System farm space

Chapter 114 Tsundere Fox

Chapter 114 Tsundere Fox
When An Li returned home, she saw that Luo Li had cut up all the watermelon and put them on the plate, and was eating a tooth of watermelon in his hand.

"How is it, is it sweet?" An Li asked seeing how happy he was eating.

"Well, it's so sweet. Sister Anli, you can eat it too! I didn't even help you with the work in the fields today. You must be exhausted." Luo Li handed a piece of watermelon to Anli.

An Li also finished eating a tooth of watermelon, and after feeling refreshed for a while, she said: "Then why are you tired, I worked alone before you came."

After eating three or four teeth of watermelon in a row, An Li reluctantly stopped and prepared to make lunch.

"Eat less, your stomach has just healed for a few days, don't overeat it again." An Li told Luo Li to eat less watermelon, and to make porridge for Hu Mobai first in the kitchen.

Put the rice into the boiled water and let it simmer slowly. An Li soaked the dried chicken for a while, chopped it up and poured it into the porridge, then chopped some green onion and shredded ginger for later use.

An Li still made two sides for lunch, and I feel that nothing is as refreshing as cold noodles in this hot day.After adjusting the dishes, An Li thought that she had grown too few vegetables.Cucumber and beans are both delicious, but she doesn't have any.

"Next time the Yunyou businessman comes to see what autumn vegetables you can grow in Youmi, and increase the variety of vegetables. It's so boring to eat these every day." Don't let the chicken porridge with fox mobai get stuck in the pot.

Busily preparing the meal, An Li asked Luo Li to cook the noodles by herself, and she went to deliver the meal to Hu Mobai.

He knocked on the door of Luo Li's house and went in.Hu Mobai lay quietly on the bed, with his eyes closed, he didn't know if he was asleep or awake, and he didn't want to open them.

An Li was not used to him either, so she put down the porridge and said to Hu Mobai: "It's time to eat, and I made chicken porridge for you. Can I help you up?"

An Li talked for a long time, but Hu Mobai didn't respond at all.An Li leaned over and looked at this prosperous beauty and couldn't help complaining in her heart, she is quite beautiful, but this character is too unpleasant.

After poking Hu Mobai's face, Hu Mobai frowned slightly.This little move was noticed by An Li, who had been staring at him, and couldn't help but laugh.

"Whether you like to eat or not, the food is brought here for you, you can figure it out." Then he left angrily, slammed the door shut, and still couldn't help cursing: When you are Uncle, what an attitude to save your life.

Luo Li cooked the noodles and waited for An Li to come back to eat. Seeing that An Li came back angrily, she couldn't help but look sideways, and asked, "What's wrong, Sister An Li?"

"Don't mention it, he just saved an old man! He served him delicious food and drinks, and gave him expensive medicine. What kind of attitude does he have?" An Li's temper was like a wild horse that had escaped the reins. After hearing this After Luo Li's question, he got out of control, and Balabala started to scold Hu Mobai like he was pouring beans.

Luo Li persuaded him from the side: "Sister An Li, don't be angry. Most of the fox people have such a personality, very proud. Don't take it to heart, maybe he has no other intentions, maybe he is embarrassed."

"Sorry? He doesn't look embarrassed at all!" An Li became more and more angry as he spoke. Luo Li saw that something was wrong and quickly made Anli vegetables and noodles and pushed them in front of her eyes.

An Li looked at the noodles in front of her, and then endured and forbeared and said nothing more, biting the noodles angrily, venting her anger as if it was Hu Mobai.

Luo Li saw that she was no longer thinking about it, so he let out a breath quietly, thinking to himself: Sister An Li will become a blockbuster if she doesn't sing, and the energy of these thoughts will catch up with Tang Seng.

After dinner, An Li thought that Luo Li's current house was occupied by Hu Mobai, so she asked him to go to Uncle Jin's house to make a bed first.Luo Li had been observing Hu Mobai's situation last night and didn't sleep much. He was really tired at the moment, but he was worried about Hu Mobai, so he couldn't help hesitating.

"Okay, you go to bed and rest, I'll help you keep an eye on him." An Li looked at him and said.

Luo Li suddenly felt even more uneasy when he heard An Li say that she was going to see Hu Mobai.

"Sister An Li, why don't I watch him, I'm fine, I'm not too tired..." Then he stopped under An Li's stare.

"Don't worry, I can still eat him. It's just that I don't like his indifferent appearance. Go ahead, don't block my eyes." An Li chased away.

Luo Li had no choice but to go to Uncle Jin's house to sleep on the bed.

An Li first secured another small house next to Luo Li's house, and let Hu Mobai live here when he got better, otherwise Luo Li wouldn't be able to go home.

After doing all this, An Li reluctantly went to Luo Li's house with a basket of corn husks to look at Hu Mobai.

Entering the house, Hu Mobai had already finished the porridge, and the bowls and chopsticks were neatly placed there. If he hadn't seen the bottom of the porridge in the bowl, he would have thought he hadn't eaten at all.

An Li snorted, then put the bamboo basket on the ground, and sat aside to weave corn husks by herself.She thought about making another mattress, and some small cushions, maybe it would be of some use.

In this way, the two were relatively silent, one was lying on the bed with eyes closed, and the other was sitting on a chair weaving corn husks, neither paying attention to the other.

Hu Mobai heard the sound of weaving leaves rubbing against his ears, feeling a little restless in his heart.

In his heart, he was also grateful to the girl for saving him, but with his temper, he really couldn't bear to thank her.

Hu Mobai sighed secretly, opened his eyes slightly and secretly glanced at An Li.At this time, An Li was seriously doing the work in hand, and didn't notice that Hu Mobai was secretly looking at her at all.

Hu Mobai looked at the girl in front of him carefully. She was not very beautiful, she was just ordinary.Height, when I stood there talking to him today, it didn't seem too low, but it wasn't too high either.The figure is... so-so, just like that.The clothes she wore were also very tacky, with a tiger leather suit on her body, which made her look a bit low-key.After looking at it, he only gave Anli two evaluations: average.

Hu Mobai is used to the beauty of fox women, so maybe everyone is ordinary in his eyes.Withdrawing his scrutiny, he was a little depressed because he was about to work for such an ordinary girl. If he was unlucky, he might have stuffed his teeth with drinking water.Then, accompanied by the rustling sound from Anli's side, she gradually fell asleep.

After An Li finished weaving all the corn husks in the basket, she glanced at Hu Mobai, and found that he was breathing evenly and must have fallen asleep.Gently cleaned up the corn husks on the ground, then rolled up the finished product and stuffed it into the bamboo basket, gently closed the door and left.

When she got home, An Li rolled up the braided corn husks and made a small mat.Because it is not long enough, I can only get a mat.I want to make a mattress when she opens it up in her own home to make it more convenient, but Luo Li is too small to use it there.

After sewing the mat, Anli washed his hands and cleaned up the residue on his body and started making noodles. He cooked noodles for Hu Mobai to eat in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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