Chapter 17
"Ouch! What a horrible smell! It's too unpalatable!" The dried fish tasted okay, but after being stewed with bitter vegetables, it was bitter, astringent and salty!An Li took a big bite and her face was already full of wrinkles.

Picking up the bamboo tube, he gulped several sips of water to wash away the strange taste in his mouth, and stuck out his tongue to make the astringent bitterness on his tongue dissipate quickly.

An Li stared at the rest of the dish, and adhered to the principle of not being wasted, summoned up all her courage, ate it all in one go, and then drank water in big gulps.

After drinking it until I couldn't drink any more, the taste in my mouth faded away. "It's really scary, this is the darkest cooking I've ever done! No, it's imperative to find delicious ingredients and condiments!"

An Li, who was dizzy from eating, decided to sleep to calm down her shock!


Anli, who was full of sleep, chopped up the dried wheat stalks, dug a hole with local materials, poured in water and mud, then added the crushed hay and mixed it evenly, carried it to the stove in a bamboo basket, and wiped it little by little. On the outer layer of the stove, reinforce the stove.

After wiping, firewood is added to make the fire vigorous, the inside is dried, and the outside is dried in the sun. The combination of the two will dry faster.

After finishing these, fill in the dug hole, in case one night when you come back and accidentally step into the hole, it will be more embarrassing.Dig your own pits yourself!

"Take a basket, take a handful of wheat, um... take the hatchet and sickle, and a bundle of ropes. Well, these tools should be enough."

Put all the tools into the back basket, put the basket into the backpack if the basket can’t be stuffed in, carry a bamboo tube of water across your shoulders, put the back basket on your back and set off!

Through the bushes that were cut all the way last time, some branches grew out, and they were cut all the way again this time.

An Li, who was still in the same mess when she got out of the bushes, looked at the still bustling small lake.An Li took a deep breath of the fresher air than outside, and felt that this place was like a world of its own, quiet and lively.

An Li's arrival broke the atmosphere. The alert little animals ran away when they saw the uninvited guest. Some small animals continued to do their own things disapprovingly, ignoring An Li's existence.

An Li looked at the indifferent little animals, then he put up the bamboo basket, cut some grass, put a small handful of wheat in his hand, and looked towards the lake with the rope in his hand.

The lake is rippling and looks like stagnant water. I don't know how it can be so clear.Occasionally, two or three small fish would swim by, and invisible frogs would sing one after another.

"Ah, it's shrimp! 22, please help me to see if there are any shrimp!"

"Yes, there are quite a few."

"Wow, what a blessing. How about catching shrimp? I remember watching the record channel saying that shrimp pots are used for catching shrimp, and shrimp food is needed. I don't have shrimp food and use earthworms. I don't know if it will work."

Anli's mind has already flashed countless ways to make shrimp, steamed prawns, braised prawns, scrambled eggs with shrimps, shrimp dumplings... just thinking about it makes my mouth water!

An Li swallowed the saliva that was swallowed by her own imagination, thinking about where to dig earthworms.

At this time, 22 reminded An Li: "There is a prey that is about to take the bait."

Only then did An Li regain her senses, and turned to look at the bamboo basket.

A guinea fowl that looks like a guinea fowl (which will be collectively called guinea fowl later) looked at the wheat under the bamboo basket. It stood there for about two or three minutes before trying to peck at the wheat.Taste it and start pecking...

An Li assigned it a mental activity: Huh?I've never seen this before, can I eat it?Would you like a sip?Ouch, this thing is delicious!

Looking at the guinea fowl that had already eaten and didn't know where she was, An Li pulled the rope, and the supporting twig fell down, and the bamboo basket covered the guinea fowl inside.

Walking over quickly, An Li held the bamboo basket, thinking about this stupid chicken, I just stood by the side without paying attention to me.

An Lixie pulled the chicken out with a corner, ignoring the guinea fowl's struggle, and tied one foot to the tree.I don't want to go back for the time being, I'm going to tie it up now for fear of breaking my legs when I struggle.

An Li continued to set up the bamboo basket to see if any prey would be hooked, hehehe!

While waiting, Anli went to the bamboo forest to cut down a bamboo tree, then split it into thin strips, thinking about the shrimp traps he had seen before.

The body is oblate and the opening is relatively small. When weaving the body, a piece of bamboo is stuck inside to prevent the shrimp from escaping.Then weave the hole, and the shrimp trap is done.

After weaving the shrimp trap, there was no more prey to take the bait. An Li was a little regretful, and the harvest was too little.However, finding shrimp is a small gain.

An Li first placed the shrimp traps by the lake, and used big rocks to hold down the rope to prevent the shrimp cages from drifting away. Then, she took a stroll around and went home before dark.Look around, and walk under the eaves you haven't been to.


The trees in this forest are very tall, and no human beings have ever set foot in them. The fallen leaves cover the ground layer by layer, and the color of the land can no longer be seen. When you step on it, it is soft, and it feels like stepping on it. cotton.

The sky was already dark because the sun was gradually setting in the west, but under the cover of the big trees, the forest was even darker.

An Li was a little timid.Darkness is always scary.Because you don't know what's waiting for you in the dark, like a ghost?

"Maybe, maybe there will be ghosts!" 22 suddenly said.

"Ah!!!!" Because of 22's sudden sound, An Li screamed.The screams startled the birds...

An Li realized that it was the voice of 22, and complained: "Are you trying to scare me to death? I was thinking about all kinds of scary things in my mind, but you suddenly made a scary sound, okay?"

An Li is going crazy, because 22 has no entity, otherwise she must be tortured before giving up!

"It's scary, scary! Oh, my little heart!" An Li patted his heart that was beating violently due to fright. Looking at the forest seemed even scarier! (﹏)I always feel that there are two worlds in the forest and outside the forest.

"Anyway, you are already in such a miserable situation in another world. It might be better to go to other worlds than here." 22 said the words mocking An Li in a flat electronic voice, and always felt that the electronic voice was full of gloating.

Heh, I don't have general knowledge of the system.An Li lifted her foot and continued to walk forward. Although her calves were shaking, she still pretended to be indifferent!The two things An Li is most afraid of are ghosts and bugs!

Clutching his clothes tightly, he walked into the forest bit by bit... All eyes were dark green leaves, the breeze brushed gently, and the leaves rustled.To Anli's ears, it was like a strange whistle...

"No, no, stop imagining! You can't scare yourself, there is nothing, it's just an ordinary forest." An Li comforted herself not to be afraid.

The further you go inside, the darker the sky, and the faint light swaying in the back and forth of the leaves.

"Ga! Ga! Ga!" A few rough bird calls sounded, it was a crow.What Anli thinks in her mind is that crows are an ominous symbol, and they like to eat carrion...

"In the forest, it is normal to have crows and carrion. There will always be some animals that will die due to some problems, such as diseases, injuries, etc. The beast mode has not been started yet, so there will be no beasts in the forest, and there will be no There are ghosts, I don't know what you are afraid of?"

"This is beyond my control. I can't help thinking about terrible things."

At this moment, an unforgettable scene appeared in front of Anli...

 Meow is shivering in bed, the weather in the north is already cold, and it is super cold at night without heating!Went to sleep with my baby in my arms, I will revise two chapters today

(End of this chapter)

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