System farm space

Chapter 185 Discovering Yunying Flower

Chapter 185 Discovering Yunying Flower

"Hmph, what does he mean by that? Looking at flat people?" An Li said angrily as she walked out the door.

"I always feel that this housekeeper seems to care too much about our accommodation." Luo Li, who has always been insensitive, also thinks that the housekeeper is a bit strange.

"Hey, Luo Li, do you think so too? Could it be that the burglary was instigated by Tris? Hey, this person crossed the river and demolished the bridge?" An Li was furious.

"I don't think so, and Tris' mansion will definitely have the eyeliner of the eldest prince, just like the eldest prince will definitely have Tris's eyeliner." Hu Mobai analyzed rationally.

"So, do you think Triss knows that the housekeeper at the door is an eyeliner sent by someone else? Hey, that's not true. According to your analysis, the owner behind that hotel is likely to be the eldest prince? Then... ...Their actions yesterday were probably ordered by the eldest prince?" An Li was keenly aware of the problem.

"I reckon that His Highness doesn't know the tricks of the people below. After seeing him in the hall last time, I think he's really just an idiot. If he doesn't have much ability and his father can't protect him , then Tris might be miserable when he comes to power. He is so stupid that he can think that he is very powerful, and the things he does will always make people laugh." Hu Mobai said.

"Tsk, you can tell what's going on in his head every day just by looking at his indulgent and excessive appearance. Fortunately, he has a shrewd younger brother. Otherwise, this Atlantis will disappear into history sooner or later. It's in the river." An Li shook her head to express her pity.

"If we don't get rid of the demonized Poseidon, then even we will disappear in the long river of history." Fox Mobai said in a deep voice.

"Hey..." An Li sighed faintly, then kicked a stone on the side of the road.It happened that the stone hit a mouse that was about to go into the hole.The little mouse was startled by the sudden appearance of the stone that hit it, and disappeared with a squeaking sound.

"Yo, there will always be mice here? It's amazing." An Li said in surprise.Then, with a flash of inspiration, she seemed to have thought of a way to enter the palace without going through Tris.

"Hey, do you think there will be any small gaps in the palace wall, such as a dog hole?" An Li said excitedly to the two of them. "I don't believe that this wall is so powerful that there won't be any gaps. We can carefully search slowly and we will definitely find a dog hole or something that can be entered."

"You think it is your back garden, even if there is a gap in it, but the patrol soldiers in the palace will patrol from under the palace wall every once in a while, and it will be troublesome for you to find a hole." Hu Mobai poured cold water Said.

"Oh, then let's go and look for it, in case we can find it, right?" An Li stared at Hu Mobai with hopeful eyes.

Hu Mobai choked when he looked at An Li's small eyes, and his words became: "Then go and have a look."

An Li made a small gesture of victory, and then the three of them turned around and walked towards the palace gate.

While they were looking for it by themselves, Hu Mobai released the Eye of Wind on the other side to observe the patrol team's shift change time and patrol time.Every time when the patrol soldiers were about to come, Hu Mobai would remind the two of them in advance, and then the three of them would hide and wait for the others to walk away before coming out to continue searching.

"Found it!" An Li's surprised voice came.

She pushed open a patch of grass, and suddenly a hole appeared that could only allow one person to pass through. "Haha, what I thought was right, there is really a hole. I have given up hope."

Hu Mobai also smiled slightly, and then changed his face and said: "Shut up, avoid someone coming over."

An Li was startled and quickly hid in the weeds that were much taller than people, silently daring not to move.

"Hey, I clearly heard a voice from here, why is there nothing?" The guard who came to patrol said with some doubts.

Another guard said: "They are probably cats and dogs, don't make a fuss. People are joining in the fun at the temple now, why come here? What is there to see in this deserted place? Let's go." The team left.

After she couldn't hear any more movement, An Li poked her head out of the grass and looked around. After making sure that no one would come over, she waited for the two to wave and get into the dog's hole first.

The other end of the dog hole is also overgrown with weeds, and there will be no place for people to patronize.The movement of Anli and the others to crawl in caused the dust on the weeds to be waved up. Anli held back her cough while waving her other hand to disperse the dust.

An Li gradually lost the urge to cough when she got in and stood up to breathe the relatively clean air on the upper floor.She held hands and pulled the two people behind her out of the dog hole, and the three of them lined up one after the other and got out of the grass again.

They thought it might be somewhere in the garden, but they saw vetch flowers all over the mountains and plains.Of course, the mountains and plains are actually a bit exaggerated, that is, they are in a certain artificial rockery, and then the rockery is covered with lush plants, and in these plants, vetch flowers are blooming in spots.

Only then did An Li understand why it was called Yunyinghua.This kind of flower will only bloom in a dark place without sunlight. When it is in a dark place, it will feel like the stars are shining on its petals, and from their perspective, it seems that this rockery will glow.In fact, this effect is caused by the pollen of the vetch flower.

An Li murmured, "It doesn't take much effort to get here. Could it be that I'm really the Emperor of Europe but I was delayed before?"

Luo Li poked An Li to bring her back to her senses, and then the three of them hurriedly took off the visible yunying flowers and put them into their backpacks carefully.An Li picked them with extra effort, because she knew that her backpack had the function of preserving freshness, and the flowers she picked would not wither. She was afraid that the backpacks of the two people would not have this function, so she worked hard to pick more for emergencies.

The three of them were like locusts crossing the border. The yunying flowers wherever they went, An Li even tried to shovel a few yunying flowers into her backpack. She thought that the flowers were demonized Posei Dong's weakness, in terms of appearance alone, is also very beautiful planted in her yard.

When the three of them stopped, the vetch flowers on the rockery were already sparse, and occasionally one or two could be seen.An Li laughed and said: "Hey, are we going too far? This is a wild goose! But compared to my wealth and life, let's feel wronged by these beautiful flowers. There is a building in front of me, I don't know where it is , shall we go over and take a look?" An Li asked, pointing to a building not far ahead.

"Well, let's go over and have a look, be careful and quiet, so as not to be discovered." Hu Mobai said.

"Received!" An Li responded mischievously, and then let Hu Mobai walk in front to explore the way, she walked in the middle and Luo Li was in charge of the safety of the rear.

(End of this chapter)

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