System farm space

Chapter 214 Accident

Chapter 214 Accident
"What does it mean to spend money like running water? This is called spending money like running water! In a short while, 3000 gold coins say goodbye!" An Li sang a song she made up, and then built a building at the selected location. small school.

She was going to wait for the teacher to come and first ask him how many children he could teach at one time and what courses he had, and then she would inform the residents about the enrollment.

What's more, if she plans to enroll for a fee, she also has to strictly stipulate how old or how old children must go to school, and parents cannot refuse.The one-year tuition fee is tentatively set at 10 gold coins. After all, there is only one teacher at the beginning, so let's lower the price first.

[10 gold coins is not a lot. 】

"One year! One year! Those crops and vegetables can't be sold for 10 gold coins a year? I can collect their crops and then sell them on the exchange! If the quantity is large, I can even sell them on the trade Wholesale. After all, you said that there are people from all time and space here, and there will always be planets that can't grow crops, right?" An Li secretly wanted to make a fortune.

[Hmm, what you said makes sense, so is the announcement still being made? 】

"Fa, you can read and write by yourself, I believe in your writing. The development of the town is estimated to be a little faster when people are fully recruited. Do you think I should buy another grocery store?" An Li asked rather tangled With 22.

[It’s absolutely fine, you pay them wages, and they buy your stuff and return it, the same thing is still yours. 】

"Your idea is dirty! But I like it, baa hahaha! It's more convenient for others, and it's more convenient for myself. Buy it while I still have money!" The hot-headed An Li bought a grocery store again.

Before she regretted it, she bought a lot of daily household necessities and condiments from the exchange, and prepared to wait for the grocery store to have goods on the shelves as soon as it opened.

"OK, the preparations are almost done, I'm going to bed, I'm really tired this day!" An Li rolled over for a while before falling into a deep sleep.

22 After An Li fell asleep, she also lay on the pillow beside her and half-waited.


"Boom boom boom! Boom boom boom!"

An Li rubbed her sleepy eyes, looked at the still dark sky outside, and took a look to see that it was 4 o'clock in the morning.Who is it? Knocking on the door in the middle of the night, I don't feel like I can sleep well.

She dragged her slippers and went to open the door. Outside the door was a young man she didn't know but was anxious.

An Li asked suspiciously: "What's the matter?"

"Sir, what's wrong, sir! A wolf entered the house near the forest to the south, bitten two people and escaped." The visitor said anxiously.

"What? Where did the wolf come from??" An Li's sleepy bug was scared away.She dragged her slippers and pajamas and hurriedly followed the person to the accident site without even bothering to change.

When they ran to the front of Luo Li and Hu Mobai's door, the two who had heard the movement for a long time also ran over with An Li.When we got to the place, there was a lot of crying, a woman crying with a man in her arms was called a pear blossom with rain.

That's right, it's pear blossoms with rain.There are not many pretty people in the whole town, and this one is one of them, and behind her and the wounded stands a woman with a dull face.Oh, this is the family that was said to be fleeing famine with a concubine, but An Li doesn't know.

She went up to ask what happened, and then the crying woman said: "My master and I were sleeping when I suddenly smelled a stench, and when I opened my eyes, I saw a pair of green eyes on top of my head." , I screamed in fright, and then the master was woken up by me. The beast saw us awake and bit the master casually. If the master hadn't given him a pair of scissors while struggling, we would have been swallowed alive by the beast up."

An Li expressed doubt that a wolf could swallow two people whole?Only pythons should be able to do it!Oops, my thoughts went astray.

She asked Luo Li to go forward to check the condition of the injured person, and then asked the surrounding crowd if anyone else was injured, and if there were any witnesses who saw the direction in which the wolf was fleeing.

These people looked at each other, saying that they only ran over after hearing the screams and had not seen any trace of the wolf the woman mentioned.

An Li frowned, and she asked again: "I didn't see anyone? Isn't that impossible? People who live nearby can always hear something, right?"

It just so happened that Luo Li's inspection of the wound was over. He bandaged the injured man's wound, and then came back to whisper a few words in An Li's ear.Then An Li's eyes swept over the two women next to the injured person, and then nodded to show that she knew.

Afterwards, she asked everyone to disperse and go home, and she would take them to the forest to look for traces of wolves.

Everyone went home in panic, especially the other houses close to the forest were even more frightened, afraid that it would be their turn next and they would not be in the mood to sleep.

After everyone had left, Anli said to Old Zhou who was still standing aside: "Grandpa Zhou, you can go back and rest. The three of us here are enough. Luo Li and the others have much higher strength than the wolf." , there will be no danger."

Lao Zhoutou repeatedly told the three of them to be careful, and then with the help of his grandnephew Zhou Jinsheng, he turned around and walked away.

After there was no one else, An Li looked at the two women and a man in the yard.The man has fainted because of the pain at this moment, the beautiful woman is still crying, and the dull woman is still expressionless.

Luo Li had just whispered in her ear that the man's injuries looked like they were bitten by something, but in fact they were not beasts, but human bite marks.An Li combined it with what other residents said just now that they had not seen any trace of the wolf, which meant that the wolf came from inside the house.

But she looked around and couldn't find any woman who was so ruthless, tearing off a piece of flesh from the mainstay of the family. It hurt her just to look at it.

Of course, she didn't want this kind of vicious hurtful behavior in her town, so he asked, "Okay, there are no outsiders here, tell me, who did it?"

The crying woman looked up at An Li with a blank face, and said, "Wolf, my lord, I really saw a wolf." The woman's frightened face did not seem to be fake, and An Li's eyes locked on the other eyewitness.

The woman didn't seem to see An Li, she was immersed in her own world.An Li called her for a long time, but she didn't respond at all.

When An Li was helpless, Hu Mobai said softly: "You smell like blood on your body, aren't you going to explain to us why?"

The woman raised her head after hearing what Hu Mobai said, and when she saw Hu Mo's face, she suddenly revealed a fierce look of disgust, and muttered: "There is nothing good about being beautiful."

An Li said that she didn't understand, is there any inevitable connection between being beautiful and not being a good thing?

 Today is the last day of June~ Tomorrow is about to enter the next month, congratulations to myself for persisting in writing for a month, spread flowers!
  At the same time, I would also like to thank every reader for supporting me, and thank everyone who voted for valuable recommendations and monthly tickets!I also thank the bosses who gave me great awards!
  With your support, I am more motivated to write and strive to write works that satisfy you.If you have any ideas or suggestions, you can express them in the book review area, and I will refer to your opinions~

(End of this chapter)

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