System farm space

Chapter 121 Getting Pass

Chapter 121 Getting Pass

The method An Li told Luo Li was actually very simple, first use smoke bombs to create smoke around, and then Luo Li took advantage of the smoke to go to another group of three people who were closer to those three people.It so happened that the three were beating a big turtle, and they had been beating it for a long time because the turtle always shrank into its shell.

An Li also stopped a little turtle here, and set off smoke bombs as if she couldn't beat it.The people around them were affected by the misfortune, and they waved their arms one by one to push the smoke away.Luo Li put on the windproof glasses that An Li begged for and slipped away from here, hid in a position closer to the two groups of men and horses, shot an arrow at the tail of the sea cat, and ran back to An Li's side after shooting.

When he came back, the smoke was dissipating, and he could basically see his surroundings clearly.While hanging the turtle, the two secretly watched the situation over there.One of the group of people who like to take advantage uses bows and arrows, and Luo Li basically uses daggers when he gets close, so they don't know that Luo Li also uses bows and arrows.

The team that was hitting the turtle was startled by a sudden arrow, and by the time they realized it, the arrow had already stuck in the tail of the turtle.And the tail is the more sensitive part of the turtle, just like the tiger's butt can't be touched, the turtle also went berserk because of this arrow.

Seeing that the monsters that could be dealt with immediately suddenly increased their violent attack power, and the group of people beat them in a hurry.Coincidentally, the archer who robbed the trio over there was hit by an arrow that deviated from the direction and flew towards the turtle trio, stuck on the turtle's back and bounced off.

Now, all three people saw the direction from which the arrow feathers were coming, and their faces turned blue with anger.After finally getting rid of the big turtle, the three people were injured to varying degrees.

Before they had time to rest, the turtle trio angrily went to find trouble for robbing the trio.

One of them got angry and killed the monster the three of them were fighting, and picked up the drop.The three of them were a little dazed at first, they always robbed other people's monsters, and they didn't expect to be robbed one day, so they couldn't help being a little angry.

The bow and arrow boy yelled at the big man angrily: "What are you doing, why are we fighting monsters well?"

The big man also laughed angrily at his words: "Should I ask you this question? We fought well. If it weren't for the arrow you sneaked in, how could the turtle go berserk and cause us so much misery."

"You guys are crazy. Who hit you?" The bow and arrow man felt that he was wronged. Who had nothing to do to cause trouble for them?

An Li watched the two of them fight over there, and couldn't help but secretly chuckled, thinking: If you are so arrogant again, let you also feel the depression of being robbed and wronged, it is best for the Turtle Team to They should be beaten up.

An Li was actually just venting her anger, seeing that they had already scolded each other, An Li and the two of them killed the turtle and then went to fight other people and didn't care about the follow-up incident.

However, maybe the god of luck sees that An Li is always unlucky, so he favors her.

I only heard the quarrel over there and finally escalated into a fight, and the two groups scuffled together.Seeing that the plot was developing in the direction she wanted to see, An Li couldn't help laughing while covering her mouth.

"Hmph, if you make them so annoying again, you'll be beaten up by Fatty now! You really deserve it, and make them so rampant again." An Li said to Luo Li while laughing and relieved her anger.

Luo Li smiled, looked at the situation over there and didn't answer.

After a while, the fight ended.The robbery trio was beaten black and blue, maybe the little boy was too young and they were too embarrassed to hit too hard, so he looked better.In the end, the three of them took out some things from their backpacks, and the two groups of people's beams were finished.

When they were standing and watching the development of the plot, there was also a person next to him who let out a sigh of relief, cursed that he deserved it, and then happily went to collect it.

An Li and the two looked at each other and smiled.

Because An Li did something that she felt very gratifying, so collecting or fighting monsters didn't feel boring anymore, and she was happy just thinking about the misery of those three people.

Just as she was enjoying herself, the news rang out.An Li clicked on it and saw that it was Jiamin who asked about their location, saying that Hao Xiangyang was with her and wanted to go over and form a team with them.

An Li asked Luo Li for his opinion, and after Luo Li said it didn't matter, An Li gave Jia Min their current location.

After a while, Jiamin brought Hao Xiangyang over.After seeing An Li, Jia Min waved to them, and then pulled Hao Xiangyang over here.

"Hey, we came a little late today because we had something to do. How long have you been staying?" Jiamin came over and asked An Li.

"It's more than three hours, and less than three hours is enough time." An Li replied.

"Ah, then we can only form a team for a short while. But just in time, when we just came over, we saw an elite water snake over there. Because it was not easy to fight, no one was fighting it. How about we go and try it? Try?" Jiamin is very enthusiastic now because Anli saved her yesterday, which is much better than the first time with a purpose.

"Well, let's go. Luo Li and I don't have any goals, it's far away from the imperial city, and we don't have enough time." An Li said.

As soon as the imperial city was mentioned, Jiamin and Hao Xiangyang's expressions changed slightly. After the two looked at each other, Hao Xiangyang nodded indiscernibly, and Jiamin heaved a sigh of relief.An Li was looking around but didn't notice the interaction between the two, Luo Li noticed but didn't speak, wanting to see what kind of medicine the two were selling in their gourds.

An Li found that Jiamin had no voice, nor did she move, she couldn't help being surprised, and looked over.At this time, Jia Min had already communicated with Hao Xiangyang, looked at An Li's puzzled eyes, and said, "Let's go, I have something to tell you, let's talk as we walk, there are too many people here."

Seeing her serious expression, An Li couldn't help being even more curious. What is she going to tell her?

After getting away from the crowd and walking in the direction of the elite monsters, Jia Min took out two cards and handed them to An Li.An Li was a little puzzled when she saw this, and took a look at it in her hand. It said: Atlantis Royal City Pass.

"This is a pass? What do you mean by giving this to me?" An Li was really surprised, she didn't expect Jia Min to give her this pass.

After giving the pass to An Li, Jiamin breathed a sigh of relief, and replied after hearing An Li's question: "This is a decision after discussion between Hao Xiangyang and I, first, thank you for saving your life yesterday, and second It’s just that this is a hot potato, Hao Xiangyang can’t enter the dungeon with me often, and I can’t stop entering the dungeon just to avoid those three troublemakers, it’s not good for the development of my town.”

Jiamin finished speaking in one breath, and the third reason she said a little embarrassedly: "The third reason is to divert their target. I found that if I hold the pass, they will find me, and Hao Xiangyang will find me if I hold it." Hao Xiangyang, so this location should be a location pass. Therefore, it is for my safety to give it to you. What's more, the treasure you found in the sunken ship last time should need this pass more than us."

After hearing what she said, An Li was surprised and didn't know whether to accept it or not.

(End of this chapter)

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