System farm space

Chapter 152 Luo Li Awakens

Chapter 152 Luo Li Awakens
Withdrawing Longlong, the small green eyes around looked at An Li and the two of them again.Although the two were extremely nervous in their hearts, they were indeed calm on the surface.

Hu Mobai put Luo Li lightly in front of a small pool, and he stirred the water in the pool himself. No matter how he stirred it, except for the slightest ripples on the water surface, no other impurities were stirred up, and the water was still clear. end.

"An Li, the water here can be drunk directly, it's very clean." Hu Mobai said to An Li.

An Li looked at the water in the pool, and she was a little uncertain: "Is it possible for the bats to bathe and drink in this water? Will there be bacteria?"

Hearing what she said, Hu Mobai thought it made sense.Then he folded his hands together and picked up the water and drank it clean.An Li stared dumbfounded at Hu Mobai's series of actions. After reacting, Hu Mobai had already wiped away the water droplets from his mouth with his sleeve.

"You, you, I just finished talking about what to do if there are bacteria, why did you just drink it? Can you still spit it out?" An Li shook Hu Mobai, trying to make him spit out the water he drank. .

Hu Mobai was dizzy from being shaken by her, and he slapped her away and said: "Don't shake, I drank it all in. I want to test whether this water is okay. My physique of the fox clan is stronger than your pure human physique. If I have any reaction, it will not be fatal, so it’s hard to say what you said.”

"Then you can't use yourself as an experiment, right?" An Li disapproved all over her face.

Hu Mobai spread his hands with rare humor, saying that he had no choice. An Li had no choice but to wait and see Hu Mobai's subsequent reaction.

While waiting, An Li asked Hu Mobai for the only water he had left, and slowly poured some on Luo Li's lips to moisten his lips, and then gently covered the lid.

During this period, the little bats have let down their vigilance and started playing around, chasing each other and playing happily.And the female bats were chasing and chirping at the little bats, looking very wary of them.

On the contrary, the two of An Li had a rare rest time at this time, and no bats disturbed them. Fell asleep.

Hu Mobai watched her fall asleep, and released a wind shield on her and Luo Li's body, which could keep them warm and protect them, while he himself was meditating and being vigilant at the same time.


When An Li opened her eyes and saw the surrounding scene, she was a little confused.Didn't she already go back to the small town, why did she wake up to this cave full of bats again?

Hu Mobai noticed that An Li had woken up, opened his eyes and met An Li's confused eyes.Hu Mobai guessed that An Li was probably dreaming and was a little confused about the situation, so he coughed lightly to hide his smile and asked, "What's the matter, you look like a fool with a dull face."

"You're the fool! Haven't we already returned to the town, why are we still in this poor place?" An Li muttered with displeasure in her voice.

"Oh, it turned out that the dream was to return to the small town! Congratulations, you are still here after waking up from the dream, are you surprised or not?" Hu Mobai said jokingly.

An Li stared at Hu Mobai with a ghostly expression on her face, then stepped back vigilantly and seriously to block Luo Li, and asked coldly, "Who are you?"

Hu Mobai couldn't help but laugh at An Li's series of actions. Was he so surprised when he was humorous once in a while?

"I am me, who else can I be. Have some fun, and you're still working hard. Okay, hurry up and fetch water. You've slept for more than two hours, but you can really sleep. "Hu Mobai raised his chin and asked An Li to fetch water from the pool.

"Have I been sleeping for so long?" An Li stood up and moved about the body stiffness caused by sitting for a long time, then took out all the bamboo tubes filled with water and filled them with water from the pool.

He counted them one by one and said unhappily: "I gave Tian Jiaojiao a bamboo tube, otherwise we could have one more, which would be a waste."

"Okay, one more or one less doesn't make any difference. Ah Li should be waking up soon. Do you have any hot porridge in your backpack? When he wakes up, feed him some liquid food first."

When An Li heard that Luo Li was about to wake up, she turned to look at Luo Li, but she didn't seem to find any signs of waking up, so she stared at Luo Li suspiciously and asked, "Are you sure he's about to wake up? Why? Did you see it?"

Hu Mobai: "Secret!"

An Li: "Cut!"

An Li curled her lips in disdain, thinking she didn't want to know, that's why! !

An Li murmured bad things about Hu Mobai, and Hu Mobai aimed his eyes at An Li, thinking amusedly in his heart, if he told her now that he could hear those bad things, would she Annoyed, he found a hole in the ground and got into it.

Hu Mobai thought of that scene, and a smile appeared on his face that he didn't even notice.

When the two of them were lost in their own thoughts, Luo Li snorted softly, then his eyes trembled violently, and then he opened them with a swipe. There was a glint of ruthlessness in his opened eyes, and he realized that the surrounding environment was not a familiar one. Put on vigilance again.

An Li and the two of them hurried over when they heard him humming softly, and naturally saw the flash of emotion.An Li was very distressed, and she didn't know what happened to Luo Li, so she asked rashly because she was afraid that he would think of something bad, hey.

An Li withdrew her thoughts, and quickly whispered to Luo Li: "Luo Li, you finally woke up, I am Sister An Li! How do you feel? Is there any discomfort?"

Luo Li couldn't believe it when he heard An Li's voice at first, and suspected that there was something wrong with his ears.Turning his head again and seeing the concerned eyes of An Li and Hu Mobai, he couldn't help but feel aggrieved and wanted to cry, and some emotions naturally appeared on his face.

An Li looked at this young man who was always as sunny as a little sun, and when she was staring at her pitifully with tears, her heart ached to pieces.She clumsily stepped forward to hug Luo Li, patted Luo Li's thinner back, and said softly, "I'm sorry, Luo Li, if you want to cry, you should cry first. If Hu Mobai dares to laugh at you, he looks better than him." of."

Luo Li buried his head into Anli's neck, and the breath belonging to Anli from the tip of his nose made him feel very at ease.Although his sister An Li is sometimes more nervous than him and looks like a child, she will always stand in front of him at critical moments.

Luo Li sniffed, straightened up and said, "How can a man cry!" Before he finished speaking, his stomach gurgled loudly.

An Li was still with tears in her eyes, but when she heard the grunt, she burst out laughing, then took out steamed buns and milk from her backpack and handed them to Luo Li, saying, "Here you are, you can eat something first, and you can eat it first." I haven't eaten for a long time, I'm afraid you won't be able to digest anything else."

Luo Li's eyes lit up when he saw the steamed bun, no matter whether it was delicious or not, he grabbed it and started to eat it. He choked several times in the middle, An Li hurriedly handed him milk, and kept saying, "Eat slowly, don't worry."

When he ate two steamed buns and wanted to eat the third one, Hu Mobai stopped him. He said, "Eat less first, I'm afraid you won't be able to digest it if you eat too much, so wait a while before eating."

Hearing what Hu Mobai said, Luo Li gulped down the milk and licked the corner of his mouth reluctantly.

 Thanks to Cat Pass and Shudaizi 0478 for their recommendation~
  Luo Li finally woke up!Congratulations!

(End of this chapter)

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