System farm space

Chapter 21 Braised Prawns

Chapter 21 Braised Prawns
"How much is this straw? Can straw be used for straw?"

"Yes, the nature is similar."

Prepare the materials, they are all basic materials, and then there are ready-made straws for straw, all of which are stuffed into the backpack and built.It takes 24 hours to build a cow shed, so let's wait for a day.

An Li named the cow "Moo Moo". It's always a little too emotionless for a cow to cry. Isn't it for happiness? Calling a name every day will also increase happiness.

Untie the moo moo rope and let it graze on its own, then install the milking machine and start milking, a bucket of milk is done An Li decided to drink pure milk this morning, the kind of pure milk that does not add water.

An Li looked at the bucket of milk, which was about 5 catties. She eats a lot now, half a catty for breakfast used to be enough, but now it is estimated that one catty is just enough.

An Li poured the milk into the pot, stirred it and let it boil slowly, and then went to water and feed for a day.

After finishing everything, An Li drank milk and looked up at the sunny sky.It's been over a week since I've been here and it hasn't rained.There is not much spring rain in spring, but it will definitely fall. We have to find a way to repair the kitchen before it rains, otherwise there will be no place to cook when it rains, and the fire will be easily extinguished.

But let’s get the chicken rings together today.I left it behind yesterday because of the arrival of the cowshed and Hayes, and now I just have nothing to do to make a chicken coop.

An Li first went to cut a tree, and then split the trunk into railings as thick and thin as a person's height, and then planned the size of the chicken pen, with some small gaps in the middle that would not allow pheasants to come out.

After a circle is inserted, the bamboo skin is split, and then the bamboo that has been dried and hardened is used as a nail, and stones are smashed into the bamboo skin and the wooden stake to fix it.

This was just an idea at first, but it actually succeeded. The dried bamboo is very hard, but the wood stake and bamboo skin just cut are relatively soft, so it is easy to nail the bamboo into it.

After knocking and beating for a long time, the enclosed chicken ring is ready.A movable door is made at the gap, so that it is convenient to enter and exit by yourself.It may be necessary to weave a mat on the top to prevent the pheasant from flying out. This height is not too high for the pheasant.

Clapping her hands and looking at the fruits of her labor, An Li sighed: "It's so perfect, my hands-on ability is getting stronger and stronger. Go chop bamboo in the afternoon, weave it out, and then the chicken coop will be completely finished."

Fried dried fish with mushroom soup for lunch.

Use a kettle to make soup, then take out the oil and pour some in, then wait for the oil to heat up, cut the dried fish into the pot and start frying.This time An Li poured a lot of oil, anyway, it doesn't matter if you use more or less, so it's better to let yourself eat more happily.

"It feels like grilling meat on a stone, and if you sprinkle some cumin on it, it will be an authentic stone barbecue." An Li was thinking about it, frying the fish, pouring the boiled soup into the pot, and letting the soup stick to the pot Take a sip of the remaining oil, the soup with oily flowers is much better than the pure mushroom soup before.

Make a bowl of mushroom soup first, and then pick up the fried fish and taste it. After frying, the outer layer of the fish is crispy, which is two different feelings from grilled fish.

After a beautiful lunch, An Li lay down on the bed and took a nap to recharge her energy a bit before chopping bamboo.


Putting the tools on her back and setting off, An Li first set up a bamboo basket trap to see if there would be any extra gains today, let 22 watch, and went to the bamboo forest to chop bamboo by herself.

"Hey, ha! I'm a hardworking bamboo cutter!" An Li was humming out of tune recently.

"Can you be a little quieter? You sing so harshly and loudly that any prey that would take the bait would have been scared away by you long ago." 22 couldn't bear it anymore and said.

An Li's bamboo had been chopped for nearly an hour, and not even a single sparrow visited. 22 felt that An Li's voice was too unpleasant, and they were all scared away.

"Okay, okay, I got it. Just keep silent." An Li muttered for a long time, quietly chopping bamboo.

"An Li, I'm ready to draw the rope." 22's voice suddenly sounded, which made An Li jump.Except for the sound of chopping bamboo, there are birds chirping all around, and everyone is startled when they hear people talking.

Of course, An Li also instinctively picked up the rope and pulled the bamboo basket and fell to the ground.An Li rushed over excitedly, watching the bamboo basket shaking non-stop, and the sound of chirping birds came from inside.

"Yeah, I caught a bird. But how do I get it out? The target is too small to catch."

An Li decided to wait until these little birds struggled to fly around and lost their strength.Go and put away the chopped bamboo, and then go to see if the shrimp pots I put by the lake a few days ago have no shrimp bait, will any shrimp get in.

Lifting the shrimp pot upside down and pouring it out, Anli really let An Li pour out six or seven shrimps, which are not too small, and they were stuck and couldn't get out.

"Bingo~ I ate shrimp tonight, fried or braised in oil~ Braised in oil without tomato and tomato sauce, I don't know if it tastes good after making it."

Although these few prawns are not enough to fit between the teeth, it is better than nothing. At least a few of them can improve the food.

Pick up the prawns and throw them into the basket, and continue to put the prawn pots into the lake for "Jiang Taigong Fishing". It is more difficult to watch the sparrows under the bamboo basket.It's been quite a while and it's still flying around.

"22, can you put living things in your backpack?"

"The product produced by the system is fine. If it is obtained in the wild, if it is put in the backpack, it will die directly because of the static space."

"Oh, that's fine, anyway, it's something to eat."

Xie opened a small slit and took a peek inside, then reached in and grabbed one and stuffed it into the backpack with one hand, and clicked on the backpack to check the display: one sparrow (dead).

An Li then grabbed the remaining two and stuffed them into her backpack.Then I put away the basket and the rope, put the basket on my back and headed home.


Throw the back basket on the pile of firewood, take the shrimp out of it and put it into the bamboo basket, because the shrimp has stopped jumping around because it has been out of the water for too long.An Li picked out the shrimp threads one by one with thin branches, and washed them by the stream.

I went back to the yard and boiled some hot water, put the sparrows in, scalded them, pulled out all the feathers, and pulled out all the tiny feathers. I took out the internal organs and buried them in the fertile ground later.

Pour half a pot of oil into the pan, wait for the oil temperature to be about 80°, fry the sparrows for a while, fry until the color changes on the outside, take out, pour in the prawns and fry until they turn red, take out and set aside.

Then put the sparrow into the oil pan and fry it again, this time until the bones look crispy, take it out and put it on a plate, sprinkle a little salt on it.

Looking at the hot oil in the pot, An Li adhered to the principle of not wasting, and went to the mall to buy two more stone bowls. Just in time, she saw an iron spoon and a cooking shovel for sale. It cost 20 gold coins, and An Li bought each. I bought one, I just fried shrimp and sparrows, and my homemade shovel was fried for 9, so I just bought an iron one.

Use the spoon you just got to scoop out the oil in the pan, leave a little oil in the pan and then pour the fried shrimp into the pan.Go to the garlic field and pinch two garlic sprouts, cut them into pieces with a stone knife and put them in the pot to add flavor to the shrimp. Press the shrimp hard to squeeze out the shrimp oil, turn off the heat and turn to low heat and serve it out.

Pour water in the pot to boil the water, wait for the water to boil, add the mixed pimples, a little bit of the remaining garlic sprouts, and sprinkle a little salt pimple soup.

"Oh, today's dinner is very rich. Let's try Chef An's cooking!"

An Li first picked up a fried sparrow, and with a light bite, even the bones were bitten off.The bones have been deep-fried and crispy, and the sparrow meat has a little salt sticking to it, and the mouth has the salty taste of salt and the aroma of deep-frying.

"It's so delicious. I can't get tired of eating fried food." An Li ate the three sparrows in twos and threes with a slurred mouth.

After taking a sip of pimple soup to relieve the sore and sleepy cheeks that had been biting, he picked up a shrimp.The braised prawns are only prawns and some garlic sprouts because of the condiment, and there is nothing else. It can only be said that fried prawns are not braised in oil.

The shrimp skin at the entrance is soft, because the shrimp skin is not so crispy after being simmered in water for a while.The shrimp meat is a little sweet, just like eating steamed shrimp, but it is covered with a layer of oil.

"It's a bit wasteful. It's better to boil it in plain water and then eat it with vinegar. Hey, I can also dip it in vinegar now, how stupid."

An Li poured a little vinegar into the plate of the prawns, then peeled the prawns and dipped them in the vinegar to eat.

"It's great to have these fresh ingredients every day." An Li, who was eating quite comfortably, couldn't help but sigh, and then began to clean up the mess.

Looking at the sky, it was already getting late, and An Li didn't bother to fetch water for a bath, so she just wiped her face and washed her feet before going to bed.

(End of this chapter)

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