System farm space

Chapter 191 The experiment was successful

Chapter 191 The experiment was successful
"I'm going to experiment with this vial first, you wait here." After finishing speaking, Hu Mobai took the vial and was about to leave.

"No, wait! Where are you going to experiment? Don't tell you to go to the temple alone?" An Li asked Hu Mobai, who was about to go out.

"if not?"

"You take Luo away, at least there is still a caretaker, we are too worried about you alone. I will clean up the things here first, and there may be other guests staying in the kitchen who will use the kitchen later." An Li said.

"That's right, Mo Bai! I'll go with you, just now I feel that I have endless strength." Luo Li also echoed.

"That's all right, An Li, you have to be careful here alone." Hu Mobai warned uneasy.

"Oh, don't worry about me. It's dangerous for me to stay here and not go anywhere. But you two must pay attention to safety. It's best to let him drink it. If it doesn't work, don't force it and come back quickly. No." An Li was also worried.

Luo Li imitated An Li and made an OK gesture, then followed Hu Mobai and left.

An Li waited until they were out of sight, and began to clean up the mess in the kitchen.She first took out the steamed vetch petals, squeezed the water into a glass bowl, and then carefully poured it into another small glass bottle. Although these were not as pure as the ones that Hu Mobai had just taken away, at least there were some vetch flowers. A little essence in it.

Just as she was thinking about pouring out the rest of the water, An Li noticed a layer of oil floating on it, and she wondered if this might be the distilled essential oil.But now she really doesn't have any good tools to separate the oil and water, so she can only temporarily scoop out the little oil-water mixture on the upper layer with a small spoon and pour it into a small bottle, then quickly put it into the space, waiting for it to go out. Appropriate tools and then find a way to separate.

After finishing, Anli cleaned all kinds of pots and bowls at high temperature, and resolutely did not leave a trace of smell.She boiled the pot dry for a while, and when she smelled a smell of burnt, she hurriedly opened the doors and windows to ventilate, so that the next person who came to cook in the kitchen would only smell a smell of burnt, and the vetch, which was already very light, The scent of water will also be diluted by the smell of paste.

As soon as I stopped working and put things back in place, the customers who lived here came to the kitchen to cook.As soon as the other party entered the kitchen, he frowned when he smelled a burning smell, and An Li hurriedly said in embarrassment when he saw it: "I'm so sorry, I've opened the window to dry for a long time. I'll give you the boiling water." I forgot that it burned dry and burnt, so I hurried to clean up the mess."

An Li's apology was very sincere, and when she was cooking, she would occasionally forget that there was water in the pot, so she didn't say anything harsh, she just smiled and went to choose the ingredients.

An Li heaved a sigh of relief seeing that she had fooled around, took her own things and went back to their rented yard.She slumped on the sofa in the house to relax, and she was tiring before tidying up because she was afraid that others would find out, but now that she thinks about it, she finds out, and she just said that it doesn't matter if she wants to get some flower water out for beauty, so instead I feel guilty.

She looked at the small glass bottles in her backpack and they were used up. She didn't buy a few when she went shopping before. If Luo Li's experiment is successful, they will need bigger bottles. She will buy some more for emergencies .

Besides, when Luo Li and the others strolled around the temple, there were not so many people around since Tris took over the temple. It was not easy for them to enter the temple.

"Hey, Mo Bai. How can we make the demonized Poseidon drink that stuff?" Luo Li asked.

"I didn't think of a good way. If I gave it to Triss and asked him to bring it in, if the demonized species drank it and it worked, then Triss would suspect us. However, if I don't let him bring it in, it's not too good for me. A solution." Hu Mobai also had no idea.

"You said, how about we just throw the bottle into the ruins at will? We also smelled the scent of flowers just now, which is very attractive. I think the demonized Poseidon should also like this scent, right?" Luo from the proposal.

"But, he should be most afraid of this thing, right?" Hu Mobai felt that this proposal was not very reliable.

"It's like cats don't like cat grass but they still can't stand the temptation of cat grass, isn't it reasonable? Because they need cat grass to promote digestion, so, I guess for the demonized Poseidon, knowing that this thing is good for him It's not good, he can't help but drink it." Luo Li took the cat as an example.

"It's also reasonable. Anyway, it's just for the experiment, so let's try it as you said."

Hu Mobai was so agile that he jumped on the ruins of the gap in the temple at a dead corner, he raised his foot tentatively and made a noise on purpose.Tris arranged for the patrol to hear the movement and shouted "Who's there?"

Hu Mobai pretended to be frightened, turned around and ran away, and accidentally dropped a small glass bottle while running, but Hu Mobai, who was running away, didn't seem to find anything dropped.

After running to Luo Li's hiding place, the two began to squat to see if the demonized Poseidon would come out.

From mid-afternoon until the lights came on, the demonized Poseidon slowly appeared in front of the vial.The two hidden people found that the demonized Poseidon immediately cheered up and stared at the demonized Poseidon's movements.

The demonized Poseidon actually discovered this small bottle a long time ago. The smell of the liquid in the bottle was simply too fragrant. It was difficult for him to resist his own instinctive reaction. He longed to drink the contents of the bottle, but he was afraid There would be something wrong with him after drinking it, so he waited until the sky was getting dark and there was nothing wrong with him before coming to pick up the glass bottle.

He opened the lid and took a deep breath: "Hmm~ this smell makes me lose my mind!" He killed the yunying flower water in one gulp.

After a while, the demonized Poseidon felt as if he was flying, and then his body became limp and weak, and the magic energy seemed to be scattered.

He immediately discovered that the thing he drank just now was yunying flower water!After he found something wrong with his body, he immediately left the gap and returned to his lair. After returning, the effect of the cloud flower disappeared.He said with a livid face: "Actually plotting against me? Who is that person? I hope I won't catch him!"

And the duo who had seen the whole process of demonizing Poseidon from picking up the bottle to fleeing, walked back from the hiding place after Poseidon disappeared, and they had to tell the news quickly. An Li, if it is possible to distill all the vetch flowers into water tonight, they will have to consider how to let the demonized Poseidon drink it after they have enough vetch flowers.

(End of this chapter)

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