Chapter 7

At the beginning of the Song Dynasty, the dignitaries ate three meals, but the common people had two or even one meal. Therefore, after a busy morning, the business of the father and son stopped, and Sun Yue was happily counting the small money .

"One round, two rounds, three rounds, Dad, we actually sold more than four rounds in the morning, and the net profit after deducting costs is almost four rounds."

Sun Chunming was calmer, "The folks have never seen such noodles. They were fresh for a while, so they all bought some. There won't be so many tomorrow. After all, a bowl of noodles for ten yuan is already beyond the tolerance of these bitter hahas." .”

"That's true. If you want me to say that our father and son should not live in Nancheng, Beicheng is the place where our father and son can make great achievements."

Sun Chunming said with a smile: "Public officials in Beicheng walk all over the place. Noble people are not as good as dogs. Why don't people bully us to death when we have no roots and bottomless ordinary people? Besides, the houses in Beicheng are so expensive."

"That's true. By the way, Dad, we are considered rich now. The female corpse also contributed a bag of golden beans yesterday. At least it is worth a few hundred coins."

"What do you want to do?"

"Father, a brothel! It's so easy to travel back to the Northern Song Dynasty, where brothel culture is the most developed, don't you want to see it?"

"Get out! Clean up and talk about cross talk."

"No, dad, I'm exhausted, don't work so hard, we're not so short of money anymore."

"You know what a fart, time travel, my father and I have 1000 years of knowledge and vision, and a little technology in science and engineering, you just try to start a small business? The Northern Song Dynasty is a world of literati, you just study before, In addition, now that you are young, it is a good time to study. When Zhao Er becomes the emperor in the future, you go to take the exam for the Qing Yunbang. At that time, your father will still point out that you are popular and spicy, that's all. Money, something to eat and drink is enough, but is it enough for you to study? Without systematic study, you can at most write two poems, can you write articles? Your father and I have graduated for more than 30 years, think again Learning is nonsense, and all hope is on you."

Sun Yue couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words.

I remember that when I was a child, the economic conditions in the whole country were not very good. Once Sun Chunming received a bonus and ate at a fly restaurant. He excitedly ordered a casserole, while Sun Chunming only ate a bowl of noodles. At that time, Sun Yue asked, since If you have money, why don't you eat better?
Sun Chunming just smiled and said that the money will be saved for him to go to college.

It was a very small matter, and Sun Chunming had already forgotten it when Sun Yue asked about it later, but since then, Sun Yue never dared to slack off when studying.

Although with the country's economic development, their life is getting better and better, and they no longer have to worry about a bowl of casserole, but every time he wants to skip class with his friends to go online, he will think of the bowl of white water noodles back then.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Sun Yue was admitted to 985, finished his master's degree, and entered the top [-]. Before he was happy, he was hit by a big truck. The Northern Song Dynasty came, and he returned to the financially difficult childhood, the outside world The vicissitudes of life have changed, but their father and son seem to have never changed.

"Why are you in a daze, hurry up."



In this way, Sun Yue and his son’s hard-working and fortunate life in the Northern Song Dynasty began. They got up in the morning and stretched noodles, talked about cross talk at noon in the morning, stretched noodles after the sun went down, and closed the door at night to count the money after they were busy. Sleeping like a dead dog, it has been several days in the blink of an eye, and it has come to the Lantern Festival.

Feudal society attaches great importance to festivals. After all, there are only a few days of fun throughout the year. It’s just that this year is particularly deserted due to the change of dynasty, but so many days have passed smoothly, and the confidence of the people has somewhat returned. This Lantern Festival is still to be celebrated.

In addition, Sun Yue has always been careful to think that Zhao Kuangyin's rebellion must be on New Year's Eve because he always thinks that it is not easy to choose a date. It is definitely to put the New Year and the National Day together, so that the ministers who work for him can save a holiday. .

Sun Yue and his son have been looking forward to this day for a long time, not because they are greedy for excitement, but because on this day, they can go to the temple fair in Beicheng to sell noodles.

On weekdays Kaifeng City, especially Beicheng City, is not allowed to have street stalls, but today they don't care. The consumption power of Beicheng City is far from that of Nancheng City. They can sell noodles for a lot more.

After hiring a few men, carrying a large pot of firewood and ingredients on their backs, they came early to occupy a space on the busiest street. Sun Chunming yelled "soup cake~" and started rolling out noodles.

Stretching noodles can definitely be regarded as a show in the Northern Song Dynasty. After two days of practice, Sun Chunming's craftsmanship is getting better and better. Although he still can't stretch a nest of silk, he can still do it. The unique skill is still very attractive to those who have never seen it.

"Big brother, how can you stretch your face so thin!"

Sun Yue said with a smile: "Unique skill, my father has practiced it for 20 years to reach this level. Not only is it fine, but it also tastes chewy. Fifty cents a bowl, would you like to try it?"

Good guy, Nancheng sells a bowl of noodles for ten cents, and the price is five times higher when you come to Beicheng. On the contrary, it was those rushing to pay for the money that frightened him.

A piece of silver that was as big as a nail cap couldn't be found after throwing it out, but he didn't need to look for it. He sold the usual day's turnover in a little effort, and he laughed so hard that he could see his back molars.

At the same time, the Vermilion Bird Gate slowly opened, and more than a hundred cavalrymen, surrounded by a carriage drawn by eight fine horses, slowly came out.

"Brother, the world has finally decided. If you have to travel, you might as well bring more guards."

The people in the car smiled and said: "Although the world is stable, the people's hearts are uncertain. During the Chinese New Year, the streets are deserted. This is because we are worried about our family. I came out of the palace today to have fun with the people and let the people enjoy themselves." Look, I, Zhao Kuangyin, are different from Guo Wei, if you bring more guards and put on a show, how will the common people celebrate the festival, so be it.”

"Brother, you are an official now, you have to tell me."

"Oh, haha, I've made up my mind, there's no need for my second brother to persuade me anymore."

Along the way, people would kneel down and salute when they saw the emperor, but Zhao Kuangyin stopped them all and said, "Today, I'm just here to go shopping. If you want to celebrate the festival, I have to celebrate the festival too. Just do whatever you want, don't worry about me."

Zhao Kuangyin is still not used to talking about me. Seeing Zhao Kuangyin's charming smile, the people hung their hearts and finally put it back in their stomachs. The convoy was moving very slowly. Everyone saw that Zhao Kuangyin really had no pretensions at all. What are you doing.

As far as this Zhao Kuangyin is concerned, no other skills are mentioned, at least in terms of personality charm, there is almost no one who can compare with him in the history books. When he was not an emperor before, he always appeared in the image of being close to the people. After all, he also wandered. When he was hungry, he secretly went to other people's vegetable fields to eat raw cabbage. Naturally, he didn't have any pretensions, and he was the favorite official of the common people.

Because all the salaries and rewards he received were donated to the widows and orphans of the soldiers, so his Taiwei's mansion is also the simplest among all high-ranking officials, and there are not many servants. He also invited his brothers to drink with some spare money. They all go to the streets to buy things by themselves, and they are bold and funny, in fact, they are highly evaluated by the people.

The reason why I have been worried for so many days is nothing more than being frightened by Guo Wei's incident ten years ago. At this time, when Zhao Kuangyin came out with a smile, the common people saw that Zhao Daheizi seemed to be the original Zhao Daheizi. The hearts of the people will be settled, and Zhao Kuangyin's goal will be achieved. After all, there will only be ten years in the next Zhou Dynasty, and Guo Wei has slaughtered the city. How many people can miss the previous dynasty?

The convoy walked slowly, and suddenly the speed slowed down. Zhao Kuangyin asked, "What are you doing?"

"Guanjia, there is a stall selling soup and cakes in front of it. There are too many people around. It seems that they are all watching the fun. Do you want to clear the way?"

"Soup cakes? I thought they were just for juggling. What's so interesting about selling soup cakes? Let's go and have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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