Chapter 13
Returning to the semi-finished yard, Anli soaked the dried mushrooms and dried bitter greens for cooking later.

Then we pick up all the fish, including their internal organs and the like, and bury them in the fields later to fatten the ground.

Carry the fish to the stream and clean it, then take the small basket containing the internal organs to the field, dig the soil and bury it and fill it in one go.

After burying the internal organs of the fish, An Li laughed at herself that she has top-notch digging skills now, and she will become an expert after 6 years.Just like Team Rocket in Pokémon, the master of digging.

Back in the yard, put a fish on the grill first, and then click on the mall to see if there is any salt for sale today.

Good luck, there is a salt refresh today.An Li bought 5 boxes of salt at a time. Salt is essential for making dried fish. I don’t know how to calculate the number of times if it is used to make dried fish. Is it one time to rub it, or one time to rub it on one fish?

Then I checked the mall to see what else I could buy. As a woman, I always have a strong desire to shop.

"You can get a sewing box! Occasionally, it's urgent to mend. Mirror? Or forget it, I'm afraid I'll go blind after looking at it. Hmm... two bottles of oil and two bottles of vinegar. There are 3 bundles of other ropes, buy them all Alright. Well, that's all."

I bought vinegar to make a cold dish. I bought a lot just to eat better, otherwise I would be really sorry for myself.Make another mushroom soup and scramble an egg, perfect.

While waiting for the mushroom soup, Anli made a relatively rough cooking spatula out of wood, and wrapped the remaining bamboo skin around the handle.Because there are no sharpening tools, there will be small thorns. If you don't wrap them around, the thorns will accidentally get stuck in your hands.

After finishing cooking, it took a while to take a look at the soup, An Li went to spread the salt evenly on the fish, then hung it up with a rope and hung it on the railing to dry.By the way, I looked at the usage of the salt. An Li was afraid that it would count as just one use, so she poured a lot of salt on it every time, and then wiped it away.

The result is as expected, it is indeed counted on a per-time basis, but it does not matter how much it is once.

"Hey, isn't this a bug? I pour out a lot of salt every time. If I can't use it up, I can just put it in another container."

"It doesn't matter how much you use at a time, but if you pour it out and repack it, it will be refreshed after an hour." 1 reminded An Li not to be clever.

"Then I can use it up within an hour, right? For example, when I just marinated dried fish, I poured out a lot at one time, enough for several fishes. Wouldn't it be enough to finish marinating the fish within an hour?"


"Haha, do you think what I said makes sense? You can't refute it. This is really a big bug."

An Li, who was so happy, finished all this, and after putting away the salt box, the soup was ready.Take out the soup, pour in the oil, wait for the oil to heat up, pour the beaten eggs into the pot, stir-fry until half-cooked, cut into small pieces with a spatula, put them on a plate when they are fully cooked, and start eating.

"Well, it's not bad. The only drawback is that there is no staple food. Grinding noodles has to be put on the agenda, steaming buns, boiling noodles, and making various noodles. I can't control my saliva." An Li couldn't control his saliva just thinking about it. Beautiful.


Anli took a nap for a while and continued to go to the mine to collect stones, but the progress was not very fast. The quarrying was really exhausting, and she only managed to collect four stones in one afternoon.

Stuffing everything into the backpack, Anli was about to call it a day, and went to the trap to see if there was any harvest.

Walking in front of the trap, I found that the trap had been touched and the hole was exposed.An Li ran over quickly to see if the prey had escaped.

Approaching the pothole, I found that there were dots of blood and chicken feathers on the edge of the pothole.Is this an escape?After all, pheasants can fly. Although they can't fly very high, the pit is not too high. It's normal to run away. It should be that the injury is not very serious.

An Li comforted herself, and then looked into the pothole to see that there might be unexpected gains.There was a rabbit inside, and the spike pierced the rabbit's thigh, making it unable to move, so it failed to escape because of excessive blood loss and became dying.What a surprise!
An Li happily pulled the rabbit out of the pit by its ears, knocked it unconscious, put it in the back basket, rearranged the trap and walked back.


An Li, who had never killed a rabbit, was in trouble again. At least he had seen how to kill a chicken, but he had never seen how to kill a rabbit.However, I saw a sheep being killed once when I was a child. I was still young at that time. The first time I saw such a bloody scene, I started to have nightmares at night, so I still remember the killing of a sheep.

It is also an animal that needs to be skinned, the steps should be similar, right?
First cut the rabbit's neck with a knife, then cut a small opening on the rabbit's leg, insert a straw into it as a straw, and blow air into it, and the rabbit is blown into a small balloon.This means that the rabbit skin and meat have been separated.

Then use a hatchet to carefully cut open the skin on the belly, so that the complete rabbit skin is peeled off.Then the belly was cut open and the internal organs were taken out.

Looking at the rabbit's head, An Li thought of the spicy rabbit's head in Chongqing, which is simply not too delicious.But now there is no pepper to make spicy rabbit head, and the hair on the rabbit head is not easy to clean, so I gave up.

Separate the rabbit's head from the fur, then put the head aside and bury it in the ground later.The internal organs are washed and dried like chicken internal organs, and they are used as spare food.

The meat quality of wild rabbits is relatively woody, not as delicate as that of domestic rabbits.Running often, the muscles are very developed, and the shredded meat is very thick.Cut off two hind legs for dinner, and hang the rest on the railing to eat tomorrow. In this weather, it won't be bad if left overnight.

Yesterday I was so excited that I forgot to save the chicken wings for grilled honey-glazed chicken wings. Let’s have honey-glazed rabbit legs today!
After preparing the necessary things, An Li sat by the fire and started to roast the rabbit legs.This rabbit was very fat, and under the flames, the oil flowed out bit by bit, dripping on the fire and splashing sparks.

Make a few slits on the roasted rabbit legs and sprinkle them evenly with salt to let the salty flavor in. Then take a small red fruit and squeeze the juice onto the meat to remove the fishy smell.When the meat is roasted until it is slightly turned out, apply a layer of honey evenly and spread it while roasting. After the honey is completely absorbed by the meat, it will be like a layer of beeswax wrapped around it, and the sweet flavor will spread around. .

An Li swallowed her saliva, the smell was much stronger than that of grilled fish, she couldn't help but drool.

A strong sweet smell surrounds the tip of the nose, the outermost layer of skin of the leg meat has been roasted to brown, and large drops of fat mixed with a little honey dripped into the fire.This wonderful fragrance makes your index finger move, and you can't help but want to secrete your saliva.

After a "long" sweet suffering, the roasted rabbit legs are finally ready.An Li ignored the burning of his mouth and opened his mouth to bite off a piece of meat.

"Phew, it's so hot, so hot! What a great time, so touching."

Tears welled up in An Li's scalded eyes, but she was not willing to give up the delicious food in her mouth.It's really delicious!

The leg meat is roasted to a crisp on the outside and tender on the inside, and the unique sweetness of honey has invaded every corner.Squeezing in the wild juice and salt removes the fishy smell of the hare meat, making it fat but not greasy in one bite, leaving a fragrant mouthful.

While exhaling the heat, An Li gnawed on the meat, her lips were so hot that it didn't matter, she couldn't stop eating it.It turned out that I didn't realize that my cooking skills are so good, and the natural ingredients are still powerful!
After gnawing on the rabbit's leg three times, five times and two times, An Li licked her lips, and then roasted the other rabbit leg according to the roasting method just now.

An Li, who was full of greasy food, was a little tired of eating. She took two mouthfuls of the prepared bitter vegetables to relieve her greasy stomach, and then she poured mushroom soup out to drink.After eating a bowl of soup, even the gaps in the stomach are filled.

"Ah, I'm really full! It's so satisfying to eat, I haven't eaten so comfortably for a long time."

After finishing cleaning up the mess in the outdoor kitchen, Anli had digested some of his food and his stomach was no longer so full. As he was lying on the bed, he suddenly remembered that the stone mill should have been made a long time ago, and he had already forgotten about it!

Click to open the drawing page: The stone mill is completed, please take it back.

After An Li clicked to retrieve it, the stone mill was stored in the system backpack.

aha!Anli quickly ran out of the hut, and installed the stone mill in the previously planned workshop.

This looks similar to the stone mills I saw in the countryside when I was a child, but the stone mills in the countryside were pulled by donkeys, and now there is no donkey, so I can only grind by myself.It shouldn't be too difficult, right?

An Li was lying on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.I was a little emotional because of the stone grinding, and I couldn't sleep at all, so I wanted to try grinding wheat now.

Looking at the increasingly dark and hot day outside the window, and the brilliance of the moon filling the earth, An Li suppressed her emotions and forced herself to sleep.I didn't know when I fell asleep in a daze, and I was still dreaming.In the dream, I was grinding wheat and kept turning and turning and turning...

(End of this chapter)

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