System farm space

Chapter 2 First Arrival

Chapter 2 First Arrival
The time when An Li came in the game was around 5.6 am in the game time, and the data showed that today is the 1st of the Spring Moon.

An Li stood in the wilderness in her pajamas and hugged the quilt without feeling the coolness. The weather here is more like the weather in the south, not as cold as in the north.

An Li checked the information about her equipment: pajamas set, without any bonus, just for viewing.Durability: ∞

"22, what does this mean?" An Li looked at the interface, not quite understanding what it meant.

"Pajamas don't lose durability, you can wear them all the time. However, this set of clothes has no defense and other bonus functions, so it can be regarded as a kind of fashion."

"Oh, then I see."

After studying the panel, the sky gradually became brighter, and An Li realized the environment she was in——

I stood in an open space and looked at the direction where the sun was rising. I was facing east, and the thatched cottage faced north and south. Apart from where I was and a large circle around the thatched cottage was empty, other places were dense forests. To the west there is a path leading into the forest.

Not far from the back of the house there is a turbulent stream, the water source is not far from the thatched cottage, it’s okay.

An Li walked towards the thatched hut, standing in front of the dilapidated hut, An Li looked at the dilapidated wooden steps in front of the thatched hut, and the surrounding railings were missing arms and legs.There was no lock on the wooden door, and it was also pitted, like a patchwork of rotten wood.

There is a broken window on the left side of the door, the one with no glass on it... Entering the house, one piece of the floor is missing on the left and the other is missing on the right, and the ground under the floor is exposed. Out of color sheets…

There is a bedside table next to the bed. The bedside table may be the only unbroken piece of furniture in the whole house. The bedside table has a drawer and a cabinet. When you open it, there is nothing there, but it is just dust.

An Li hugged her clean quilt, not knowing where to put it.Dirty everywhere, it just refreshed Anli's cognition, she has never seen such a dilapidated and dirty house since she grew up, maybe half of the house was demolished and that's it?
An Li silently exited the house, blew off the soil on the railing outside the house, put the quilt on it, and started to tidy up the house.After all, I have to live by myself in the future, I really can't live in such a dirty place! ! !
Forget about rags or anything like that, I found a sharp stone and tore off a piece of the stained bed sheet to use as a rag.I went to the creek to get a pot of water, and then started to clean up the dust in the house.

"Ahem, ahem, no one has lived in it for 800 years, right? So much dust, bah bah bah!" An Li complained while cleaning, it was really too dirty.The water in the kettle has been changed four or five times, and only a little bit can be seen in the room. The color of the bed sheets, which were originally invisible, is now even more colorless because An Li wipes them with a rag.

I made do with cleaning the house, washing the railings and floors outside the house with water, and put my only quilt on the bed inside.

An Li carried the dirty bed sheet to the lower reaches of the creek and began to scrub and scrub.Seeing the dark water flowing down the lower reaches of the creek, An Li was depressed for a while, what a broken place!The living conditions are terrible!
After washing the sheets so that the original color can be seen, wring them out and hang them on the railings as needed. After a day of wind and sun, they are also dry at night, so they can be laid back.

It took most of the day to clean up the house, and it was almost noon now, so An Li had time to check the condition of the land she was going to plant.

"My God, this is a serious wasteland, right? It takes a lot of work to reclaim it into a plantable field." An Li sighed, and she felt that the sighs today had caught up with the sum of the previous 25 years.Moreover, she has never opened a land at all, how to do this?
Anli remembers what 22 said, when equipped with a hoe, you can see the grid, and then plan the field according to the lines of the grid.

An Li equips the hoe, and there is indeed a grid in front of her eyes. As An Li with a little obsessive-compulsive disorder, it is comfortable to look at the ground neatly.

An Li tried to start hoeing, "Huff, I'm so tired, I'm done." Looking at the sun in front of her head, An Li was trying to radiate her own light and heat. An Li threw the hoe on the ground as if she was angry, and she also sat on the ground with her buttocks. Fanning the wind vigorously with his hands, he was sweating all over from hoeing the ground, and now his body was sticky and uncomfortable.

Just now I didn't pay attention to digging the ground all the time, now because of the perspiration seeping through, the palm of the hand was tingling, and An Li raised her hand belatedly to see, the place where the palm was holding the hoe was rubbed a few hours blister.It was okay when I didn't see it, but when I saw An Li, I felt so painful.

As a young lady, the heaviest physical work was probably the tree planting organized by the school. Anli, from the panic of arriving here all morning, to the depression of cleaning up the dilapidated house, to now she is as tired as an ox by cultivating the fields. Anli felt aggrieved. His eyes were filled with tears, and he tried to hold back the tears.Who are you crying for here?Except that I only have a system, there is no way to save myself from grievances.

Touching her shriveled stomach, An Li remembered that she hadn't eaten since she woke up, and she was thirsty, hungry and tired.

Anli in the surrounding forest was a little timid. She didn't know what was inside and dared not go in. First, she put her hands into the stream where she fetched water to wash them. When she just fetched water, she didn't notice that there were no wounds on her hands. After entering the water, the icy cold stream washed his hands, and the burning blisters also eased.

I took out my hand and looked at it, and I don't know if it was my illusion, but I always felt that the blisters seemed to be much smaller.

Looking around, there is not a single fish in the creek, only the stream is flowing quietly, it seems that those who want to find food can only walk up the stream.

The upstream of the creek is close to the edge of the forest, and the riverbed is much wider than the downstream. If it is a metaphor, the upstream is the neck, and the downstream is a necklace on the neck.Round pebbles are spread on the river bed, and fat fish swim freely in the creek. Not far from the creek, there are some unknown trees with red and dizzy little trees on them. fruit.

At this time, An Li's stomach finally groaned unbearably.An Li looked at the little red fruit on the tree, wondering whether to eat it or not.TV programs such as Survival Wilderness do not mean that the more colorful things are basically poisonous.

These little red fruits look red, they are really pretty... But I don't know if they are poisonous.

An Li gritted her teeth, brave enough to pick one, rubbed it and stuffed it into her mouth.The taste is sweet and sour, and there is no special reaction after eating it. It should be edible, right?An Li picked another handful and ate the fruits in three or two bites.

There is a little food at the bottom of the stomach, and it is even more dry. The feeling of hunger is sent to the brain, indicating that it is not enough, and more food is needed.An Li looked at the big fat fish in the stream and decided to go into the water to catch fish!

The fish in this stream grew up without knowing what to eat, and they were all big and fat.Wagging its tail twisting and twisting in the water, swimming around happily.

An Li took off her shoes and stepped into the water. The cold stream made An Li shiver, and her spirit, which was a little listless because of fatigue and hunger, instantly sobered up.

Stepping on the pebbles and walking towards the fish, the fish didn't hide, and gradually gathered around Anli's feet, occasionally pecking.It seems that they regard An Li as food, An Li laughed and said: "You are almost my lunch, you are all stupid fish, and you are still eating my feet foolishly here."

 Chapter 2 also modified the settings... I am now more confused about how high the price should be. If it is too low, the mission gold coins should be at least 50 at a time. If it is too high, survival will be challenging, right?

(End of this chapter)

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