System farm space

Chapter 129 The Imperial City

Chapter 129 The Imperial City
An Li looked at the thing he took out from the waistband with distaste, pinched it with her fingers and observed it carefully, but it was impossible to tell that it was a tracker from the outside, because it looked shiny like a Like a diamond.Turning around, Wen Hai said, "Are you sure this is a tracker? You didn't lie to me?"

"Ouch. My aunt, how dare I lie to you, it's better than real gold!" Wen Hai said with a bitter face.

"Then why didn't you remind me what it was and how to use it?" An Li looked at Wen Hai with a Mona Lisa smile.

Wen Hai was speechless when asked, he moved his mouth and wanted to say something, but he didn't say it.

"Hmph, Longlong, scratch me! You're still playing smart with me!" An Li snorted coldly, letting Longlong play with Wen Hai by himself.

"Don't, don't, my ancestors, I say, I say!" Wen Hai waved his hands in fear while taking out a fake version from the bracelet on his hand, and there was no difference at all if he didn't look carefully at it.

An Li took the tracker, and there was a display: the imperial city pass tracker, which can track the location of the pass holder, and the location is refreshed every 30 minutes. (Tracker holder: Wen Hai.)
"Untie this!" An Li said bluntly while pinching the tracker in her hand.

"I really don't know how to solve this!" Wen Hai cried with a grievance on his face.

An Li looked at her suspiciously, and Longlong was ready to move beside her.Wen Hai swallowed his saliva and said seriously: "I really don't know how to untie it, the most important thing is to bind it for no reason."

An Li saw that he didn't look like a liar, so she only believed eight points, and she wanted to keep the remaining two points, this Wen Hai is too cunning.

An Li turned around and handed the tracker to Luo Li, asking, "Can you destroy this thing?"

Luo Li took the thing that was not much bigger than a small fingernail in An Li's hand, squeezed it with his hands, and felt that the hardness was not bad, so he turned to look at Hu Mobai.

Hu Mobai took the tracker and put it in the palm of his hand, and then An Li saw a miraculous scene.I saw layers of tiny wind blades appearing in Hu Mobai's hands, spinning and rolling up the tracker.

As the wind blade spun faster and faster, a small cyan whirlwind formed in Hu Mobai's palm.An Li watched intently, only to hear a few crisp cracking sounds. Wen Hai beside her suddenly wailed, spurted out a mouthful of blood, and became a little sluggish.Looking at the tracker in Hu Mobai's hand, it had already been turned into scum in the whirlwind.

Looking at Wen Hai's reaction, An Li guessed that it was because the tracker was integrated with him, and the destruction of the tracker would also hurt him.

Wen Hai originally thought that she would find a way to let him untie the tracker and keep it by her side for emergencies, but he didn't expect An Li to be so ruthless that she would destroy the tracker with her own hands.This tracker was connected to his soul, and his own soul was also hurt to some extent when the tracker was destroyed. He couldn't help but hate him, but he didn't dare to do anything to An Li.

An Li watched the tracker being destroyed, and then she was completely relieved.Return Wen Hai's backpack to him, and let him take his little brothers to get out of here.Wen Hai quietly opened the backpack and took a look, and found that An Li had kindly left him a third of the supplies. He couldn't help but hate and feel helpless. He finally robbed most of these things, but this stinky girl took most of them .

He thought that if a good man doesn't suffer the immediate loss, one day he will return the debt to An Li.With a wink to No. [-], No. [-] picked up No. [-], whose face was covered in blood, and followed Wen Hai away.

When the crisis in front of her was completely resolved, An Li sat down on the ground.To be honest, she is really weak-legged, and she has been trying hard not to be frightened, otherwise it is not certain whether they will be able to retreat unscathed.

An Li touched Longlong's soft little head, and rubbed her face affectionately.She really didn't expect that Longlong would become the biggest hero today.At that time, she released Longlong reflexively in such a critical situation. As a result, it was originally a headwind situation, but Longlong forced her to turn it into a tailwind situation.

"Good job, I'll give you delicious food when I get back!" An Li patted Longlong's head vigorously again, put it on her shoulder, and then called Luo Li and the two to come over and prepare to set off.

They had already wasted more than two hours because of the fight just now, and now they had to rush to the imperial city, or it would be time again.But fortunately, without Boss Jiao, they were divided artificially to block them, and the wild monsters around them no longer attacked them frantically, making them much faster than before.

When they rushed to the gate of the imperial city, the guards guarding the city blocked the way of the three of them with the trident in their hands.

The guard at the gate asked blankly: "Idlers are not allowed to stay at the gate of the city!"

Luo Li pulled An Li back, keeping a certain distance from the guards, and then An Li took out two passports and said, "We are here to seek relatives in the imperial city, and this is our passport."

To be honest, Anli has no foundation at all.She didn't know what was written in the pass. When she picked it up, it only said the Atlantis Royal City Pass and that you could bring one person in, and nothing else was said.

The guard at the door took the pass and handed it to another guard who seemed to be the leader standing nearby.The leader of the guards glanced twice, looked up and looked at the group of three people again, commanded the two guards to check that they were not carrying weapons, and then asked the guards to take back the trident and let them in.

An Li reluctantly glanced at the pass in the leader's guard's hand. The leader ignored An Li's gaze and stuffed the pass into his collar.An Li sighed, it seems that this pass is a one-time use, if they are randomly swiped to another place tomorrow, she will have no place to cry.

An Li and Luo Li had already seen the prosperity of the imperial city when they entered the dungeon for the first time, but it was Hu Mobai's first visit. Although he had restrained his facial expressions very much, An Li could still see the amazement in his eyes.

An Li smiled smugly, thinking: look at your bumpkin look, and see how calm this girl is.Of course, she forgot that she was worse than Hu Mobai when she saw this scene.

Last time they came out of the back door of the temple secretly, but this time they came in openly and openly through the front door of the imperial city. The feeling was also different.

The temple is still as majestic and majestic as when I saw it for the first time. The city gate is still some distance away from the palace, and I can only vaguely see the outline of some palace buildings. Going forward, there is a fork in the road, and to the left is the business they have been to. Street, to the right is leading to the high-end residential area.

An Li took out the map, and the three of them stood by the side of the road and studied where to start looking.

The three of them spent a long time together and decided to start from the commercial street.There are many people in the commercial street, and the locations of some items marked on the map are not very secret, so it doesn't take much effort to find them casually.As for other places, let’s finish looking for this one first.After finalizing the plan, they headed towards the commercial street.


An Li looked around, whether it was street vendors or people who came to buy things, it seemed that there were many more people than they came last time.The cries of small vendors around were one after another, and An Li looked at them one by one curiously.

When walking in a booth selling accessories, An Li saw a pair of earrings made of tiny golden pearls.She asked the stall owner to pick it up for her. She tried it on and turned to ask Luo Li if it looked good.

Luo Li returned him a bright smile, while Hu Mobai remained silent.Neither of them gave any suggestion on whether to look good or not, An Li was a little frustrated.Shopping with two elm bumps really makes people feel less excited when shopping.

"We're here to find things, not to go shopping." Hu Mobai's cold voice sounded from behind.

An Li pouted, and then said: "Then, let's find it separately. The map has been shared with you, how about we meet there then?" An Li pointed to the tallest building on the whole street, said to them.

Hu Mobai nodded his head in agreement, then turned and left neatly.An Li looked at his back and curled her lips. She was good-looking and had a bad personality, so she was blind to that pretty face.Luo Li didn't move, and stayed where he was.

"Luo Li, follow Hu Mobai to look for it too." An Li watched Luo Li not moving, and pushed him to signal him to find a direction to find the items marked on the map.

Luo Li shook his head and said, "No, there are a lot of people here, if we split up, I'm worried that you will be in danger."

An Li laughed and said: "There are so many people here, what danger do I have, go quickly, don't waste time." But Luo Li still shook his head firmly, expressing that he would not leave An Li to act alone.

An Li had no choice but to let Luo Li follow her.

The stall owner next to him couldn't stand it anymore, coughed lightly to draw An Li's attention back and said, "Girl, if you don't want this earring? If you don't want it, put it back for me."

An Li was a little embarrassed when asked, she said shyly, "Excuse me, how much is this earring?"

The stall owner didn't because An Li was standing in front of his stall chatting with his things, and replied in a good temper: "Girl, this pair of earrings has 15 white pearls."

An Li was stunned, she didn't expect the currency in circulation here to be pearls, she thought it was gold coins, and thought she would buy them if they were not expensive, but it turned out to be pearls.

An Li blushed a little and put the earrings back into the stall first, then flipped through her backpack to see if she had any white pearls.In the end, after looking through it for a long time, I didn't find any white pearls. Only the pearls of other colors that Xiao Ning asked her to keep for herself last time.

An Li took out a purple pearl and asked uncertainly, "Is this pearl okay?"

The stall owner saw that it was a purple pearl and nodded in agreement.An Li handed him the purple pearl, and then picked up the earrings she had just put down.

Just about to get up and leave, the stall owner called her and gave her 35 white pearls.An Li didn't understand what it meant, why did she still give her pearls.

The stall owner saw her doubts, and said with a smile: "This is the first time for a girl to come to our imperial city. Pearls are used to trade here. Like the purple pearl you just gave me, you can exchange 50 white pearls, and black pearls." You can exchange 100 white pearls, 500 pink pearls, and 1000 gold pearls."

"Over there..." The stall owner pointed to the shop with the word "Yi" on it and said: "Pearls can be exchanged there, and sometimes the exchange rate will fluctuate slightly. You can only know how much you can exchange at the trading hall."

An Li finally found her white pearl, thanked the stall owner, and took Luo away to the trading hall.She remembered that the trading hall was marked on the map she had just seen.

An Li entered the trading hall and found that there were quite a few people exchanging pearls, five or six of them.The boy who looked like a buddy smiled and beckoned An Li to come in. An Li gave Luo Li a wink and asked him to find the location marked on the map, while she herself explained to the buddy why she came.

The clerk heard that he was here to exchange pearls, so he hurriedly led An Li to sit on a chair, while he stood on the side courteously and explained the exchange ratio of pearls to An Li.

"The girl came in at the right time. Since pink pearls are relatively scarce today, the exchange ratio today is 1:600."

After hearing this, An Li secretly thought that she was lucky, so she also replied: "Then, replace this pink pearl." An Li took out the pink pearl and handed it to the clerk.

She felt that the price of the light pink should be better, but she didn't take it out out of the idea of ​​not revealing her wealth.

The clerk took the pink pearl from An Li, looked at it carefully with a magnifying glass, and then nodded to An Li and said, "I'll let the appraiser appraise it. Miss, sit down and have a cup of tea. Wait a moment."

An Li nodded, and the clerk withdrew to trot over to the shopkeeper.She took a sip of the tea that had been poured on the table. The tea was sweet and had a pleasant smell.

An Li thought it was tea at first, because the color was the same as tea leaves, but when she drank it, the bitterness of tea leaves was completely sweet and delicious.She thought about waiting for the buddy to come back later and ask what kind of water it was, and then continued to sip the water in small sips while observing Luo Li's location around her.

An Li was bored sitting on a chair waiting for the buddy or Luo Li to appear. She didn't expect that it would take so long to appraise the pearl. She dangled her feet in boredom and looked up at the bustling crowd through the transparent window.

An Li saw a black shadow on the glass, turned her head to see Luo Li sitting opposite her, poured a cup of tea and began to savor it carefully.

An Li gave him a wink, Luo Li nodded to indicate that the things had been taken, An Li was relieved with a happy smile, and patiently waited for the result of her pink pearl appraisal.

When An Li's patience was about to run out, the waiter came over with a tray with a happy expression on his face.

"Girl, these are the pearls you exchanged. Because your pearls are of good quality, I will give you 20 extra pearls. You can count the total of 620." The man said to Anli with a smile.

An Li put the pearls in the tray into the backpack, and after displaying 620 pearls, she said to the buddy, "Well, the numbers are correct. By the way, what kind of tea is this tea? It feels refreshing instead of bitter. "

The man took back the tray with pearls and said, "It is said to be a mixture of several kinds of fish and mint. It is delicious. You can drink two more glasses."

 I can't, I'm so sleepy that I fall down.Update it like this first, I will modify it tomorrow, good night
(End of this chapter)

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