Chapter 72 The Prodigy
All the senior generals of the Song court lost their posts and dismissed overnight, and the common people were unavoidably terrified for a while, speculating about what earth-shattering political struggles were happening at the top.

But Sun Yue knew that releasing military power with a glass of wine was just the first step in Zhao Kuangyin's drastic reform of the country in order to bid farewell to the chaos of the Five Dynasties.

But what does all this have to do with him?At least for the time being, this matter was just gossip to him, and dealing with Tong Ju properly was his business.

At this time, Sun Yue was devoted to Tong Ju. If he could get a Jinshi background, he would be considered a scholar-bureaucrat.

So, when Sun Yue walked into the Zhongshu Provincial Political Affairs Hall with such a determination that failure would lead to success, he looked up and saw a group of examiners and couldn't help but smile.

The biggest difference between Tongju and the scientific examination is that after passing the inspection, there is no need to make papers, but the prime ministers of the Zhongshu Province will verbally test the knowledge of the boys, and give verbal evaluations and official decisions. Suggestion, then report to the government, after all, the purpose of Tong Ju is to find a prodigy, 15-year-old Lu Meng is unlikely to enjoy the same level of difficulty as five-year-old Wang Dan on the topic.

The reason why Sun Yue laughed was precisely because when he looked up, the three people sitting at the head of the political affairs hall were Fan Zhi, Wang Pu, and Wei Renpu.

These three people definitely have no real power at all, but after all, their seniority in official positions is there, and their reputation and knowledge are not comparable to other prime ministers, so their opinions are very important on issues that have nothing to do with real power.

This is two words for Sun Yue: stable.

During the exam, we started with the youngest Wang Dan. The questions were all about the filial piety and the Analects of Confucius. The questions were all rote memorization and did not involve righteousness. Wang Dan also answered each one fluently. The prime ministers were satisfied. After nodding, he began to ask some six classics. Although Wang Dan couldn't answer most of them this time, he still answered quite a few parts. All the prime ministers nodded their approval, and even the candidates secretly admired them. When I was young, I didn't have this ability.

After the school examination, Wang Pu came up with a random topic and asked Wang Dan to compose a poem. Even if the examination was over, of course, the level of poetry was not very good.

It was Sun Yue's turn. At the beginning, he followed the same rhythm as Wang Dan. He also randomly intercepted the endorsement test from the Classic of Filial Piety and The Analects of Confucius. Sun Yue answered fluently, but after a while, Wei Renpu couldn't help it anymore. He stretched out his hand and interrupted: "Brother Wang, don't ask this child about such a simple matter, let me ask."

"Oh? Mr. Wei, please."

A mysterious smile appeared at the corner of Wei Renpu's mouth, which made Sun Yue's whole body tremble.

"In any war, the first is harm, and the second is deterrence; what is the last sentence?"

Sun Yue replied: "If you rest, you will be lazy. If you don't rest, it will be harmful. If you rest for a long time, it will be deterrent."

"Do you know righteousness?"

"It means that in all battles, if you act too early, your troops will be exhausted, and if you act too late, your troops will become timid. Only paying attention to rest will make the army slack, and never resting will definitely make the army tired. However, if you rest for a long time, you will be afraid of fighting. psychology."

"Can you cite an actual case?"

"The battle of the giant deer can prove this."

"Where is Qi Zheng'an, the one who separates and merges into a change?"

"Those who make good use of soldiers are all right and all strange, making the enemy unpredictable, so correctness is also victorious, and strangeness is also victorious. The soldiers of the three armies only know that they are victorious, but they don't know why they are victorious. Ya."

Wei Renpu nodded in satisfaction, and asked many more questions, all of which he had taught Sun Yue on weekdays, from Sima Fa and Li Weigong asking questions, to Liutao and Zhenji, but Sun Yue broke out in a cold sweat. I know that he hasn't reviewed for a long time, and he has been reading books recently to prepare for Tong Ju. I haven't heard that Tong Ju is going to test the art of war!
When Fan Zhi saw Wei Renpu's question, he couldn't help it anymore, and took a test of the criminal law himself, and then Wang Pu again. After a round, Sun Yue only answered more than [-]% of the answer, because he really didn't study much recently. After the homework, sure enough, when I looked up, I saw that the three teachers had a little displeasure on their faces, and I couldn't help but feel bitter.

He felt bitter in his heart, and the other Tong Ju candidates all felt cold, and those with poor mental quality almost passed out.

Could this be the correct difficulty for Tong Ju?What a joke!You must know that among these candidates, like Lu Mengzheng, there are many who are aiming for Jinshi, and some of them are aiming at Mingjing, and they are proficient in all the Nine Classics. But why can't they even understand a single punctuation mark in the test questions of the prime ministers? Understand?
This guy is only eight years old!It's such a difficult thing to take the exam at the age of eight, so they still have to take the exam, especially when this guy clearly answers fluently, Sanxiang still has a dissatisfied expression on his face, oh my god!They felt that they couldn't find a suitable adjective to describe their mood at this time.

The reactions of the other Zaizhi were similar, they all stared at each other, completely dumbfounded, even they couldn't understand so many exam questions!Is this really for Tongju?

Only Lu Meng didn't think about it because he knew Sun Yue's details, but he couldn't help but smile bitterly. These three prime ministers clearly regarded Tong Ju as a random test.He asked himself that he was considered excellent, and he never convinced others in terms of talent, but only after he got to know Sun Yue did he realize that the gap between people is sometimes really inborn.

When Sun Yue finally finished answering the question tremblingly, breaking out in a cold sweat, Wei Renpu snorted coldly and said, "Reluctantly, young people don't waste their studies because they are greedy for fun, you know?"


"Make a poem."

"Please come up with questions, gentlemen."

"Since today is the exam for children, you can write a poem on the topic of child prodigy."

child prodigy?

The poems and prose in the imperial examination are generally used to express aspirations, and the prodigy is a relatively easy question to answer.

The most important thing is that he happened to know a ready-made masterpiece, which happened to be written by a child prodigy in the Northern Song Dynasty. The three teachers were not satisfied, so at this critical moment, he decided to simply copy:
Young people must study hard, and articles can stand up;
Zhu Zigui in the Manchu dynasty was full of scholars.

Knowledge is acquired through diligence, and there are thousands of books in the window;
Three winters are enough for today, who laughs with an empty belly.

Since childhood, he has learned a lot and has a high ambition in his life;
Others carry a sword, but I have a pen like a knife.

In the morning, he was Tian Shelang, and in the evening, he went to the Tianzitang;
There will be no seeds, and the man should be self-improvement.

……… (The full text of the child prodigy’s poem is more than 1000 words, so I won’t copy all of them to cheat the word count)
This child prodigy poem was one of Sun Yue's favorite long works in his previous life. After many years, although he can't remember the latter part clearly, at least he still can't forget the classic part in front of it.

As soon as the poem came out, even San Xiang was a little dumbfounded. They naturally knew Sun Yue's talent and talent in poetry and prose, but they were a little confused by this kind of super long poem, which was so difficult , is far from being comparable to short poems. In fact, few people have played this kind of long poems in the early Song Dynasty. Sun Yue's hand has almost created a new style of writing in the literary world.

Regarding this, all the candidates who took part in Tongju, including Lu Meng, have only one word to describe the emotion in their hearts:
(End of this chapter)

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