that these fish were too common to keep in her fish pond. It was a waste of space. It would be better to sell them and earn some money back. .

The buns were hot and the three of them devoured their dinner.An Li rushed Xiao Hong to go to bed or something, while she and Luo Li scraped the scales and cut open the belly of the fish.

When the snow outside gradually stopped, An Li saw that it was already past two o'clock in the morning.She moved her sore arms, stood up and moved her muscles and bones, and the joints on her body creaked.

She stretched a bit and said to Luo Li: "Okay, let's clean up the rest tomorrow. Hey, my whole body smells fishy. It feels like I don't want to eat fish at all for a long time!"

Luo Li also stood up and moved a bit and said: "I can't smell other smells anymore, my nose is full of fishy smell."

"Hahaha, this smell will follow us for several days!" An Li laughed and replied, feeling that they were just like sisters and brothers.

After waiting for Luo Li to leave, An Li took out all the red scale fish and cleaned up the scales one by one.Not every scale of the red scale fish can be used as a material for making equipment. She caught more than ten red scale fish this time, and the final red scale harvested was only more than 40. That's all.

She looked at the scales in the backpack, which were not too many compared to the number of fish, and wondered if they were enough to make a bow.

Looking at the outside, it was already a bit pale, An Li sighed and cleaned up the fish all night, but there was no one left.She left the fish outside to freeze, and cleaned up the kitchen by herself. She wanted to open the window to let the fish smell out, but she also thought about not waiting for Xiaohong to sleep and then letting her freeze it until dawn. When the sun is out, let's take a good breath.

She was lying on the bed, already sleepy, but the moment her head touched the pillow, she rushed out immediately.I only thought it might be two or three minutes, and An Li was already snoring.It seems that he is really tired.


An Li only felt that she had only slept for a while, and when she opened her eyes, the sun was already high.She rubbed her sore eyes and glanced at the time, it was already around ten o'clock in the morning.

"Wow, after sleeping for so long, why does it feel like I woke up just after falling asleep." An Li rubbed her eyes very unhappy.

[Maybe it’s because you’re too old to stay up late?Then who knows~]

An Li didn't have the energy to argue with 22, she asked, "Why did Xiao Hong and Luo Li eat early? Is Xiao Hong late for school?"

[No, Luo Li followed Zhang Yuwen and took a class of students to practice in nature.It's been more than an hour since we left. 】

"Ah? Then why didn't Luo Li come and call me, and he followed alone?" An Li ran away when she heard the sleepiness.

 In other words, the recent state is really very bad.

  My head is in a fog every day because of seasonal allergic rhinitis.Kavinka is quite powerful, and he starts to feel drowsy as soon as he sits in front of the computer and stares at it for a long time.

  I've been taking medicine for rhinitis recently, and I don't know how to take care of things.Readers and friends, if you have any good ideas, you might as well tell them all, if you are not sure, it will make me full of inspiration~
  Today's update is here, good night everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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