System farm space

Chapter 15 Put it on the agenda

Chapter 15 Put it on the agenda
"Complete novice task 5 to reward 10 experience points, 50 gold coins, and 1 hatchet. Novice task 6: Cut 10 vines with a hatchet, complete reward experience 10 points, 50 gold coins, and 10 grass seeds."

After An Li picked the last stone, the system prompted the task to be completed. Looking at the new novice task-"Grass seeds? Humph, if I expected well, the next task is to plant pasture, and then reward a cow? Or a sheep?" ? In short, it’s some kind of animal that eats grass, am I right?”

22 was as quiet as a chicken and didn't say a word. An Li felt even more that his guess was right.

Mission accomplished, head back home.On the way back, Anli wielded a hatchet and chopped some vines. He just happened to go back and prepare to tie the fence. The rope would have other uses, so it would be too wasteful to use it to tie the fence.

After returning to the yard, Anli started to build a fence.There are many more tools available now than at the beginning, and there are also a lot of cut branches. While picking suitable branches and splitting them into suitable sizes, Anli asked 22: "22, what do you need to upgrade? You are considered a pet. Is it the same type? How can I upgrade?"

"...I am the system, not a pet! I can level up. Every time you level up, the main system will allocate 10% of the leveling experience to me."

"Then what level are you now? How much experience do you need to upgrade to the next level?"

"I'm a nascent system, I'm level 1 now, and I'm still 15/10000 away from upgrading to level [-]."

"Well, so the faster I upgrade, the better it will be for your upgrade. After you upgrade, will there be any new functions?"

"I don't know either, because it's a nascent system with insufficient permissions. You can only know what new functions are available after the upgrade."

"Then I will work hard, work hard to upgrade, and earn money to support you! Let's work hard together!"

In this space, only 22 is the person who is most familiar with Anli. From disbelief at the beginning, to now slowly accepting 22, it is actually not difficult.

An Li worked harder and harder on the fence, in order to make her life more petty.I am now adapting well, living in a dilapidated house with nothing in the yard and feel good about myself.This has to be changed before, and I hate it to death!

Man, it's not for that sake.

Anli built the fence all afternoon, first weaving a bamboo gate out of the gate designated as the gate with the bamboo pieces left before, this will always give herself a sense of security, and then continue to install fences on both sides of the gate, and wait until At sunset, two-thirds of the progress of the entire yard is completed, and the remaining one-third can be done tomorrow.

"Well, it looks a lot neater like this, a bit like a farmyard."

Looking at the half-finished yard, I feel a little sense of belonging. After all, the fence I made bit by bit with my own hands always makes people feel emotional.

Then go to the edge of the field to pile up the straw and move it under the fence, and stack it neatly, and stack the scattered and unsuitable branches on the firewood pile.

At this time, the soft clucking sound of the pheasant drifted into An Li's ears, and only then did he think of this little guy.

Anli cut a section of bamboo and split it in the middle, then grabbed a handful of wheat grains and put half of it in to use as a trough, and filled the other half with water as a sink, and placed it next to the pheasant.

"Here, let's eat. Eat more! I also expect you to lay eggs for me to improve my food. It's getting late today, and I'll give you the whole nest tomorrow morning. Let's just make do with it today."

At this moment, the sky was completely dark, the stove and the burning flames of the fire in the kitchen illuminated the surroundings of the kitchen, Anli took down the dried chicken offal from the railing that day, and took out the chicken gizzards for a while Eat a grilled chicken gizzard, and make chicken soup with the rest.

"Such a big chicken gizzard is only enough to fit between the teeth. Chicken gizzards are so delicious when you skewer them. Two bites a skewer, ouch, it's delicious just thinking about it."

An Li drooled as she threaded the chicken gizzards on the twigs.After wearing it, pour the oil into the plate, pour the salt into the bowl, and then take out the vinegar bottle and pour it into the bamboo tube in the same way.Now that I found the number of bugs, of course I can find a way to use it more~
Brush the oil on the chicken gizzards and roast them first, then feel that the temperature of the pot is almost the same, pour the oil into the pot and heat it.Cut the remaining chicken giblets into shreds and stir-fry in hot oil. Sprinkle salt in while stir-frying. Finally, take out the pot and cook some vinegar. As for why they cook vinegar, Anli doesn’t know. She often watches them cook. Finally, I added some vinegar and it tasted pretty good. Maybe it was to enhance the flavor? ?

After cooking the vinegar for a while, it will be out of the pot, but the plate is occupied, An Li took out some firewood to lower the fire, so as not to make the fried chicken become mushy, and then turned to look at the grilled chicken gizzards.

"Oh, I didn't look at it for a while, so I burned it." An Li hurriedly turned the other side to bake, looking at the slightly burnt side with some heartache.Chicken gizzards eat oil, so you have to keep oiling them or they will dry out easily.

This time, Anli concentrated on roasting the chicken offal. Seeing that the oil was almost gone, she applied another layer, one layer after another, sprinkled salt in the middle, and then heated it evenly to melt it. Finally, when it was almost ready, she cooked it with vinegar.After a burst of sour taste, it's done!
An Li picked it up and smelled it, "Well, it seems to be pretty good, it would be even better if there were cumin noodles and chili noodles." She opened her mouth and took a bite, it was so hard.

It was already a little dry after air-drying, and then it was a little bit burnt after grilling. The taste is self-imagined.After eating it as hard as biting the sole of a shoe, An Li expressed her displeasure.This is a failed skewer, and a waste of oil, salt and vinegar.

An Li, whose cheeks hurt from biting, took a sip of water to relieve the soreness of the facial muscles.Rinse the dishes and bowls with water, An Li put the fried chicken offal into the plate, took out a salted fish, chopped it into pieces, and poured water to cook the soup.A plate of offal chicken is definitely not enough!
Take a bite of chicken offal with chopsticks, there is no fishy smell like offal, the taste can only be said to be normal, and it will be even better if you add some dried chili to make a stir-fry.After eating a whole plate of food in two or three bites, An Li didn't feel full after touching her belly.

"Hey, without meat and staple food, I always feel like I haven't eaten. I'm not hungry at all. I miss rice and steamed buns. Coarse grain rice and cornmeal steamed buns are fine without rice. The requirements are very low. Eat whole grains And take care of yourself, hey."

An Li sighed, adding firewood and other fish soup.By the time the fish soup was ready, the fried chicken offal Anli had just eaten had been completely digested.

Finish the fish soup and eat up the fish.After eating An Li, who was full of water, she cleaned up the kitchen and boiled water.After the water was boiled, I mixed some cold water into it, scooped it out with a bamboo tube, and washed the sweat off my body bit by bit.

It's really inconvenient at all. I urgently need a bathroom, a tub, and of course clothes. It's a miserable life.Also, the yard needs to be hardened, at least around the kitchen, otherwise the ground will be muddy and messy after cleaning.

While scrubbing, An Li was thinking about the construction of the yard.After scrubbing and rinsing my mouth, I must go to brush my teeth with willow branches tomorrow. I always feel that there is already a thick layer of dirt on my teeth.

 What did you see?If you want to know what happens next, please listen to the next chapter (●''●)
(End of this chapter)

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