System farm space

Chapter 108 Hao Xiangyang

Chapter 108 Hao Xiangyang

An Li looked at this topographic map, no matter how you looked at it, it seemed familiar.

"This, what continent does it look like. Continent? Ah, maybe it's a certain piece on the globe." An Li had a flash of inspiration, picked up the blueprint and stood next to the globe to study the graphics.

"Well, it seems to be here?" Anli found the position marked by the globe according to the topographic map, and then pressed it with her hand. With a "click", a box popped up from the base under the globe. There were three grooves on it. Just found the shape of a few wooden blocks.A handful of wooden blocks are put in, the box is opened, and inside is the last key.

"This should be the key to the last drawer." An Li picked up the key and opened the last drawer, and there was a red velvet box inside.

Taking out the velvet box, I can feel that the weight is not very heavy, but light.

"What's in it? It doesn't feel like it has any weight." An Li was a little puzzled, wondering if it was some other key or prop.

An Li opened the box, and there was a folded piece of paper inside.The moment An Li saw the paper, she was a little disappointed. She thought it was some kind of gem and diamond, but it turned out to be just a piece of paper.

After opening the paper, Anli's facial expression changed from unhappiness at the beginning to ecstasy after carefully reading the content.It's a map, and maybe there's nothing ecstatic about maps either.but!This is a map of the imperial city of Atlantis.It carefully marked where is what, where to find what.This is simply a golden finger, all the things that can be found in the imperial city are marked on the map.

"Luo Li, we're going to get rich." An Li said to Luo Li with a trembling voice, her eyes shining like stars.

Seeing her excited speech, Luo Li changed her tone, and was a little curious about why An Li was so excited.

An Li handed Luo Li the map in her hand and told him to look at it.Luo Li looked at it carefully, and also had the same surprise on his face, "If the mark on this is true, then we will really get rich. But, can we enter the imperial city again?"

Luo Li's question was like a basin of cold water pouring over An Li's heart.That's right, it was an accident that she was sent to the imperial city after entering the dungeon for the first time, but if she still wants to enter the imperial city again, she can't get in by accident, right?

"What you said is also a problem, and I don't know how to enter the imperial city again." An Li was a little frustrated.

[Anli, you can look at the map.The map has changed~] 22 said to Anli.

An Li clicked on the dungeon map, and found that the imperial city they had been to appeared on the map, and the current shipwreck was very close to the imperial city.At least from the map, it is very close.

"Luo Li, we are near the imperial city now. The question is, how do we get into the imperial city? The guards at the gate of the city are so strict, it's not easy to sneak in." An Li was a little bit troubled, and discussed with Luo Li.

"Let's talk about it when we find it nearby, maybe there will be a way to get in then."

"Then let's go, my heart has already flown to the imperial city." An Li put the drawing into the space of the ring. This is a valuable item, so it's better to put it in the ring for safety.

When they opened the door, the people outside were about to open the door to come in, and the three of them looked at each other in a daze.

Seeing that they were two people, the man outside felt bad and turned around and ran away.Luo Li's movements preceded his brains, grabbing the man and pressing him to the ground the moment he turned around.

An Li stared at all these changes in dumbfounded, unable to react for a moment.

The caught man was about to open his mouth to shout, trying to attract the attention of the others in the boat so he could slip away.Luo Li would not give him a chance to shout, so he covered his mouth and dragged him into the captain's cabin.

An Li mechanically closed the door again, only then did she react when she saw the man who was still suppressed by Luo Li.

This person seemed to have just experienced a battle, his clothes were covered in dust, and some places were still a little tattered.The face is the worst. The person who beat him may have a grudge against him. Half of his face was swollen like a pig's head.

"Eh... You're also here to hunt for treasure?" An Li was at a loss for words, not knowing what to say.

"Sister, this person is the one we followed. His back is exactly the same as that person's back." Luo Li said at this time.

"Ah~ you are that cicada. Uh, no, I mean you led us to find the cabin." An Li was a little embarrassed, and accidentally told the truth.

"So it was you who made the noise? Heh, the man who fought with me thought he was a oriole, but he was also tricked!" The man said vaguely because half of his face was swollen.

"Then, which one of you two won in the end? Seeing how miserable you are, you must have been robbed, right?" An Li asked curiously seeing the man's miserable face.

"Young master, I'm so powerful, how could I be robbed? I rob others. That person, hehehe, was half disabled by me and contributed half of his property to me, so I reluctantly let him go." The man said triumphantly.

"Hey, can we rob you too?" An Li smiled maliciously after hearing what he said. "Come on, I'll let you go if you hand over the good stuff, or you'll suffer a lot."

The man didn't seem to expect that the development of the plot was beyond his expectations, and he looked at An Li with a bewildered expression.

"Whatever you look at, I'll beat you if you look at it again! Hurry up, hand over the good things, or you will suffer, my brother's fists are not vegetarian!" An Li threatened.

"You, you, how can you girl do such a rude thing as robbery?" The man looked at An Li in disbelief, acting like a bandit leader.

"Then what's the matter, it would be stupid not to slaughter a fat sheep! Hurry up, my girl's patience is limited, we have to find other good things." An Li said nonchalantly.

Seeing that the man was still unmoved, when An Li was about to signal Luo Li to do something, the door was opened from the outside.

A woman who exuded the aura of not being close to strangers came in, looked around the crowd, then looked down at the man, and said viciously: "Hao Xiangyang, I finally found you, you dare to bully me!"

"You, you, you, you were knocked out by me, didn't you? Why did you come here!" The man named Hao Xiangyang was a little frightened when he saw the woman's gloomy face, and his words were a little awkward.

"You are too much, how can you do this to me?" The woman cried as she spoke.

Hao Xiangyang was a little flustered when he saw the woman crying, and An Li saw him signaling Luo Li to let go of his hand.Then he hurried over to coax the woman in various ways: "Hey, don't cry! I don't know that you are following behind. You see, you also beat me into a pig's head, be good, don't cry."

An Li looked at the two of you with great interest, her face full of gossip.

 There are two little friends who said they want to appear in my book... After thinking about it, I plan to dub them into a CP, a pair of happy friends, hehehe

(End of this chapter)

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