Dad, this seems to be the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 524 Ending: Founding Fathers

Chapter 524 Ending: Founding Fathers

200 years later.

Under the Capitol Hill, groups of tourists are queuing up with a bit of impatience. This happens every September when dinner is served here. The court has become accustomed to it. Fortunately, most of the tour guides here have received professional training and have basic patience. It's still ok.

"Okay tourists, the faces of the people on Capitol Hill you see now are the appearances of our founding fathers in the legend. The one in the middle is Sun Chunming, the ancestor of the Congress, and Cao Bin and Zhao Guangmei are on both sides of him. Oh, it’s spectacular, isn’t it, the currency we are currently using, the hundred-dollar bill is based on this portrait, scaled down and printed.”

"It is said that when the Capitol Hill was carved, they wanted to place the sage Sun Yue in the middle, but at that time, Sun Gong believed that their father and son should not steal the limelight together, so there was no Yue Gong on the entire exterior of the Capitol Hill. Statue."

Song Dynasty’s own people are naturally familiar with this period of history. In fact, most of these tour guides are talking to foreign tourists. Many tourists with good economic conditions have already taken out their bulky cameras to take pictures. After all, Sun Yue is not only a sage of the Song Dynasty, but also a sage of the world.

Although this guy is also the pioneer of the sinful voyage, and there are gossip that he is the chief culprit who invaded the Japanese country, at least half of his responsibility in the 50-year history of the suffering of the Japanese country, but this still does not affect international friends. His adoration.

"If you all want to see Yue Gong's heroic appearance, please come up with me."

"Mr. Yue almost single-handedly promoted the capitalist revolution and took the lead in setting an example. Only then did we live a free life today. When he lived until he was [-] years old, the world's first camera was invented. For Yue The four generations of the Duke took the only precious photo of Yue Gong in his life, and it was also the first precious photo in the world. Because the negatives have long been lost, this photo is currently stored on the top floor of the Song Dynasty Imperial History Museum. It is called the treasure of the town hall, and what you are getting now is the textile product of this photo, but you can still see from this photo that Mr. Yue was majestic and heroic when he was young."

"Yuegong's life is extremely legendary, but it is difficult to verify its origin. It is said that no one knows his past before he was eight years old, and even his father Chunminggong's youth experience is blank. It is divided into two parts, the Youzhou faction and the Guanzhong faction. There is also a less popular saying that their father and son are from the Bohai state, and they are descendants of the royal family of the Bohai state. There are documents and materials of the Khitan people to testify, but most of them Historians believe it should have been forged by the Khitans."

"Come here, please, what you see now is the portraits of the 72 sages of the Song Dynasty, and above the 72 sages, the only one painted on the ceiling is Mr. Yue. In the scene of his triumphant return after recovering Yanyun, Duke Yue at that time controlled more than two-thirds of the country's elite and possessed unparalleled personal prestige, but he returned the army to us without hesitation. 200 years have passed, and even now, the army of the Song Dynasty still maintains the tradition and belief of being loyal to the country and never being loyal to individuals. To commemorate this moment, the people of the Song Dynasty deliberately recorded this historical moment here permanently."

"This way, please. The mural you see now was painted by the famous painter Li Cheng with his whole life. The birth of the Constitution is also called the sacred moment. Most historians believe that this is the duo of Yuegong and Meigong. Reconciliation, the beginning of letting go of prejudices and embracing trust for the sake of the country and the people is also the beginning of my Song Dynasty's transition from a human system to a legal system, and the people of Song Dynasty will always remember this moment."

"Of course, there are gossip that said that when Duke Yue and Duke Mei established the constitution, they had just returned from drinking flower wine. What's more, it was said that the two sages ordered the same girl at that time."

The crowd burst into laughter.

"Okay, the next thing you see is the most important painting on Capitol Hill. It is called the Birth of the House of Representatives, also known as the abdication map of the sages. We must know that the members of the House of Representatives do not include our founding sages. , but here the painter cleverly painted Yue Gong, Minggong, Meigong, Bin Gong and others on the ceiling to express the concern and importance of the founding sages to the House of Representatives, and from the perspective of their positions Judging from the above, this painting actually uses a lot of composition methods of statues of gods. Of course, I know that in the hearts of many people, the status of the founding fathers of the country is basically equal to that of gods."

"Look here, this is the scene of Sun Hao, the son of Yue Gong, and the granddaughter of Meigong. Standing next to Yue Gong is Murong Yan, the leader of the women's rights movement. Many people in the historians believe that this is the true story of the Song Dynasty. The source of the spirit of harmony but difference, but some historians believe that Yue Gong did not participate at this time, because he was still quarreling with Mei Gong."

"It is said that in the later years of Meigong and Yuegong's relationship, there was a very stiff relationship, but the historians generally believe that Yuegong's body became sick after the death of Meigong. It is said that the two met each other when they were eight years old. I have played for a lifetime, and I have also fought for a lifetime, and it is such a special friendship that has laid the core idea of ​​​​our current two-party system in the Song Dynasty."

"This painting is said to depict the scene where the two sages met in childhood. At that time, Duke Mei was already a prince, while Duke Yue was just an ordinary child like you and me. One glance can last a lifetime. Some people say that today's Song Dynasty is built on the friendship between the two."

"Okay, after leaving the congress hall, the backyard is the mausoleum of the sages. It is said that Mr. Mei was supposed to be buried in the Taimiao, but he refused, and Mr. Yue even had the title of Yasheng before his death, but according to Mr. Yue’s will resolutely forbids future generations to praise him for sanctification. He said that he is just an ordinary person who met by fate. The graves of two sages, old friends and rivals, will forever and ever be on the top of Capitol Hill. Watch us."

"Please note that no open flames are allowed on Capitol Hill. If you want to pay homage to the sages, please go to the left to buy flowers and do not burn incense. Violators will be transferred to the public security organs, and we will prosecute you for blasphemy."

After all, the female tour guide took out ten yuan first, bought a bunch of chrysanthemums and placed them gently in front of Sun Yue's grave, bowed deeply, and put her hands together: "Dear Father of the Nation, my son will be born this year." The college entrance examination, please bless him, he can be admitted to Tsinghua University nominated by you personally."

(End of this chapter)

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