System farm space

Chapter 247 I will be the villain

Chapter 247 I will be the villain
Why is An Li so appealing to everyone to sweep the snow? It all started when she just woke up.

As soon as she opened her eyes and looked at the heavy snow outside the window, the system sent out a task.

Ding: Small town mission, heavy snow has covered the entire town. Although it is beautiful, danger and beauty coexist.Players need to lead residents to clear snow together. Each person they lead will be rewarded with 1 experience points and 10 gold coins.Has now led 10/0.

Because of this task, Anli asked everyone to clean the snow together.But in fact, she will let people clear the snow even if there is no task, but it may be just random who wants to participate.

After she finished notifying the door-to-door on her end, she clicked on the task and took a look. Now there are more than 30 people in action.There are more than 60 people left before all-hands action.However, An Li thought that it might not be practical for all the staff, and it might not be possible to get around such a large residential area.

She went to the other side of the guardrail first, and the young adults were already shoveling the snow out of the trap.An Li went over and warned: "There are no spikes or something in it, you should be careful when shoveling snow, don't hurt yourself."

"Don't worry, Mayor, we will be careful." said several young people who were resting.

An Li saw that there was nothing she could do to help her, so she walked towards the center of the residential area. Coincidentally, next to the guardrail here was the family that was bitten by wild wolves.An Li saw that the woman she was observing was sweeping the snow in the yard, she thought about it and walked into her house.

An Li looked around first and then said, "Auntie, you are sweeping the snow alone. Where are the other people in your family?"

The woman was startled by An Li's voice, and turned around in a huff.An Li didn't expect the woman to make such a big noise, and was startled by the woman's sudden turn.

The woman saw who was coming, pursed her lips for a while, and then said: "They are not here, I don't know where they went, let me clean the yard at home." The sound of sawing something made Anli very uncomfortable.

She remembered that during the last wild wolf incident, the woman's voice was not like this, why did the voice change so much this time.

Xu Shi saw An Li's doubts and slightly frowned eyebrows.The woman fell silent and said no more.

An Li felt that something should have happened when she didn't know, but 22 said that there was nothing wrong with it staring at this side all the time.Just when An Li was puzzled, he was suddenly hit by someone, and a cursing voice came from behind: "Ouch, who is blocking the door of someone's house? It hurts me to death. Hey, Ge Daya, hurry up and get me a glass of water. The mayor has a seizure or something. He makes every household, men, women, old and young, go out and shovel snow. It’s just free time. Ouch, my hands hurt so much."

The woman named Ge Daya raised her head and glanced at Anli quickly, then lowered her head and raised the corners of her mouth slightly before returning to the original state, so quickly that no one noticed that she had smiled.

Although An Li also felt that she was an ordinary person, she had never put on airs as the mayor.But being scolded face to face as sick, no one can bear it.She turned around with a dark face and said, "You don't seem to be very satisfied with what I said, auntie."

The yelling voice behind her fell silent the moment she saw An Li, and she opened her mouth to look at An Li, not knowing what to say, and choked out a sentence after holding back for a long time: "Mayor, why did you come to my house."

An Li looked at her, and said coolly: "It's a good thing I'm here, otherwise I wouldn't know that this aunt has such a big opinion of me."

"No, no, you misunderstood me. I'm just... I'm just talking nonsense, mayor, please don't take it seriously. Ah, yes, the mayor came in to drink some water. I listen to that old Zhou Head, no, the deputy mayor said that you started shoveling snow and clearing snow yourself early in the morning, and you are an example for us to learn from." That little concubine broke out in sweat from being scared in the middle of winter.She stared fiercely at Ge Daya while she was talking, this stuffy stinky bitch, she knew that this was the mayor and didn't remind her, which made her terrified at the moment.

"I don't dare to be your compliment. I really just have too much time to do. I want to let the big guys move around in the cold. Well, why don't you help me clean up this trail. I'm too free It's not good to see the snow here and no one takes care of me." An Li looked at the little concubine coolly, and said something that surprised the little concubine.

"This, this, this... I have such a big place, is it too big for me to clean it alone?" The concubine asked tremblingly.

"Is it big? I feel okay. Xiao Hong and I started shoveling from my house all the way to Grandpa Zhou's house, and we didn't feel too lucky." An Li tilted her head and said doubtfully.

"Hehe, hehe... The Mayor says whatever he says is whatever he says. I'm going, I'm going." This man was so filled with hatred that he didn't dare to do anything to An Li, so he could only give Ge Dayabu a fierce look. I reluctantly went to clear the snow.

Ge Daya didn't pay attention to the concubine's petty actions at all, and she didn't pay attention to An Li, the mayor, she was just doing her own work.

An Li came out of that house with a sullen face in a rather unattractive mood. Originally, she just wanted to go in to see if there were any clues to the hidden mission, but she couldn't find any clues, but she heard dissatisfaction with her face to face. It's strange to be happy.

22 comforted her and said [It's not nothing, at least we know that this concubine doesn't take her main wife seriously at all, and she can beat and scold her as much as she wants. 】

It happened that the woman from the next door led the child out to sweep the snow on the road in front of the door. She saw An Li coming over with a sullen face and asked with a smile, "Where did you go, sir? You don't look very happy."

An Li rolled her eyes, turned her head and said angrily: "I'm so pissed off, the concubine from the family next door doesn't take me seriously, and it's okay to say that I'm not me. Anyway, I couldn’t hear it, but I saw that aunt was cleaning alone and wanted to go in and ask, but she was bumped into and even scolded.”

When the woman heard that she was talking about that concubine, she also said with a look of disdain: "That Taohuaer, I don't know my position at all. But the third son of Song is also unclear, and she let herself be married. It doesn't hurt, but I prefer the one with the foxy face. It really deserves to be that kind of guy who came out of the Goulan courtyard, and he really has skills."

An Li pretended to inadvertently asked: "Auntie is very familiar with this family?"

"That's not true, let me tell you that we were neighbors before we moved here. That Ge Daya was also one of the best women in the town at that time. The things are just like the real ones, and usually when someone gets married in the town, she will be asked to help her embroider some small things.” Aunt recalled.

 Well, sleepy... I will revise the second half tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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