System farm space

Chapter 219 Resident Daily Tasks

Chapter 219 Resident Daily Tasks
She knows about other tasks, such as going to Atlantis to find Tris for payment.

However, she also discovered a hidden mission: to find out the truth about wolf bites.

A major event happened in the town recently, residents were attacked by wild wolves.However, there seems to be something else hidden behind this matter. As the mayor, An Li, please find out the truth at this time and tell everyone the truth.

"Well, there's no reward written down." An Li rubbed his chin.

[The hidden missions appear randomly, so the rewards are also distributed randomly.The direction of your investigation will affect the direction of the matter, so when investigating, be more comprehensive and don't believe one-sided words. 】

"Well, that's it. Then I know, and I'm not in a hurry anyway. I'll start investigating after entertaining the friends tomorrow. By the way, is the poor bitten woke up?" An Li asked.

22 said [I just woke up, screaming in pain, hey, they invited Luo Li to give me medicine. 】

"Hmm, even Luo Li can work as a barefoot doctor on a part-time basis. Hey, the town also needs a person who really understands medicine, so that it will be more convenient for residents to see a doctor. You can also add this to the recruitment announcement." An Li thought Recently, I have sighed a lot more times, and there are so many chores.

"Let's go, go to Uncle Jin and buy a few bundles of wooden arrows. Let's go hunting. Oh, this thing doesn't feel heavy at first when it's tied up, but it's quite heavy when you walk." An Li shook her leg The sandbags tied to her body will have to be tied for a week, but she has a hunch that it may be even heavier next week!


"Uncle, bring me 5 bundles of wooden arrows." An Li said as she entered the equipment store.

"Why do you want so much?" Uncle Jin asked as he took out the wooden arrow for her.

"I'm going to hunt some large animals, but is this large animal wooden arrow okay?" An Li flicked the arrow and asked uncertainly.

"How big is the big one? Do you want to eat or do you want to hunt? By the way, your Aunt Lanhua wants some materials recently. You can ask her if she wants more." Uncle Jin said when he remembered something.

"We're going to hunt wild boars, goats, etc. Tomorrow my friends will be our guests, yes, the two who helped deliver the letter last time, and the other one I met a long time ago, so I want to hunt some prey and come back to entertain people tomorrow." An Li back.

"Then, I suggest that you bring two bundles of iron arrows. Although the arrowheads of the wooden arrows are made of iron, they don't contain much iron. It's okay to shoot some with soft fur. Iron arrows should be used for wild boars with rough skin and thick flesh." Jin Uncle suggested.

"How much does a bundle of iron arrows cost?" Wooden arrows cost 1 gold coin each, and a bundle of 20 arrows costing 15 gold coins is quite appropriate.She didn't know if she could afford to waste this iron arrow.

"Not expensive, 3 gold coins for each, and 2 gold coins for you, a bundle of 40 gold coins."

"Ah~ Uncle, is there no discount for buying a bundle?" An Li bargained coquettishly.

"You girl, it's not enough to give you 2 gold coins to 2 gold coins. I'll give you two more." Uncle Jin shook his head helplessly.

"Thank you uncle, uncle is the best." An Li paid the money readily, then told Uncle Jin and went to find Mrs. Lanhua.


"Auntie, I'm going in!" An Li said outside the door, then opened the door and went in.

Lady Orchid was embroidering something, when she saw An Li coming in, she said with a smile, "The clothes you asked me to make will be finished soon, and you will come when I said I will send them to you later."

"Ah, so fast? Auntie, you are amazing, but I didn't come to look for clothes. It was my uncle who said that you don't have time to find something most urgently. I happened to be going hunting. He asked me to see if I could help you." You bring it back." An Li explained the purpose of coming.

"Oh, that's it. There is indeed something needed, but you have to go deep into the forest. Can you do it alone? Can't you call Mr. Li up?" Lady Orchid said with some worry.

"It's okay, I just want to hunt some prey and come back to entertain guests tomorrow, and practice archery by the way." An Li waved her hands repeatedly and said no, she didn't want them to follow, or she wanted to rely on them again.

"Okay, auntie needs 20 jackal flowers. They are found in fertile areas deep in the forest. They are very similar to chrysanthemums, but different. I will give you a picture later and you can find them according to this. That’s fine. Any color will do, as long as 20 plants are enough.” Orchid Lady said.

Players can accept random daily tasks: Orchid Lady's entrustment, jackal flower 0/20.Completion rewards 20 experience points, 20 gold coins, and 2 points of orchid lady friendship.

An Li raised her eyebrows when she heard the mission prompt, smiled and said a few more words to Mrs. Lanhua, and then went to the forest.

"Why did you suddenly take over the task?" An Li was puzzled.

【Well, maybe you look good today. 】22 Looking around with a guilty conscience just doesn't look at An Li.

An Li knew the reason by looking at it like that, and she didn't say anything, anyway, it didn't matter if it was connected or not.

Along the way, she first used wooden arrows to hit some small animals such as rabbits, pheasants or wild ducks to improve her proficiency. Now she can hit at least 10 out of 6, which is much better than before.Occasionally, it will hit a weak point once in a while, increasing critical damage.As a result, it seemed that he was hitting too much. Later, An Li began to practice hitting weak points, and stopped shooting casually.

Just stop and go along the way, reaching a node in the forest that she has never set foot on.She stepped into the depths carefully, and the jackal flowers mentioned by the orchid lady were really everywhere.

Anli took out a shovel and dug out the roots of the jackal flowers. She dug up more of each color. These flowers are very beautiful when planted in the yard or on both sides of the town road. Now she is going to slowly plant them in the town. The greening has started.When she finds time, she also digs saplings and plants them on both sides of the road. Under the trees, various flowers or shrubs are planted, which are neat and beautiful.

While thinking about the plan, I was digging flowers when 22 reminded me [There are wild boars not far ahead, two of them, one big and one small. 】

An Li was on guard immediately, and then carefully climbed up to the uncle who was closest to the wild boars, observing the movements of the two wild boars from among the lush leaves.

The two wild boars were not aware of the approaching danger. They were leaning on something similar to a sweet potato on the ground and seemed to be eating.

While they didn't notice her, An Li pulled out an iron arrow and aimed it at the big wild boar's eyes.The previous exercises are not in vain, and the critical moment hits the target.

The wild boar that was enjoying the delicious food fell from the sky, and an arrow pierced its eye. It let out a hissing and lung-piercing roar from the pain, and then began to charge around.

The little wild boar was whining, but was sent flying by the crazy big boar.An Li stared dumbfounded at the little wild boar duang that was hit by the top of the tree and passed out. Is that okay?

She quickly regained her senses, and when the wild boar slowed down, she shot another arrow at the wild boar's other eye.But this time the accuracy was not so good. An arrow pierced the wild boar. Although it could cause damage, it did not affect the wild boar's movement.

The wild boar seemed to sense the direction the arrow was coming from, and directly hit the tree where An Li was. An Li staggered from being hit, and quickly grabbed the branch to prevent herself from falling.After stabilizing her body, An Li shot a few arrows out, the wild boar was tied into a sieve, and then fell to the ground unwillingly.

After An Li made sure that it wouldn't get up, she slid down from the tree to take back the arrow that was stuck on the wild boar, which was very expensive.Then he tied the wild boar with a rope and took it back. The little wild boar An Li gave it a good time, and it would be nice to die unconsciously in a coma.The meat quality of the little wild boar will be better than that of the big wild boar. They can have a roast suckling pig tomorrow!
 In other words, I hoped to go faster at the time, but in the end I hoped that the game time could be slower. If I change it again, I have to change it from the beginning. Ah, I am so entangled!
(End of this chapter)

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