Chapter 506 Writing a Book
It's early autumn, the leaves have fallen and the flowers have turned yellow, the cicadas are cooling off the water, and almost all the farmers are preparing for the autumn harvest. This is the busiest time of the year, but for wealthy people, it is quite leisurely.

It is rare for Sun Yue, who has nothing to do, to spread heroic posts widely in Luoyang City, calling friends everywhere, inviting friends to his newly built academy, enjoying sweet-scented osmanthus, fishing crabs, and cooking a pot of incense at night Tea, warm a few glasses of good wine, boil the crabs caught in a hundred days, and after cracking the shells, there will be plump and tender meat, which is not a good time.

Such carefree days have passed for many days, and sometimes Sun Yue even truly feels that such days are quite good.

It is also annoying to say that after the academy was built, he finally moved out from Sun Chunming's house and built a small courtyard with blue bricks and light tiles for himself in the academy. However, his own son still did not After fighting over Sun Chunming, they temporarily stayed in the Sun Mansion. Because of this matter, the father and son stopped talking to each other.

Although the scenery here in the academy is good, and the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, but the population is unavoidably sparse. If it weren't for calling friends and friends all day long, he would be bored to death.

Of course, there must not be many bigwigs in court or in the army who can be invited by Sun Yue. Most of them are around the same age, relatively young but have just seen their talents, and have a bright future. Because this place has parties every day, and Sun Yue has eaten and seen it and can really play, so over time, Sun Yue's place has become the top small salon in Luoyang, and many major events in the world are actually negotiated here , even the Zhengshitang paid great attention to the suggestions spread from here, and everyone was proud to be able to participate in Sun Yue's salon.

Zhao Dezhao himself didn't believe that Sun Yue would really be willing to return to the mountains and forests, but now that he had put on such a posture, he naturally would not stop him, but became more and more respectful.Sometimes I even thought to myself that if the Sun family father and son stopped and retired now, they would be a pair of virtuous ministers who would go down in history. They would be willing to receive any reward, but it would be impossible not to let them enjoy their old age.

But this is just a thought.

In fact, Zhao Dezhao soon discovered that he was thinking too much.

Historically, there have been many emperors or ministers who centralized power through the compilation of books, not to mention military books, but most of them happened in the Song, Ming and Qing dynasties. Therefore, whether it was Zhao Dezhao or the Manchu civil and military officials, most of them were a bit of an afterthought. I woke up, but it was a little late when I realized something was wrong.As more and more veterans returned to Beijing one after another and joined Sun Yue's great cause of writing military books, Sun Yue's so-called retirement finally gradually revealed his true face.

Sun Yue first called on the veteran generals and even local military governors who no longer had military power to come over and help him repair his books. Anyway, his academy had beautiful scenery and was quite suitable for retirement. He soon gained enthusiastic support from the veterans in Beijing, especially The veteran Zhang Yongde is the most active. This guy is Zhao Kuangyin's old superior.

These people all have their own protégés and old officials, and Sun Yue himself has kept a lot of old troops in the new army, and there are parties here every night, so these generals run to the academy every now and then, and Sun Yue also let them Helping people to participate when they have nothing to do, and at the same time, he and the gang of veterans can brainstorm and teach those front-line generals a little military experience. The best of both worlds, why not do it?
When things developed to this point, everything was still normal, but things went terribly wrong very quickly.

There is no academy that does not accept students. Soon, whether they were local, foreign, or even foreigners, as long as they had soldiers and power, they all sent their sons over. Sun Yue led the old gang The generals will personally teach them the art of war, and those who perform particularly well can become their assistants and help with the revision of books.It is conceivable that in the new army of the Song Dynasty in the next ten years, senior officers who are somewhat on the stage will emerge from this.

After that, Sun Yue said that there is no distinction between education and distinction, and called on the military envoys, defense envoys, and generals in the capital and all parties to send all the grassroots officers who performed well and were literate to participate in the compilation of military books, saying The main purpose is to allow them to practice and deduce formations.

In fact, everyone can see that this is Su Wei from the Tang Dynasty!Officer training camp!After mastering these military skills, even if they are not as good as those generals, they will definitely be the backbone of the world's soldiers and horses.

In this way, the upper, middle, and two ranks of officers in the army now and in the next 20 years are all in the hands of Sun Yue.

What's even worse is that Sun Yue also arranged for the small Hanlin Academy to come to him every day under the pretext of looking up information while compiling the Military Book. The Hanlin Academy was quite willing to go, but the problem was that the Hanlin Academy was essentially the emperor's secretariat!It belongs to Zhongshu Province!

At this point, the Sun family has retreated but not hidden, and the first step of the revolving door in the Song Dynasty has almost been completed. Regardless of political affairs or military matters, which personnel can't intervene in the transfer? For the transfer of more than 200 people, the news will be received within half an hour. Even the thousands of elite soldiers who 'helped with the book repair' are a bit fierce to form their own battalion, and are completely beyond the control of the Privy Council! !Isn't this equivalent to Sun Yue's private army?You must know that theoretically, Li Shimin only used [-] private soldiers during the Xuanwu Gate Incident.

The essence of the revolving door lies in this solid two-way influence. The big bosses who quit politics and went to school rely on those students in front-line careers to maintain their influence on the government, and this influence actually guarantees that the students are always officials' future.If you add a little bit of ethical defense between teachers and students, and a bit too lofty personal prestige, as well as a father who covers the sky with one hand... It seems like an endless loop.

Zhao Dezhao couldn't help being a little confused.

No wonder the Sun family's father and son reacted fiercely to his wanton use of eunuchs, but they didn't use any unpredictable means. It was completely different from their previous style. This is... not necessary at all!

It is estimated that by the time his army of eunuchs has grown up and is ready for use, he will have disciples and old officials all over the world, and they will dare to ask the sun and the moon to change their appearance.

Of course, this also shows to a certain extent that they have no intention of rebellion. Their goal seems to be really Wang Xie in the old days. As the saying goes, a thousand-year-old family has a century-old court, not to mention that so many generations of courts have changed in the past 100 years. But he didn't feel relaxed. If the Sun family really became Wang Xie, no matter how crazy he was, he would join forces with the Cao family to build a Wuyi Lane. How could he be an emperor?What’s the point of the children and grandchildren of the old Zhao family being emperors?
Zhao Dezhao will naturally start to fight back. If he doesn't fight back, he will sit back and wait for death. He knows very well that the era of powerful families has passed, and their elimination is a historical necessity. He doesn't believe that the Sun family's retrograde approach is really possible. It lasts a long time.

However, soon, the Sun family father and son, as usual, once again violated common sense, and a set of combined punches made him a little confused.

Sun Chunming actually followed Sun Yue's actions and took the initiative to resign from his post as Third Secretary on the grounds of old age and lack of energy!And it wasn't just a fake move. The 'company' that had always been one of Sun Chunming's biggest sources of confidence to challenge the imperial power was disbanded by him! !
(End of this chapter)

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