Practice origin column

Chapter 77 Angel's Last Tears

Chapter 77 Angel's Last Tears
Sikong's physical condition is not very good. Perhaps for his role as a troubadour, it is easy to climb over the plank roads and chaotic rocks, but Sikong has to put in a lot of effort.

Sikong paused for a while, wiped the sweat from his forehead with the lapel of his clothes, and looked forward, he saw dense forests with luxuriant branches and leaves, with some gaps in between.

A corner of the stone wall is faintly exposed, and the dark green moss climbs up the stone wall, looming, which looks a bit ancient.

'That's a building complex? '

Sikong's spirit was shaken, his body gained some strength for no reason, and he chopped off the vines blocking the way with thorns.

'Whoosh! '

Suddenly, a lightning-fast black figure shot out from the vine.

Sikong's expression froze, and he used the thorn stick in his hand as a short spear, and the two spears flew together. The thorn stick pierced the air waves, and directly pointed at the black figure.

Huge force was transmitted from the thorns, and most of the elastic thorns were bent by half. Sikong's tiger's mouth hurt, and he actually tore bloodshot threads.


Sikong stepped on the ground with his toes, instead of retreating, he went up, holding the breath in his mouth without letting go, and the thorns stabbed towards the black figure.


As if head-to-head with gold and stone, a large handful of sparks flew directly from the chelicerae at the tip of the thorns, but the sharp chelicerae also cut a shallow wound on the black figure.

Then, the poisonous holes in the barbs of the fangs flowed out clear green and dark venom.

The toxicity of this venom was so overbearing, it caused the black figure to die suddenly in an instant.

The struggling body collapsed powerlessly.

Only then did Sikong have time to rub the appearance of the black figure.

The black pattern on the whole body looks like a snake but not a snake. There are two legs and feet under the abdomen, and at the end, there are two tails.

The appearance is very strange, and it is a unique creature of the civilization of the Middle Earth God Kingdom.

The troubadour's memory told Sikong that this creature was called Limbo Snake.

According to legend, the Limbo Snake was transformed by Lim Bo, a pagan from hell. He wanted to escape from the gate of the underworld, and because he was eager to accept God's baptism, he liked to occupy the vicinity of holy places.

It is a natural camouflage expert, its skin is very hard, and it is not afraid of fire and water.

Following the shallow scar, Sikong completely peeled off the snake's skin with the thorns of thorns, wrapped one end around his wrist and the other end around the thorns.

This thorn bar is Sikong's most important self-defense weapon so far.

Without it, Sikong's strength would drop by several percent, and there would be no room for mistakes.

After walking past Lin Bo Snake's corpse, Sikong Fu moved forward again.

After a while, the looming buildings finally removed the mysterious tulle.

This is a temple with broken walls and ruins, most of which are hidden by moss and vines.

Because, Sikong saw a huge stone statue in the center of the ruined buildings.

Sikong used thorns to push aside the dense vines, and saw a mottled statue with time marks coming from Canggu.

With wings on his back, arms in his arms, his loving face pities the world, and there are lifelike teardrops in the eyes of the statue, ready to drip.

This is a statue of an angel.

It's a pity that due to wind, frost and rain erosion, vegetation eroded, most of the angel's statue was damaged, and even its wings were broken.

Winged Angel, Sleeping Temple.

Only the tears in the eyes are still clear.

Standing on a stone pile with thorns, Sikong stood on top of a stone pile and looked from a distance. He saw that this temple was once very large, with rows of rows for miles. Presumably there were many believers, praying day and night.

Unfortunately, time has erased everything.

Most of the temples were in ruins, and they became the nourishment of the towering ancient trees, the lairs of the poisonous beasts, and became one of the unique landforms of this wilderness.

And perhaps because of the angel statue, it is holy and pure, shining in the three worlds, but there are no poisons or beasts entrenched here.

The last pure land was left.

"The civilization of the kingdom of God, the gods fight..."

Sikong pondered, turned his gaze away, and turned to see the angel statue.


Suddenly, Sikong's face changed, his breathing became a little short, and the back of his clothes was wet with cold sweat.

Because, under the statue of the broken-winged angel, there was an extra person at some point!

Wearing an old and simple dragon pattern armor and a cold abstract bronze mask, sitting cross-legged on the ground.

On the lap, the right hand is holding an unsheathed iron sword. There is no hilt or grid, only the rusty blade.

A pure sword, a sword only for killing people!
The left hand is backhand like a dish, resting on the tip of the sword, as if waiting for something.

This person came so suddenly, even though Sikong's current physical condition is very bad, but the most basic vigilance is still there.

He can be sure that there is no such person under the statue of the broken-winged angel just now.

"Hello, where is this, the nearest human gathering place, and in which direction?"

Whether it is an enemy or a friend, it is always necessary to test the opponent's attitude. Although Sikong is extremely cautious, he is not afraid.

Sikong clenched the thorn in his hand, and looked at the man sitting cross-legged on the ground.


Birds flew over the branches, and their crisp cries echoed in the light, leaving a feather that landed in front of this person.

Silence filled the space between the two.

Only in the distance, the roar of some unknown beast blurred in the remote wilderness, became the background of this ruined temple.

Sikong frowned, his nerves tensed, and he walked in front of the figure under the Broken Wing Angel.

His chest didn't rise and fall, let alone breathing, and he didn't even have the most basic signs of life stress.

If Sikong realized something, he carefully stabbed this person with a thorn.

There was no reaction at all.

Sikong suddenly let out a long breath, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, looked at the person who had been dead for a long time, and smiled wryly.

No wonder he was so nervous, after all, this person who was not familiar with the place came across a ruined temple.

However, there is another dead person in this temple!
It almost satisfies all the spiritual elements, as if entering the temple alone in the middle of the night, looking at the smiling gods and Buddhas on the altar of the temple, who are surrounded by the holy and majestic, giving birth to indescribable eerie horror.

Gods and demons are one.

"Hey, this is..."

It seemed to be a hallucination, but Sikong suddenly saw the benevolent face of this angel with broken wings, the pity was even more serious, and the tear-filled eyes flickered.

Then, a tear fell, which happened to be caught by the hand of the man under the statue.

Tears condensed into pearls and rolled on the palm of this person's left hand.

It turned out that even if this person died, he would have to wait for thousands of years just to wait for the angel's tears.

Sikong suddenly smiled, and directly picked up the tear without the slightest obstacle in his heart.

The hands are warm and clear, and the tears are more dense with hazy mist.

As he got closer, Sikong even heard the prayers of the angels and the murmuring of the Bible, coming out of his tears.

"I hope that my believers will no longer be lost, and use my tears to awaken the earth..."

Listening to the faint whispers in the tears, Sikong frowned, and then the Eye of Origin began to work——

Angel's tears, transformed by one hundred and eight crowns of holy thorns, condensed with divine power, the most holy thing

Origins Compendium: The Origin of the Gods

Simulation level: low

Origin Derivatives: Changing the World

Note: The current tears of angels can guide lost believers and spread the light of faith

"Receiving lost believers? Could it be that I still want to create a religion, what kind of religious system can't be done?"

Sikong frowned, holding the angel's tears in his heart, puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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