System farm space

Chapter 182 Tris' Ambition

Chapter 182 Tris' Ambition
In fact, it’s not necessarily true that Demonized Poseidon is afraid of the sun, he just doesn’t like the sun very much, not to mention there are so many people outside now that there will definitely be some who come in to stuff his teeth, so why can’t he wait here for those people? Food delivered to your door.

After Tris came in with a team of people, he surrounded Tris in the middle and they spread out to form a formation, which could be used to attack or defend.

Triss looked around, thinking about what Anli and the others told him, when he met the Demonic Seed, he accidentally bumped into something in front of the idol to open the seal, so the Demonic Seed should be on the side of the idol at this moment That's right.

When he walked to the statue, he saw the demonized Poseidon lying crookedly on a golden seat, playing with a crystal cup in his hand.

Demonized Poseidon glanced up at Triss, then lowered his head and continued to play with the cup and said, "Oh, my descendants. Why, what do you want me to do?"

"Respected Sea God, as your people and descendants, it is my duty to come to see you." Triss said respectfully.

"Oh? Do you think I'm the god of the sea? Hahahahaha..." Demonized Poseidon leaned forward and back with a smile after listening to Tris calling him.

Triss continued without changing his face and said: "Naturally, you are the god who protects my city of Atlantis from falling down for thousands of years and protects us from the invasion of sea water. You are also the most admired sea god in the hearts of our Atlantis people. .”

"Heh, what you say is better than singing. Aren't you trying to destroy me like those people a few days ago? I almost believed what you said." Poseidon curled his lips and continued in disdain: "As for you saying that I am the God of the Sea, I am not the guy who is always sympathetic to others. That guy would rather be trapped as a god for the people he thought needed him very much. If you want me to say, I am really a fool, free and easy Is it bad? What do you want to do? Today I want to kill these people, and tomorrow I want to kill those people. Today I want this beauty to accompany me, and tomorrow I want the king’s concubine to accompany me, okay? ? Why do you work so tiringly, don’t you think so?”

Tris felt that he seemed to have heard some secrets of becoming a god from the mouth of this demonized species?With the approval and belief of many people, you can choose to become a god or reincarnate after a hundred years.Tris felt that his heart was burning. If he could make his people love him like the founding emperor, wouldn't he be able to choose to become a god after a hundred years if he had enough faith?
And the demonized Poseidon opposite him looked at Tris's ever-changing face, with a sinister and proud smile on his face.As long as people can't resist the temptation to become a god, with this little seed, this descendant of the sea god will keep him to let him talk more about how to become a god, hehehe.Poseidon?Poseidon?Let you see how your people have fallen.

Tris left the temple after saying a few words with Poseidon, no one knows what he said to Poseidon, because Poseidon put an enchantment around them to stop the outside people's snooping.

An Li was surprised to see that Tris came out unscathed, "You really hit the mark, he really came out as if nothing had happened, and there was no movement of fighting inside, how do you guess?" Arrived."

Hu Mobai looked at Tris' facial expression, although he tried his best to suppress it, he could still see a trace of flushing after excitement.Why?Obviously it just became like this after entering the temple and seeing the demonized seed come out, Hu Mobai felt that something seemed to deviate from his expectations.

An Li waited for a long time but did not hear Hu Mobai's answer. She turned to look at Hu Mobai in doubt, and found that he was staring at Triss who had gone away. She asked, "What's wrong with Triss? Staring at him so closely?"

Hu Mobai shared his speculation with the two of them and said: "I always feel that things seem to be complicated. I just observed Triss's expression, and his expression should not be like this. Demonic species can touch the deepest part of a person's heart." The desire in the place is amplified, and Tris now looks like he knows something he has always wanted to know, so he is so excited. Demonizing Poseidon may have bewitched him."

"What? Then this Tris is too unreliable. However, it is conceivable that his desire is too obvious, and I can seduce him." An Li was a little disappointed that Tris was too unhappy. firm.

"It's not as simple as you and I think. As a hidden careerist, it is impossible for him to be seduced just for the trivial thing that is easy for him to be a king. It must make him feel helpless." Something to reject." Hu Mobai shook his head, disapproving of what An Li said.

"For immortality?" Luo Li also guessed from the side.

"Well, this may be possible. It's useless for us to guess here. We need to make two-handed preparations. Tris should not kill the demonized Poseidon. We need to find another way to eliminate him "Hu Mobai sighed.

"Ah~ I thought we could just sit back and wait for the fisherman to reap the benefits, but in the end we have to do it ourselves. It's better not to tell him so much. Now that he knows that we know a lot, he will definitely find a way to restrict our actions." An Li Fu Well, she felt her head was starting to hurt.

"Let's go back first, and we'll talk about it when we get back. There are so many people here that it's hard to talk." Hu Mobai led the group back to the residence first.

The customers who went back to the Journey Store had stabilized their emotions. Those who should go back to sleep continued to sleep. Those who couldn’t sleep sat in the lobby and talked in twos and threes. An Li felt that her stomach was a bit empty after going out for a trip. I found a place to sit down and called the waiter to order three meals.

Listening to the customers around talking about such a big thing as the collapse of the temple today, An Li and the others quietly did not communicate with each other.Suddenly Hu Mobai asked An Li as if thinking of something: "An Lier, where did you say you were before you met me in the underground cave?"

"Ah..." An Li was watching the flow of people outside and was suddenly questioned. She didn't respond for a while. After Hu Mobai asked again, An Li heard clearly that she was asking about her previous movements. She said, "It's a secret room. It's all books, books?"

An Li finally remembered the self-reported book of Atlantis that she had forgotten. She was about to say that she accidentally caught a glimpse of the waiter who seemed to slow down on purpose to pass by them. What she was about to say was in the The tip of his tongue twirled and said: "It's just books, all kinds of books, I don't know the words, and I found a way to get out, so I went out."

Just at this time, all the meals they ordered were served, and the few people stopped discussing this issue and talked about other gossips.

(End of this chapter)

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