System farm space

Chapter 168 Finding Evidence

Chapter 168 Finding Evidence
After An Li came back, she had just hidden the food box from being discovered by others, when she heard movement outside, she looked sideways through the crack of the window, and found that it was the madam who was taking Chunhua to go out.Moreover, the madam dressed very low-key, her clothes were very ordinary, and she seemed to be sneaking out.

An Li thought of what Hu Mobai had said at noon, guessing that this person was going to meet her lover. With a straight look on her face, she secretly controlled her steps and followed the two of them.

She watched the two pass by in the middle of nowhere, then stopped at a dog hole.An Li thought to herself: This is so admirable that she is willing to go through a dog hole just to meet her lover!
After the two got through the dog hole, there was a gap for a while. Anli calculated the time when the two of them had not gone far and could not see her and got out of the dog hole.She calculated the time just right, and when she got out, the two of them happened to be walking at the entrance of the alley and were about to turn a corner.An Li watched them turn to the left and quickly walked a few steps to follow them. When he followed them out of the alley, he was dumbfounded. There were so many people wearing almost the same clothes. Where were they going to find those two?

It happened that a mouse jumped out from the wall on the street, and An Li suddenly remembered that Longlong fell into a deep sleep after eating the piece of fish, and wondered if Longlong had woken up.An Li glanced at the pet backpack, Longlong was playing with his big tail boredly inside.

An Li hid in the corner and let Longlong out, and then let Longlong smell the smell of other people on her body, and follow the smell to find the two people who merged into this vast sea of ​​people.

Longlong patted his chest in a humane manner, then turned and ran after smelling Anli's body, Longlong ran without leaving the range where Anli could feel it, so that Anli could also sense Longlong's position without Let Longlong be discovered by others.

Longlong stopped moving after running outside a courtyard, and An Li knew that this must be the place where Shen Ci and Wei Xiaoxiao met.

She was a little annoyed looking at the slightly higher fence, if she had the ability of Hu Mobai, she could use a little wind ability to go up, and it was really difficult for her not to know how to do light work.

An Li, who was afraid of scaring the snake, could only arrange for Longlong to go in first to see the situation, and open the door for her if possible.

An Li waited anxiously outside for a long time, when the door slammed open from the inside.An Li quickly dodged and hid in the dark, and after waiting for a while, she saw Longlong waving its little tail telling her that she could come in. An Li looked around and no one quietly entered the gate, and then quietly pull up.

This is a very small house with only east and west wing rooms, and the yard is also small. Compared with the huge Hou's mansion, it is even worse than the house where the maids live.At the door of the East Wing, Chunhua was lying unconscious on the ground, which startled An Li and thought she had been silenced.

Longlong chirped and explained that it put the person down so that it was convenient for Anli to come in.

An Li approached the wing on tiptoe, and there were bursts of blushing voices from inside.An Li thought about it and still didn't do the kind of thing like poking a hole for peeping, she was afraid of the eye of a needle.

The evidence of this derailment is solid, and she can also turn on the camera function to snap a photo. The problem is that this is ancient times, and high-tech products like photos will probably scare people. People will think she knows some magic tricks. That would be bad.

"Hey, this is too difficult. Why don't you wait for those two people to finish their work so that you can make them dizzy, and I will find a way to put some masculine things on Wei Xiaoxiao's body? Then tonight if Master Hou If you come here and find out, you will know that she is cheating? Tsk. How can I be so smart." An Li did just that.

An Li waited and waited until she almost fell asleep before there was a rustling sound inside. It should be that she was done and was about to leave.An Li was shocked, thinking that it's no wonder that Wei Xiaoxiao would do such a thing of murdering her husband, this Shen Ci is much better than that Yang Mingjing in some aspects, so she hurriedly poked Longlong in to handle the matter.

Reluctantly, Longlong walked in small steps, and after a while he showed a retching expression.An Li patted it on the head and said with a smile: "Oh, you have merit today, I will give you a little fish tonight. Do you want to eat?"

As soon as Longlong heard Yurou, he immediately withdrew his small expression and put on a flattering expression.An Li laughed, this little guy is about to become a genius.

She entered the room, and a smell wafted into her nostrils.She covered her nose in disgust, no wonder Longlong was about to vomit just now, let alone it, An Li felt like she was about to vomit too!

Holding her breath, she looked at the clothes scattered around and saw how anxious and disgusted these two people were.

After searching for a long time, An Li's eyes lit up, and she decided to tie the men's hairband on Wei Xiaoxiao's obscene clothes.The two of them who were in a hurry with a short hair tie didn't care about these details at all, but when Lord Hou went to Wei Xiaoxiao's place in the evening, he would definitely find this hair tie, and then~ it would be interesting.

An Li fastened her hairband, and smiled evilly after imagining a big scene in her head.Then call Longlong to retreat, she has been out for some time, don't let people find her.

When An Li entered the courtyard door panting heavily, the beautiful little maid said to her with a look of catching your wrong face: "Good little girl, you just showed up after looking for you for a long time, and you ran out when it was time Why did you go? Oh~ By the way, I would like to remind you that Qiu Shi didn't find you just now, so please be lucky!" After speaking, he sneered gloatingly, and walked away with his waist twisted.

An Li didn't bother to talk to this maid who had a heart higher than the sky, she walked quickly to the door of the wife's room and whispered, "Sister Qiushi, I'm back."

Qiu Shi came out of the room and asked with an unhappy face, "Have you been walking too long looking for the little sister?"

An Li hurriedly apologized: "I'm sorry sister Qiushi, I'm really greedy, I passed by the big peach tree in the garden, saw the shade under the tree, and thought about waiting for a while to cool down, but I didn't expect a bad one. Be careful and fall asleep!"

Qiushi was speechless, he couldn't talk anymore when he fell asleep.She also knows what Madam is keeping this girl for, but it's too casual, right?But he couldn't be punished, so he had to use her as a target.

Qiu Shi sighed and said: "Today, Madam has not yet woken up, so I must know that you have been lazy and scolded you when you get up and see you running back so recklessly, so hurry up and tidy up. Madam will be angry again when she wakes up and sees you like this."

"Hey, okay sister Qiushi, thank you for thinking about me." An Li got up and went back to her room.

The maid who lived with her was not in the room at the moment, so she took a few gulps and fanned the wind with her hand: "Phew, I'm exhausted! Fortunately, I ran back in time, otherwise there is no way to explain it. Wei Wei Xiao Xiao is about to come back, hehehe, I hope she likes the big gift I gave you."

(End of this chapter)

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