Practice origin column

Chapter 91 1 Accidentally Killed a God

Chapter 91 Accidentally killed a god

The prince's female corpse stood quietly on the treetop not far away, her eyes were white, she looked at Sikong blankly, and the divine light of the Supreme Emerald was still there.

God, it's getting brighter.

Sikong's mind turned a thousand times, strands of anxiety surfaced in his heart, sweat poured down, and directly wet Sikong's clothes.

Even if the dragon pattern armor is the suit of the Templar Knights, an epic weapon, the casting process is at its peak, and it is completely in line with ergonomics, Sikong still feels extremely stuffy at this moment.

'Um?Knights Templar! '

Suddenly, Sikong's face became fixed, as if he had thought of something.

Since the beginning of the battle of the gods, the Templars and the angels have gone to the battlefield of the gods. Afterwards, the angels shed blood, the temple collapsed, and [-] angel tears and twelve blazing wings fell.

The Templars were all killed in battle, and the remaining divine sense brought their armor back under the angel statue and continued to guard the temple.

Let there be one hundred and eight dragon-patterned armors in Middle-earth forever.However, no one can use the power of the temple in the dragon-patterned armor, bronze mask, and rusty sword.

Just because, with the death of the Templars, the power of the Temple fell into a deep sleep, and they only showed their edge for the Templars.

Thinking of this, Sikong smiled strangely, stepped forward with one step, and actually quickly walked towards the prince's female corpse!

He is indeed not a Templar, but he has the Eye of Origin, enough to change the world!


From the distant mountains, there was the song of birds at the beginning of the day, and the faint sound of air waves flapping their wings.

Birdsong echoed in the sky, and then the sky turned red.

A red cloud made the black mist recede completely, filling the sea with gold waves, and from behind the red cloud leaked a ray of morning sun like boiling molten steel, gushing out with dazzling golden light.

This ray of morning sun shuttles among the tiny gaps in the treetops.Comfortable, long.

The freshness of the jungle diffuses at this moment, filling all the emptiness between heaven and earth. Under the sun, there is a slender dusty field, which makes the whole castle from the grayness of black and white photos to vividness.

It was dawn and the sacrifices began.

The remains of the true god in the supreme emerald suddenly shone brightly, and the corpse of the prince and woman fell from the treetops like a puppet on a string.

She pulled out the broken sword in her chest, the dark red sword tip was dotted with blood plums, and then charged towards Sikong with overwhelming murderous intent.

As long as Sikong sheds blood at this dawn, the sacrifice can be completed and become a tribute to the resurrection of the true god!

In the confinement of the divine light of the remains of the true god, and under the murderous intent of the prince's daughter, Sikong is like a lone boat in the raging sea. When a wave comes, the boat will be destroyed and everyone will die. He will be lost in the established destiny and become a sad sacrifice.

The broken sword came into Sikong's eyes, and the Supreme Emerald on the eyebrows of the prince's female corpse was extremely clear, and even the shallow crack could be seen.

Preordained destiny?
There is a fierce look in Sikong's eyes, and when he moves his mind, it is the eye of origin!

Templar suit, cast from the world's fetal membranes to become immortal, containing the power of the temple

Origins Compendium: Origins of the World

Simulation level: low

Origin Derivatives: Changing the World

Note: The observed object is real, can be seized, and has strong plasticity

Change the world!

Then, Sikong's vision changed.

One by one, the things he had seen came one after another, like a slide show.

The wall with eroded bricks, the terrifying fire dragon, the Qianxue River coming from the snow-capped mountains...

After crossing the wilderness and wading across the river, the final picture is fixed on a ruined temple.

Under the statue of an angel with broken wings, a dead templar sits cross-legged on the ground, with a rusted sword on his knees, and his hands are raised upwards, as if trying to catch the angel's tears.

The world turns and the stars move, but it is only a moment.

Sikong's aura suddenly changed. In less than twenty years, he has seen the vicissitudes of life change in the blink of an eye, and the people in his hometown don't know him.

When it is silent, it is like a mountain lying among the breeze and stars, overlooking the world of Middle-earth in the coming and going.

When he was in a hurry, if the thunder was furious, he vowed to make the middle-earth world fade away. Even if the gods came to fight, he would dare to cut a sword!
In the dragon pattern armor, the holy light changed from light to thick. First, a ray of holy light lingered out, as if he was familiar with the breath that he had never felt for thousands of years.

Then, the holy light turned into a silver waterfall, soaring into the sky, completely piercing through the darkness, even the nascent golden sun was covered by this monstrous holy light.

On the bronze mask, an icy feeling flowed down, which shocked Sikong's spirit, and made his mental range, which was obscured by serious injuries, seem to have improved a bit.

As the broken gun approached, Sikong yelled——


The Rusty Sword let out a mournful cry, as if weeping with joy, the sword shook, and all the rust fell off one after another.

Revealing the incomparably mysterious, patterned sword body with mountains, rivers, vegetation, and angel temples!

The once rusty sword is now the holy sword!
The holy sword collided with the Broken Sword, and the Broken Sword shattered like a bamboo, turning into sawdust, and then pierced the prince's female corpse between the eyebrows.


The tip of the sword pierced directly into the Supreme Emerald, and when Sikong raised his hand, the holy sword picked out the Supreme Emerald.

The remains of the true god in the supreme emerald seemed to feel a huge crisis, and it kept moving. The divine light was shot directly, and it wanted to shake off the holy sword and fled away.

"If you're still alive, I'm still afraid of you. But you're dead, and you still dare to plot against me, then I'll have to cut you to death!"

Sikong is not willing to let go, he smiles ferociously, imitating his own aura with all his strength, the ancient aura is stronger, just like a templar reincarnated from death, resurrected!
Then, the power of the temple that has been accumulated for thousands of years in the dragon pattern armor, bronze mask, and holy sword is fully released.

With this isolated city as the center, a ray of holy light spread rapidly like a wave, swaying across the wilderness, imprinting across the vast river, covering all the ice fields and snow-capped mountains, and spreading throughout the entire Middle-earth world.

Countless people looked at the holy power of the world in a daze, and the whole Middle-earth fell silent at this moment.

"Is this the Holy Light?! Are there still Templars alive?"

The holy priests rushed down from the altar, looking far away at the direction where the holy light came, and muttering to themselves.

"Shou Gucheng! It's already dawn, he will definitely die! If you continue to resist, don't blame me for being cruel!"

In a dry river channel, the mud layer was cracked and the river dam was cut off. Eight people stood tall on the dry shrubs on both sides of the river channel.

On the dry river, there is a swordsman.

The wooden sword of Shougu City broke, leaving only the hilt entwined with thorns in his hand.

But the blade of the wooden sword was nowhere to be seen.

Shou Gucheng's body was covered with sword wounds and knife marks that could be seen deep in the bones. His chest was even more collapsed and his ribs were broken.

If you look closely, you can still vaguely see the shape of a fist.

Shougucheng is a lonely swordsman, so he still stands alone.

Shougucheng calmly looked at the prince in purple, looked at the crowd, and looked behind the mountain and under the cloud.

There, there is an isolated city.

Shougucheng mentioned again, the hilt.


The Prince in Purple Clothes frowned and his face looked a little pale. On the valuable purple clothes, a gray footprint was particularly eye-catching.

Shougu City is indeed the only swordsman in Middle-earth. Even if nine of them attacked at the same time, they paid a high price to injure it severely.

The reason there were nine people was because there was also a female prince who was killed by Shougucheng with a sword and became the bait for the eight of them to lure the remains of the true god.

Let the remains of the true god go and ask for sacrifices in person!
Shougucheng touched the blood that had dried up on his mouth, and watched the eight people kill him, a little madness floated in his eyes.

Among the methods of "Weiwo Jianguang Contemplation", the published method of ghosts and monsters is even more ready to go.

But suddenly, a piece of holy light came, filling the dry river.

The expressions of the eight men in purple changed, they stopped, and turned to look in the direction from where the holy light came.

A figure stepped out of the holy light, holding the holy sword in his right hand and a thorn in his left hand.

On the thorns, a supreme emerald hangs on the barbed chelicerum.

He took off the bronze mask, revealing Sikong's pale and delicate face.

"You, you are still not dead? Impossible, really, where is the real god?"

The man in purple frowned, unable to believe it, looking at the Supreme Emerald on the thorns, feeling uneasy.

Sikong bared his teeth, showing his sharp teeth, and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, I accidentally killed him, God!"

(End of this chapter)

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